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Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-13 16:05:42
That's SO bad455! I definitely want to get one now.
I clicked on "buy", and it doesn't have a price or a page where I can order.
Can you get these in stores? I doubt it, but it runs on 35mm film, like with disposable cameras, right?

That other effect is way more expensive than the already expensive Fisheye. That's just a larger scale.
This lomo camera is super cool. Is it sold in the states?

I know Nikons cost as low as 485$, I plan to get a Nikon (JAPAN!).
It'll be while before I even think about buying a new lens.
In the meantime until that point, I can experiment and hopefully be better at photography.
I don't only want to have a nice camera to take pics, I want to somewhat be a real photographer... with a nice camera to take pics. ;P


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-13 18:32:04
RAWR time to post

Well I watch lots of em XD Although I'm gonna list a few there's...
like Si-fi, Spike, I still watch Nick but ;_; they no longer have the shows like
Doug, Southpark, Pimp my Ride, Ninja Warrior, Cartoon Network like The Boondocks
and many more I really don't wanna fill this page up XD

Yes the Food Network does help you of what you wanna cook +_+ plus
you may never know what Dish you can make ^^ I just love it
sometimes at home whenever I'm bored I just wanna cook to kill time.

Hey Al whatever is Happening Please be sure you like tell us if you need help so
that you won't do anything Reckless =[ cus suicidal is like running away from
your problems cus I almost once did that ever since i was in 6th grade ppl
picked on me and teachers would just stand there and watch you get beat up and
take the other ppl side lying to my parents making me the fool
till my brother
and his friends showed up and saw everything and record it =D.

@Kira -_- You don't suppose that someone knows the password to your network >.>
cus that happen to me b4 and i had to change my password like a bunch of times
(this was when i had an old network)

*whisper* ever thought of getting the life size Lightsabers >;D or dressing up
like the clones each costume is different depending on what class they are +_+

@HK & DA
Hmm...nice camera +___+ but jezz that expensive!? .__.

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-13 22:46:10 (edited 2009-07-13 22:48:35)
*cough* Kireimu..
$$ is the key for your connection.. xDD

i am fine~
:3 don't worry about us , yah~~

i remember almost everytime i have my exams,i start to sick xDDD

you are using Paint very well
i doubt if i can do a signature or even avatars using Paint :c

aww T.T
/google Food Network *~*+

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-07-13 23:18:35
I was way too shy for my whole high school life.
Didn't actually really speak out until I finished and it was all over.
lol Always wish I did something in the past that might have changed where I am now. xD

Well.. I could actually understand why she would choose to retire.
I mean my class was terrible. Test cheating, she caught the people doing it, but she couldn't do anything.
Since the whole was all about the sports. So she didn't give detention or suspension.
Then half the people start pre-lunch in her class.
Some people ask to go to the bathroom and then comeback 5 min. before class ends.
And if they stayed in class, it was endless talking and items being thrown.

lol I use to get these random adds from like... I don't know what they are.
But their images were always like half naked.
I just add, and then days later, they get deleted.
It stopped now though. I assume its due to extreme inactivity.
Amazingly enough I am on Facebook a lot.
But mostly just for the games. :p

lol I use to watch The Real World. Kinda stopped though. I lost interest.
I found too much yelling and other stuff on it. But yes some of the girls on are very pretty.

This kinda reminds me of Takuto from Galaxy Angel.
I loved one of his lines. "To me, I love ALL GIRLS."
Piercings... I am fine with, but yeah, there definitely is a limit.

No pepper, just a lot of salt packets taken from the cafeteria.
I was amazed how she just poured them down.
I like saltine crackers in some certain soups.
But... if no soup.. I rarely dare touch or eat them.

But... I find people who use PS and Gimp much better.
Especially since I can't seem to understand either of them too much.
Only really I understand with PS is how to angle the images.
Otherwise, I prefer Paint.
Have you really tried using Paint?
Its actually rather easy. :3

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-14 01:40:25
[@JC] lol, no, I meant what's your favorite shows on Food Network. XD

Your Nick showed The Boondocks and Southpark? WTF.
Our Nick is mostly shown and guides towards the younger audience, but everybody love's Spongebob. -_____-"
I admit I liked the earlier episodes, but now it's totally... "lame", for the lack of a better term.

I LOVED Doug back when they showed it, zomg. So ol' school, that dude with the huge noise and green vest?
lol, I liked watching Doug back in the day, as well as Hey Arnold, too.
Now it's totally lame, and they show the "lamest" shows with idiot kids making other fake audiences laugh. :/

The BEST show and one of the greatest shows ever shown on TV which got canceled, was Invader Zim.
Invader Zim was no doubt, the best show Nick ever aired, and I'm glad it was canceled after already a first season air.
I still want to buy the box set in stores, cause that show is too awesome.
It's moved onto other channels (if you have cable), but that was definitely a fun time indeed.

