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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by on 2008-10-31 01:13:29
lol that's XDDD

wow kamen rider! lol

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-06 19:13:28
lol, Zpart... XD

Check out this one, I think it is VERY kawaii~~ desu ne?

Free Image Hosting at


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-06 22:33:35

what's the parody in this pic?

and i wouldn't mind waking up with these girls hahaha

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by kirky-chan on 2008-11-07 10:22:27
Wow you guys find some pretty cute/funny stuff :D

I racked my brain Z-man but couldn't think of what that was a parody of XD looks awesome though!

DA's 3 panel comic strip makes me wanna get the haruhi figures with the big heads lol.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Bonta_kun on 2008-11-07 12:16:55
yea Chibi.

no Idea on the parody.
in the second one they look a bit more younger there, like 3-4 years younger. or is it just me

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by on 2008-11-07 21:04:50
haruhi-chan as hakurei reimu :3 kyute!!!

i lol'ed at those two guys! XD

the 2nd pic...ahhhh /takes it >:D

too cute! XD

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Renma on 2008-11-07 21:23:59
@Z just like what Kira said, it's Touhou Reference ROFL XDD Kyon as Mokou eh,, If he's holding the Twuck it'd be whole lot funnier.. Nagato as Patchy.. Sure fits her,, both being bookworms and rarely interacts with people surrounding. Mikuru being Yukarin.. I Guess with both having errrr.. nice body XDD (I'm pretty sure you remember Yukarin from our last fight in the arena Z ^^;;) Regarding Kyon as Eirin Yagokoro.. Dunno Rofl.. Haruhi as Reimu? Simple,, Both are the main leads

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2008-11-07 21:49:42
@Z Lol every guy wouldn't mine..for the second pic...

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-11-08 06:20:17
yeshu.. just feed Haruhi a banana. It's worth it just watching her pout XD

I'm so stealing the 2nd pic.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-08 08:33:47
[@Zpart] Haha, Touhou d00d. That image below is cute, and Haruhi looks very different, but in a good way.

[@bkno] Haha, then I'll give her all the bananas a monkey can ask for. =^______^=


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-11-09 02:49:55
Hmm.. was walking about doing some window shopping today, and browsing thru figurines as usual XD I saw a peculiar/different take on Haruhi figures, they actually resemble something like the 2nd piccie that Z posted.

It's by a company called Pinky St, designs by BabySue Vance i think, ~click here~ Mikuru and Yuki really do resemble those in that piccie XD

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-10 02:14:06
so that's touhou!hahaha
thanks guys!

not even the great Phoenix Wright can win an argument with our goddess!

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-11 18:04:21 (edited 2008-11-11 18:09:41)

A few old songs that brings me back.
I had no idea Chihara Minori was a part of Rinbu-Revolution for Utena! O.O`

Btw, he dress was lovely. You see Hirano Aya later in the clip.
Still trying to find individual videos, but I guess they're not uLed/out yet.

Oh, there's this:

I always love the breakdown-drum solo-then bass solo part of the song. =^___________^=


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-16 18:42:40

nice vid of aya hahaha

anyway she has a new single right?
any news/thoughts on that one?

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-16 19:04:11
Here's some more:

Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

Zomg to the second one. XD

And yeah, I read on a blog that she had a new single,
though haven't really searched it up yet.
I'll do it later tonight or something. Is it any good?

Some of her anime singles lately aren't that appealing to me, unfortunately,
though if you're aware or not, she's quite busy in the seiyu world (as her reputation is known as a prodigy mostly).


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-18 08:29:16
wow a kyonko figurine!Hahaha cool!hahaha
and is the second one real? it kinda looks photoshopped hahaha

Namida Namida Namida

its pretty catchy! kinda like your typical gundam seed song!Hahaha

yup aya is indeed a prodigy!hahahaha

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-18 18:10:19
Oh, you were talking about Namida? I've already heard it.
It's the ED for Hyakko, which she has a role in (a VERY CUTE ROLE!!).

Speaking of that, sidenote this, but the OP almost looks and almost sounds like Hirano Aya:

As for the song itself from Aya, I'm not so into it.
Guess I gotta get used to it since I haven't really heard it that many times (like three or something?).
She's avoided her Rock/Pop style, from God Knows... etc.
I want more stuff like that, or Unnamed World, which was great.
Actually, Unnamed World is so friggin' good, d00d. =^________^=

It DOES sound like your typical Gundam SEED song, haha.
It has that techno ish lightness added to it, that's probably why, haha.

Well one good thing is that her hair is growing back well.
The ending for that Namida, the last part she was where she yelled is like my favorite.

Anyways, with the pics, I'm not sure about the second one, haha.
That'd be some careful editing though, but who cares, I can certainly see that as a possibility though. :D


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by on 2008-11-18 18:12:21
whoa argument...XD
OBJECTION!!! (repeat as many times as you wish lol)


hmm yea feels a bit like gundam seed i guess

nice vids :D

zomg!!! the 2nd one!!! wait where's that? XD

indeed she's a prodigy.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-11-19 09:36:07
whoa! an aya clone?! she may almost sound like aya..but aya is waaaaaay more cuter!hahaha

i gotta agree with namida,it is sounds too much like a typical anime song...
though its good..its not in the same level as god knows,lost my music,first goodbye and unamed world

heck i was expecting the riot girl album to sound more like aya the rocker chick..but alas...
maybe she's testing waters on other elements? but far for her 2008 songs..unamed world is the best!

yeah it will only be a matter of months till i see long hair aya again!*drools*

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-11-19 12:52:32 (edited 2008-11-25 19:39:18)
I think the thing about Hirano Aya is that she uses her vibrato a lot.
I know very well she has a very skilled range in vocals and can stretch them out in any way she wants,
but I think sometimes she sings certain stuff that should just be sung regularly.

Ex: When fans try to cover band songs where the vocalist has an obvious vibrato chord,
and they try so hard, in any way to get the vibrato and it's just not natural.

I'm not saying Aya's is not "natural", because she has a natural vibrato chord,
but maybe it's just so common for her to use it now, haha.
Though when talking about this, other singers can only dream of having one at all, let alone one like her's.

And yeah, sisters? They both show a lot of skin. With Aya I kind of disaprove of that, since well... she's sorta skinny, not gonna lie. :O

[EDIT] lol:

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Not to be offensive, but it looks like the 2D portrait of a certain great anime director.
For anyone who can hint it, don't you agree? :D


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