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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 09:23:26 (edited 2008-12-15 16:49:45)
im back again, and again im clueless of what actually hawt in here?

-delayed by the weather again, so no anchorage this this might be my onli post this time^^

- uh, no one coming to relieve me this trip, so sayonara CF! T_T

-WAAAH, I seriously bored right now; could only dwld a some manga. i carved for some new animes......but there's no way to get it T_T, none of my friend knows where to dwld anime, even if they know its only naruto & bleach..... sheesh.

- also out of boredom i bought some japan manga which i cant read at all LOLZ, but well... since ive been following the scanlation i somehow could understand some stuff^^. if theres anyone here could translate japanese writing and want to start a group, i could happily be the tankoubon supplier^^

kobanwa minna, have you been enjoying yourself lately? i DONT!! T_T

its less likely for area around Kyushu to reach 0degree, but on rare occasion i heard;there's snow but it'll melt immediately after touching ground^^
- only we name it shore pass, the real name is something else, its also issued to pilots and cabin attendant.
- yeah at that time its once a week-_-
- KANNADUKI NO MIKO is a good anime for me! the yuri issue is quite light for me compared to the brilliant storyline & twists that it present!

LOL, im back again nya~ ill be leaving again soon but then ill be back again nya~? you surely never read my post before this?
- quoting shinji ikari
" dont say sayonara........its too sad....."

ahaha your sentence is kinda familiar, but i think i heard something like this

" The material does not matter; it's the feeling that's count"

- anime goodies is not really cheap here also. ive found macross frontier handset-strap but the price is 1,250yen. current rate now is 1,000yen= RM38.33
- whats else can i do? sit back and rot away lah -_-, well, i havnt reach 6months yet so its not that abnormal that there're no reliever coming, ah well looking from bright side there'll be Christmas sale at japan soon XXP.......

what youre so surprised about? ive been coming back and leaving for more than 5 month now.....seem like only bkno9 knows that. uh, piccies again?

its called ANCHORAGE AREA oh-my-dear-oji! we only went to anchor if we arrived earlier than scheduled berthing time.
- lol just noticed someone called you nii-sama, if youre nii than what will i be? a very kawaii little baby i guess? lolz

uh,its past midnite got to sleep, works waiting tomorrow
see ya!

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 09:38:15
uu.. I love the smell of various drugs in hospital, not sure how it taste though. Get better soon ;)!

Well, its gonna be my 1st time watching LIVE cosplayer. I've never met one b4. Huhu.. Rase mcm batak pulak..

Ooo... Good luck on the jobhunting ;)!

watashi mo! Look forward 2 meet you! Dont expect much, you'll might surprise when you see me. I'm just girl next door. Hehehe.. Btw, are you entering the cosplay comp?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 16:43:05
ohayou, an hour more and ill be going away again!

i didnt got reliever this trip so...sorry for those expecting me at CF. i really got no luck for gathering, even for my school, batch and class reunion; i havnt been able to attend any. *sigh* a painful fact for the nature of my carrier.....

lol, i see gender confusion will going to repeat forever in this thread since the males have tendency to use kawaii avvy while the females kept using quite masculine avvy XP. i got my confusion every now and then but now t think i could guess all of your gender correctly ^^.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-15 17:59:10

HAHAHA~<3 Tanoshimi, tanoshimi : ) Don't worry : ) I'm very used to meeting up with Forummers ; D (Met my first one from the States when I was 15. It was fun though)
Nah, I'm not in the competition. I'm cosplaying for fun. Next year, I may think about it. Just for the experience. : D

: < Aww. Wish you could be here though. Well, we will host a Gendounian meet-up! : D
But we must be sure you are available too : )
Manga? Try The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer : D I read it quite recently, and lol, it's pretty much winsome : )
As for animes, that depends on what type you're looking for?
Because I'd recommend Hyakko (Even though it has shoujo ai hints, but it's funny. It's like Hayate no Gotoku in a way)
Or if you like some gore and some good action, Ga-Rei Zero is good, but don't expect this to be the same like the manga that much because the manga's plot comes after the plot in the anime.
Yozukura Quartet I planned on watching that - but I heard it was good : )


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 18:54:01 (edited 2008-12-15 19:00:19)
already on da way.....

-ouch, recommendation? that only crack me more since i couldnt got could you......
-lol, actually the japan tankoubon that i bought is Ga-rei vol.7&8 which the scanlation and translation havnt available yet!! yeah im informed what ga-rei zero is about, i think epilogue like this is better than fillers^^.