Oh, and yes. Higher Quality = Higher Pricing. Makes sense these days. D:

[@GM] You make any good friends in high school you still talk with now?

Yeah, not to be mean, but your teacher definitely failed.
She must've been a really nice lady, or too hot to deal with annoying 455 teens.
Trust me, if I was her, Satan would be MY b****!
5 minutes before the class ends while being in the bathroom? You'd pee your pants under my jurisdiction!

In the great words of a 4th grade... "RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!!" If you know who says this... XD

lol, those girls have no lives and are probably whores in life or will be whores.
I knew a few, and I actually knew a few like that I met/already met.
They were either extreme 'scene', or, and my better non-whore~ish friends did this, did it just for fun or for sex appeal/entertainment.
MyS is lame, and face is lame, too, everything is lame,
but I enjoy face a bit better cause you don't get those adds anymore and it's kind of fun.
It's more personal since people you'd add/request would be someone remotely around your area, for the most part.

lol, the RW is ABOUT the drama. That's how they become so successful.
Last season in Brooklyn was a good season, but wow the girls were grimy as f#ck,
except the one girl who later gets together with the army kid, I think Ryan was his name.
The other girls, were incredibly grimy, despicable, and I hated them.
All the drama in that season was really guys vs. girls. The guys NEVER fought, and so far this season, it's the same,
except now it's all four guys, three girls, against really one girl (for now).

The RW is like college at the most fun level, and without school.
I wish my future dormates are like that, lol. Just fun, relaxing, open minded, chill dudes. ^_~`

Oh yeah, when people ask me, "what's your perfect girl",
my mind just puts up a gallery of choice(s). That's right, I have more than one perfect girl.
As to a girl who I'd want to be with in life, that's more refined into one special person.

lol, it's like sniffin' cr*ck in class or something, rofl. Hope she was okay now.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-14 01:59:15
lol you laughed? that's a good thing...methinks XDDDD

yeah you could...and i won't run away! O_O
*cough* i think everyone has

i know about the zap, oh i see you're working with a new one...good luck XD
lol of course i know dfnee's works...XDDDD

oh devil jin...XD
hmmm but i'm not good at commenting :<

lol, indeed it's bad >.>

orly nao? i thought oranges are just...edible >D

lol, you...must...RESIST!!! @_@

lol after very hard...that's...maniac @_@

i see O_O
but lol, maybe it happened after the thunderstorm after all...O_o

lol, that never happens to i guess your memory is well..easy to recover? LOL

i see...XD
lol, let's do a heist or something on him /plan
and what about those flan i purposely left behind? did you eat it? lol

lol, i wonder why...i mean, usually people won't bother, other than myself LOL

lol i saw a bump i think...XD
the avy is nice, but i kinda spot some err color burns? on her face up the eyebrows lol
matching logo eh...XD
but at least, i think it's great lol

lol i see XD
but yeah, danchou must get 1st of everything! XP
oh gonna assign staffs? now i'm curious...XDD
the slots will still be there though right?
of course i'll watch for updates, good luck XD

your connection's still so much better than mine... >.<
resetting won' work either, if unplugging the modem then put it back is what you meant x.x
mine is so slow, but sometimes it's good enough, then i go for a downloading spree lol, usually albums...XD

you had a bigger connection before?

err i never use auto sign-in...but photobucket >.>
i remembered that issue of yours D:

gimme $$$ XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-14 09:51:36
i have a PAINT program,but i don't know how to use it :c
i only use it to modify some pictures and upload the pictures for people xD

i would give you if only i start working..
i don't mind :3

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by HK on 2009-07-14 12:11:28

DA: hmm.. it doesn't link you to the international shop page?
o.o that's odd... >.> It really depends on your location though where
your order will be from... here from where I am, some specialty
camera/hobby shops and a particular BOOKSTORE, yeah a bookstore, sell lomo
cams of variations, we could also order from them too.. :P we are lucky

and yeah, lomos are available almost anywhere (if you're living in a major
location...) films and labs however, are scarce... especially if you
are on a place where lomo isn't much "favored"

hmm.. Nikon eh? I'd say it's a good camera for beginners.. >:P
professionals might say the other, but hey, I'm no pro...

JC: nope... they aren't really expensive...
that only costs around 150-200$ tops.. and it varies w/ w/c accessories
and stuffs you buy it with.. >:D

adel: lol.. but my exams are over... lol

kira: well this orange isn't edible... it bites too...
wanna try? >XD

Haseki Keiri Randoms.

Here I go again...
Right here.
So yeah.
I'll try.
The End.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-07-14 12:15:20 eyes is heavy nao...

@Kira: Kira...stop...LYING!! We know you're good at it!!
You forgot: "The person that give all the Comments for AvyXSig contestant?"
so, stop lying!! :(
Btw, do your command on there...i dont want DA mad
Anyways...lets do some spell spamming on FB sometimes~ lol

@Adel: I just want to know others condition...--''
anyways...using paint is sure looks so easy, but to be honest...i cant used it too...its hard than it looks...and GM could used it...
/gonna ask GM "How to use Paint to make a set"

@DA: Thanks.

@JC: o_o another striking again...but thanks.
and, want me to smack that person?? lol

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-07-14 14:12:26
During my last year in high school, I had to be driven to school everyday.
Since I ended up living 30 min. away from it.
It was either that or I transfer.
Since I lived to so far away from the school and the area, I fell out of contact with them.
About a year after high school there was an attempt to stay in contact with them.
But then I started working and just didn't have the time anymore.
I don't call them, and they never call me anymore. :\

She was way too nice.
I believe she took quite a lot of sick days.
I assumed she did it to get away from the class.
The substitutes seem to have more authority than she did.
But like I said, her hands were kinda tied. Most of the students she had in my class were on the sports team.
The sports teams were above our academics apparently.

I think I remember, those girls were called something. I just can't remember.
Either way, I still don't really know what to do on Mys or Face.
Only thing I realized to do is just play the games.
I got so use to that.
Otherwise, if I get an add, I click Accept, and then go back to my games. >.>~

lol Drama, yelling, plot twists. I got enough of that at my mothers house.
My sisters always yelling, mother's boyfriend's daughter is always out doing who knows what. Well.. not "doing" but you know what I mean.
After my sister yells, my mother yells. Then my mom's boyfriends comes in, and then more yelling continues.
Ends with a door slam and a to be continued.
Kinda sounds like a drama show or RW, right? xD

I always wondered what it would be like to get an apartment with a friend.
I need a secured job first though. But I realized eventually that most of my friends are slobs.
I've seen their rooms, and its just... words can't really describe it.
I mean it's cool if they are chill and all but... gotta have some amount of neatness. xD

Oh yeah, definitely.
Gotta have more than one choice. You gotta keep it open.
Sometimes I end up seeing something I like on a girl, that I didn't even know.

Yeah, she was only out of school for like 2 days.
I think it was minor dehydration.
I guess it was 1 day in the hospital, and the second day for resting.

lol full resistance is rather hard.
Take some baby steps towards it, I guess. :3

I think in the Crystal Chronicles it was called Extreme Mode.
I really can't remember without pulling out the game. @_@

I really do thank the lightning for restarting the connection.
But it seems... it has gone down again.
I'm at the library again. The connection here is fixed finally.

My memory.. is weird.
I only remember certain stuff that happens to me.
I have vengeful memory though. >:D
If something bad was done to me at some point, I can remember who and what they did.
And if something funny happens.
But thats about it.

I found it quite easy.
There are like a lot less tools to use in Paint than the others.
Most are actually self explanatory.

lol Al.. I can tell you first right now.
You won't be pulling any lighting or color effects on Paint.
Since Paint doesn't have them. xDD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by samsonov on 2009-07-14 14:49:04
JC: Yes. I believe I can find the lightsaber, though not in my town; the clone trooper costume I think it'll be trouble. I'd be very
happy if I managed to get a helmet. The last time I went to nearby country to buy stuff they were selling Master Chief's helmet, I was
like *_*, too bad I'd need to get a 360 with it.

Kira: oh thanks for it, man, it was tasty /noodles. I'd ask you not to make those, it just implodes my calories counting XD. A heist?! I
was thinking on storming your brother's room while he's killing your conn XD.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-14 15:42:02
[@Ki-run] I think I added some burns. Why, you don't like 'em?
I think it looks appealing. I played with a bunch of effects and little details to get the sides.

Yeah staff members will just be like my "brigade members", since I'm the danchou, I'm "Haruhi", in other terms.
I'll at least assign two. I already had one member in mind, but lately they haven't been active.
I need members who are active and whatnot, like myself, but we'll see how it goes in the next period.