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 19:31:35

lol i love porridge's still painful 2 swallow >_>

lol out of blue ne~

ohhhhh not the violence type but can watch yuri XD

well err i'm so not into yuri XDDD

what's barista? O_O

@meekuru XD
lol itsuki!!! XDDDD

kyon is fine already.../facepalm...wait i think es is more like kyon because of facepalms! lol

hmmm mild...still...i'm tempted...bu i don't like yuri. lol
lol the guys know you watch yuri? XD

i can't come there you know T_T
promise a pic of you and your works then! lol

haha not so cold ne...well it IS Kyushu we're talking

lol i thought the name is official...XD

bored? hmm if only i could let you borrow some

hmmmm confusion...>:D so do you think i'm male or female? lol

anyways have a safe journey!

lol the smell is nice...i guess. but the taste is so horrible!!! D:
i nearly puked when the nurse asked me to swallow this bius thingy before the err mini-operation lol

i always get injection pills only twice a day lol

and thanks! ^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-15 19:55:38
LOLOL. Meep :3
Yeah, it's pretty awesome though. A little disappointing on the 3D section but the anime is worth the watch. I hearts Kagura >D

So, wait, we're having an identity crisis here now.
Haruhi-sama, where art thou to decide?

LOL. Well, when I watched it, I had no idea it was Yuri.... until the first episode.
Then I went, Oh, Shoujo Ai.
Hahaha, I got used to it cause I used to do reviews. Not anymore : P
Yuri? The guys I know are HAPPY that I watch Yuri XD
They're okay with me watching Yaoi, 'cause to them, it's pretty much a norm.
: ) And lol, when you write reviews, you can't really say no to the person who hired you : P
So like, yes. XD

:P You can ask Bkno9 for my photos : P
That is if he'll upload it.


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 21:02:51
seriously last tango!

-yea not so cold, just wait if you have to work in open place and facing wind; you'll surely find out true definition of cold!
you did mention earlier about claiming a female character, so kinda obvious you're male. you did give me some confusion earlier since your sentence is kind of "soft", are you youngest child or something?
- borrow is to much hassle to send to back to you XP, just sell it to me XP

since youre following ga-rei, some spoiler from the manga vol.8 ; kagura lost her memories and shirou become a veryveryvery cute puppy.....^^

loneliness = freedom!!!!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-15 21:23:12
err...i'm so not gonna taste that! i can't stand cold and hot. lol

soft? O_O like what? XD
well i'm the oldest. lol. i don't speak english much irl, so maybe that's why lol

most of the DVDs i have...i haven't finish watch yet XDD

lol kiyontsuki? XD
what identity crisis? /why

reviews...those kinda people that do those watch almost every anime ne XD
wait you were hired? lol

why him? if he won't upload? D:

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-16 00:53:18
@meepie mikuru rinrin
too bad u dont hav lappy.. ill bring the disc tough, mayb u can borrow it on sat & return it to me on sunday.. XD
guess..?? hmm.. well.. lets keep it just in mind.. ;)

hohoho.. yeah2.. dat is wat i mean.. its the feeling dat counts..

well.. im kinda know the anime is NOT cheap.. but its kinda stress me out wen i buy anime sometimes since some of the anime is like.. they sell fansubs anime.. :(

nowdays i see many sales banner around.. end of year & cleaning stock sales.. wonder if i shud buy em.. emm.. mayb i shud buy em AFTER cf or ill be short on money.. Xp

lol.. its not my 1st time associate wif cosplayer, but oh well.. its my 1st one after i move to kl.. XD
its kinda cooler if i have time & money to join in cosplaying too.. XD

well yeah duh.. im kinda fine watching yuri.. (i have some fav yuri anime too..) XD
and duh.. hope u get well soon.. for meh, i cant stand eating porridge all time.. >_<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-16 06:49:30

barista is like a people who responsible in making beverages at cafe,usually.If you watch a Korean drama titled The Coffee Prince,you'll know what is barista.Naah....I just like its uniform.XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-16 17:29:15
lol i see XD

same here...though i like porridge sometimes XD
(i'm so used to eating rice with hands so xD)

thanks again ^^

ohhhh...yea they have nice uniform. lol
thanks XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-17 09:02:08 (edited 2008-12-17 09:02:35)
no,i shall pass..i don't like crowds lol

'_' i am curious about CF..but i don't think i am able to participate
first of all,i think the event placed at KL,which is a place that i am not able to reach at
second,i don't like crowds lol x__x~

anyway,meep is going to cosplay at CF?
is it like the Mecha Girl i've seen somewhere?
oh well.. just guessing