I meant just like, turning it off, wait a bit, then turn it back on.
See my sister has the modem, she has the little "box" which is the main connection.
That's how she gets her connection. I have a wireless connection.
I use this thing, which is basically like a flashdrive if you know what that is,
I just plug it in a port in the back of my computer, install the program so my computer recognizes it, and I have internet.
I use the same code or access info as my sister's modem, but I never really, normally have issues.
Every now and then, yeah it'll be slow, but most of the time, the vast majority it's acceptable.

Zomg, I had a virus attack yesterday and panicked.
I first did a system recovery to a date last Friday,
then once I had to restart my computer, I quickly did a sweep an found four major threatening viruses.
After I quarantined them, my computer's been fine. I flip out quickly cause remember I had that three week hiatus where my computer was being cleaned out.

And no, I've always had this connection.
Well, years years ago I started with MSN, then moved to AOL, both are crappy as hell,
then I had my first hiatus here on, came back with the new connection.

This was when I found out the chat room and whatnot was added, as well as the Golden Age era ending.

[@Keiri] No wait, I googled it, found the main page, then went to "shop" and found the entire page.
That specific link you sent me, is that the camera you have/wanted me to get?
I actually found it on the shop page ("here"). The models match.
I also checked the prices, and wow they are pretty cheap and affordable.
Seems you can order them online for sure, I don't really want to deal with driving around with places that might not have 'em.

Online shopping works everywhere, no matter where you live which is what I like.
There seems to be a bunch of other cameras, too, but the models and designs I'd have to read about cause it's confusing.

Check it out and lemme know what you think. I seriously want to get one now.
I just hope their film is not some special film you can only get at certain stores.
I think the camera produces the visuals, while you can get your film at your local grocery market and such.

But yeah, like you said before it's not digital, but I guess I can hook up my scanner.
Or maybe find one that's digital. Look around and see if you can find one.
I'll try reading more about the other stuff later if I have free time, but wow this is awesome.

[@GM] I rode the bus from 8th-12th really.
Of course when I got my license, I drove a few times or people would give me rides just for the heck of it.
In Jr High I lived literally five minutes away, walking distance from my school, if I take the short cut,
but I instead rode the bus and got to school what, 15 minutes later? ;P

Yeah, it figures. Was she an attractive teacher? Sports over academics? Fail.

lol, you're such a nerd, d00d, and with FACEBOOK games, too! XD
Well, there's still more chances to talk with people, talk with girls, just now it'll be face to face.
Online kind of helps ease a bit of tension, getting to know a bit about a person, etc.
I talk much easier online at first, then when we meet, after a bit of nervousness/awkwardness, it's pretty much natural like online.

You can still get an apartment with people. I mean it's not like you need to go to school to get an apartment.
If you want to live independently while you're single with a stable job, it's a common first choice.
Or if you work for a few years, live at home, and wait until you find that special girl, move out.
I'm not sure if that'll happen to me, and plus I do want to find someone out of the states, so yeah who knows as of now.

Oh, not a serious thing, but wow what the heck was she thinking?


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-14 16:45:19
opps seems like i forgot to put in comedy central there ^^;
well my fav shows that shows on the food network are those cook-offs, and
that guy who has like a yellowish and whitish spikey hair dude who goes around
America tastings other ppls food and yea >.< made me upset when they took off
Invader Zim!!! but I always wanted to know if they made a DVD Collection of it
and a Movie ?_?.

nice deal

Na cus my bro and his friends busted them back then after that made my school life
a bit better.

*whisper* you mean something like this?

Tales of FC

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-14 20:42:45
lol, blond hair, spiky dude? Guy Fieri? Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives!?
That's MY favorite show, because of what it's about! It's too orgasmic for television.

There is an Invader Zim box collection. I saw it before in stores, but foolish of me never bought it. >_<;;
I'm not sure if there's a movie? I never saw it on TV or ever heard of one ever being made.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-15 02:39:58
it is a pain if you miss someone too much that one day you looked at others,you found out the other person looked exactly like the person you miss
i mean ..
,_,.. though that person is not the person you miss,the identical look like almost 80% made you feel shocked and speechless


you passed your exams :3?
congratulation then xD

i know how to use PAINT program for those easy edit,not making avatar though x_x

your mom has a boyfriend now o.o
oh wow..
i mean..
ok ,_,lll

lol..vengeful memory xDDD
actually..people tend to remember something bad and sad happenings rather than the happiness
including you :s~

*hail* Gmeis
expert PAINT user

what a beautiful helmet T.T~ it useable as helmet..or just for cosplay ,_,?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by Thanks DFly~ on 2009-07-15 10:05:54
@GM: but i like your, /defeated by GM. lol.

@Adel: err...what's the font type and size when you're replying something to Keiri?? I must used magnifer to see
btw, i want to see you work!! XD

@DA: TV show?? what TV show?? mind to tell me? o_o

@JC: lol!! wth is that!! nice helmet...