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-17 17:04:12
hehe.. i REALLY DO love eating porridge too.. sometimes.. XD
umm.. u really LOVE eating rice dont u..?? well.. im not really into eating rice these few years..
some sandwich for bfast & sometimes (3-4 times a week) i have KFC/McD burger for dinner.. XD
mayb i DO eat rice for lunch, but thats all.. ^_^' (my fren say dat my eating habit is not much like malaysian..) ^_^'

umm.. teh cf is at sunway.. & its NOT very close to kl actually.. ^_^' where u live now anyway..??
dont like crowds..?? same here.. but since CF will be full of ppl of OUR KIND, i guess its fine la.. XD

yeah.. rinrin WILL be cosplaying.. even if shes not, me & bkno sure have "something" out in our sleeve for her.. XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-17 18:24:29
i shall pass =D

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-17 19:10:46
CF Countdown: 2 more days!!!

LOL. This thread is suddenly super active XD
Well, guys, I won't be really active until CF is over, seriously, because I'll be busy doing a lot of stuff :<
Hope to see most of you at CF : ) Do come and say hello!
Note that I may be shifting booths, but it's on the same line as to where my original booth is.
First day, Majokko : D 2nd day, I'll be in a white wig and a blue dress ; D
It won't be hard to find me because I'll be always watching at the booths ; D

And now replying to people I have to reply to : D

NOOOOOOOES D: You spoiler XD;;; I haven't read it yet. Argh.
Now, I'm going to make sure you have to read Hetalia Axis Powers D:

LOL. I don't know if you're Kyon now or Itsuki.
Shall wait for Haruhi to give a decision XD

Yes, indeed (To both questions).
I was forced to stomach everything.
Now, you can imagine me watching Raimuro Senkitan when I was Form 4, and stomaching everything I see :P
Haha, yeah, I was writing reviews, but on certain sites (I don't think they exist anymore)
The last place I wrote for was a Naruto website (only one living), and I think the last review I wrote was a Naruto filler.
... Which mad me renounce Naruto from my life after that because I can't stand fillers.

: P Ask bkno9 if he's kind enough to do you a favor. Heeheehee.
(I mentioned to him that I was camera shy so he might not post up any pics XD)

@DT Yuki : D
Oh, that will be awesome, if you can : D
Hehe, can't wait to see you guys on Sat.
I may not go for Kohee after all cause I realize my schedule that day is really packed orz
I brought my camera but I don't think I'll be taking any nice shots of people unless I go walking or they come to my booth : < *sniff*

: < Aww. Not coming for CF?
Well, I'm not much a crowd person either - but coming for CF is an experience : )


Okay guys! I'll be leaving now! : D
See you guys in CF '08~


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-17 19:25:27
lol quite a name...but meh XD

naruto have too much fillers...DX


lol i sometimes kinda wanna eat something else that rice...but when i eat something like McD i'll get...muak easily. lol
but...prosperity burger!!! nomnomnom XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by mjia on 2008-12-18 02:24:20
Shall i say "CF Countdown:1 day!!"?XP

Everyone,i'm so sory for teh very very late reply..XD.
Currently quite buzy packing my lugguage to KOREA!!
I oso had one day more to go Korea!!
So that means it's the same day as the CF??O_O
Anyway,everyone PLZ enjoy urselves in the CF!!
And i'll enjoy to go Korea too.So i guess today is the last day i online before going korea.
I'll post some photos of korea when i back at 26th Dec.
So i'll celebrate my X'mas in Korea!!How Wonderful!!!XP(Plz don jealous me...XD)
Anyway,i'll miss my manga and anime..T_T
And all of you....of course!**hugs everyone**
Btw,Plz do miss me ya??T_T..>O<
I'll buy souvenir and post laju it..dun worry.XP

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-18 06:56:52
...I can't go there....T_____T
So,to everyone in this thread who will go there..
I wish..
GOOD LUCK AND GANBATTE~!!!(to those who will participate in any comp.,especially cosplayer)
And I hope you guys will enjoy it.XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-19 08:16:44
Heylows evvyonez!

@_@ Ayooo, banyaknyer I missed! I am trying to catch up in this thread! xDDD
Comic Fiesta has started? Wow :D Hope you guys have lots of fun over there :) Put up pics!

Mjia, you're going to Korea? Wow! Mesti best!

I love porridge :33333 Sekarang dah winter, sejuk bukan main2, kena makan porridge, mushroom soup, anything hot and instant xD I include maggi too as a set of my winter rations. xDDDD

Aah, bestnyer... cuti sampai 18th January '09. :)

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