Gawd!! DFly work is so...Beautiful~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by samsonov on 2009-07-15 13:53:29
JC: Yes XD

I reaching the end of my winter break, so sad, I simply have too much stuff to this semester, I wish I could outsource those tasks XD
I need to head to court during the rest of the semester and it's like really boring going there 3 times a week, gladly I have
enough reading for those moments.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-07-15 14:50:55
I rode the bus from like since 1st grade.
I remember having to take a 5 min. walk to get to where the bus will stop.
It was just my senior year that I was driven to school everyday.
Eventually I had to live at my aunt's house which is relatively close to the school.
Then I had to walk to the middle school and catch a bus there to get to the high school.
Rather awkward senior year. ._.;;

lol No, she wasn't attractive.
She was in her like late 50's to early 60's.
She just couldn't control the class at all.
It was a Physics class, I found it rather easy.
She was so lax and for the sports too, that she would actually push back the test and quizzes for them too. :\
I didn't do any bad stuff in the class, but I did end up playing my SP in there a lot.

lol I don't deny it, I do find myself rather nerdy.
Due to connection problems lately, I have trouble playing those games.
I tend to find girls easier to talk to online than in person.
I usually shy up. End up quiet. Sometimes I can't look them in the eyes.
I find my it is easier for me to be more outgoing if people don't see me. xDD

Well.. I still have to wait to put my plans into action.
Though girl finding... will be put on hold.
I think I would be fine with someone that lives out of state. Maybe even out of country.
The apartment... would like a roommate though. Make the rent a lot cheaper of course.

I haven't clue.
She wasn't one of the preppy girls.
More of the out going,hanging out with the wrong crowd types.

My mom has had a boyfriend for a while now. For like 4-5 years now.
It was like 1 of the main reasons for the divorce.
She grew tired of my dad and didn't get along, and found a new guy. :\
I can't really get along with him. He's just as bad as my dad.
It's really rather annoying.

I do find it rather hard to remember happy moments.
Since right now, I can't remember any.

Ehh... don't hail me. ._.

lol Thanks!
I find my work getting worse though.
Its becoming repetitive. T,T

Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-07-15 16:51:07
[@Alvistir] Invader Zim. And that's the Master Chief helmet.

[@GM] Yea, that teacher failed. I don't care what anyone says.
I remember some teachers did that in my school sometimes, too, it was only fair.
There was actually some system where tests could only be given out certain days.
If tests ended up bundled all together in one day and kids complained (and they did), the teacher would move it to tomorrow or whatever.
It happened every so often, but I only though it was fair since there were a lot of kids in higher ranked classes like AP courses.
And yeah, sports would be involved as well, so they'd miss review days and stuff, but overall, it wasn't so bad.

Talking to girls online can be just as weird and awkward as in person, too.
There's always a certain way people talk in person, and when they talk online with typing, it can be different as well.
I talk fairly similar in person and online, depending on certain people I suppose.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver IV (We will go on...)
Link | by on 2009-07-16 01:03:57
lol xD
jk XP
i don't wanna owe so much lol

orly? try it in err...not me XD

lol fine, i'll admit it, i lose AS IF D: :<
so errr...what now lol
on there where lol
lol sure, that wall reserves for onlt us i guess? lol

lol yesh, baby steps...XD it works XP

extreme mode...XD
i played Eiyuu Densetsu Sora no Kiseki, there's this mode call Nightmare mode lol, tried it without using a clear file for the lulz, i ended up getting reaped so quick, OHKO!!! XD

gone down again? aww
at least the library's good now XD

i see O_O
i don't remember that much stuffs...
i can't even remember what caused my fears, seems like they're being sealed somewhere deep...but if someone did something bad to me, i remember how the event went exactly ._.

i made it myself! (jokes)
lol at times it won't hurt though /winkwink
lol, good plan >D
and let's do it like the MIB XDDD

i find the other burn effects nice, but the one on the skin just look weird xD no offense, really. XP

ahhh brigade members...i see. it'll be nice if they're helping to maintain the club, by that i mean don't let it dead XP

i see, little box, reminds me of my old modem lol
and the connection of yours, i think it's the same as mine. lol, just it's not flashdrive, but a thing that have USIM/SIM card inside. lol

zomg virus D:
so now it's fine?

i see...i don't like msn now, it gives me the creeps (the spammage), but nowadays when i have a very bad connection, ym won't let me in.
so you went on hiatus that time...i can't imagine being hiatus during golden era though, i mean, the number of posts many isn't it? :O

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