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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-12-11 10:18:25
Hey guyz >.D

Ksoliek Um anyone is going to the anime con thing in sunway in 21st DEC something? Do inform me because I don't have anybody else to accompany me to go there :'c

By the way, I am looking for a job nearby KL or something XD Preferably in a library/bookshop/cafe. But can't seem to find one. . . hmmmm

Anyone else in the mood for job-hunting? Most of my friends already got one :'c

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-11 17:06:17
Adel, why dun you save your cute pets on your profile? That way you won't lose them either, and your siggie will look less cluttered XD Just a thought.

me and DT are definitely going for CF. Meep is helping out with her fren's booth there. I'm not sure about the others though. For now, we are planning to stalk meep's booth, and make that as the meeting point XD

Looking for a part time job eh? I think you're a guy, and yesh I've also been there before, so I know how hard it is. Part time jobs at malls and such always want females rather than males >_<;
Maybe you can try walking in and asking Borders or MPH. I once tried working in Popular bookstore, but they turned me down cos I was 'overqualified'. nanda sore~? I finally settled on working as a cashier in a supermarket. This was the time after F6, and before uni.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-11 17:32:05
ur welcome sweetie.. ;)

@meepie rinrin
*sparkling eyes..* waah.. so many goodies.. i better save a bit money if i wana stuffed all those things into my bag..
lol.. im not always into no good la rinrin.. but yeah, since ur our mascot.. its your duty to be dressed up by us.. XD
well yeah.. its the original plan im going to CF with bkno.. ^^

ohh.. im not inactive actually.. (see who's online.. :p) just dont have much time to post since i usually on9 in class.. ^_^'
meepie cosplaying vocaloid.. hmm.. u cosplay as rin rite..?? XD *sparkling eyes*

hmm.. i see u trying to drag mjia to cf too ehh..??
hmm.. i get wat u means.. if im start to collect figurines, it'll bring me more mishap than enjoyment.. reason..?? since im living in rent house.. :(
every minutes ill be really worried if my "other" unreliable housemate would mess up my collection unconsciously.. :( or if someone who interested in it (esp little kids next door..) would "grab" it.. ;_;
and btw.. since when ur stalking meh..?? how u know im quite absorbed playing dating sims games recently..?? XD

btw bk9.. hikkeh is actually a girl.. XD

huhu.. if u dont mind send em over.. XD i wonder wat is it anyway.. hamster maybe...?? ... ...??
*poke poke* mjia honey.. wat does you defines "adults" actually..??
for me, adults is someone who can think & taking care of themselves.. independently.. something in those line la..

well.. not many other restaurant open, and most opened quite expensive.. so i guess eating McD & KFC once in a while is quite ok too.. :D
err.. i did that for the whole raya haji holiday, but considering the price is almost same as eat at other restaurant, i guess its quite worth it la.. ^_^'

*poke poke* sunway 21st dec.. u mean CF rite..??
well.. "some" of us will surely attend it.. while "some" other actually working there.. *take a glance at rinrin*
jobhunt..?? hmm.. part time job rite..?? if so im quite interested.. but only for weekend la.. (since i really dont have anything to do on weekends.. dead bored..)

waah.. xmas mode alredi ehh..??

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-11 18:37:36
@Adel The dragging part is just a joking by the way :P Erk the chat is too sophisticated for me x.x

@DT&Bkno Not really for Xmas mood though, just I wanted to chance my current set of sig/avy. Lol bkno, overqualified!? Hmmm, maybe I'll search in nearby supermarkets/malls/... Oh yeah bring pics for CF! So yeah DT how's the modem goes o.o?

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by hikarinohikky on 2008-12-12 02:18:00

From Bkn09@Hikky
me and DT are definitely going for CF. Meep is helping out with her fren's booth there. I'm not sure about the others though. For now, we are planning to stalk meep's booth, and make that as the meeting point XD

Looking for a part time job eh? I think you're a guy, and yesh I've also been there before, so I know how hard it is. Part time jobs at malls and such always want females rather than males >_<;
Maybe you can try walking in and asking Borders or MPH. I once tried working in Popular bookstore, but they turned me down cos I was 'overqualified'. nanda sore~? I finally settled on working as a cashier in a supermarket. This was the time after F6, and before uni.

Aaaaah I wanna go too :C So quite a number of Gendounians will be present there and actually having a booth eh? Nice nice Main problem is that I haven't pass the driving test yet, and my area is around Keramat so I dunno how to go Sunway and of course my parents don't wanna send me anyways. Hmmm, I'll drag some person to come with me, maybe adele, or Saya Chan or anyone else. But hey wait, admission fee is RM15 PER DAY or for both days?

And wut, how come you think I'm a guy . . . ;___; Well I don't really want a job that requires me to interact with people much since I'm not very much of a talker to strangers. I tried on Borders but seems like they aren't hiring and the nearest MPH is like far away and the fare is like, freakin costly. . . T_T

My friend actually got a job in a LAW FIRM while her academic achievement is somewhat like mine Altho it's her aunt's firm I still think it was quite unfair since she really wants to be a lawyer and voila easy road is right in front of her eyes. . .

I would like to get a part-time job that can allow me to practice for my dream career too . . . ;_____;

And hey bkn09 what do you mean overqualified? Don't tell me you have a PhD? >.0


DT @hikkeh
*poke poke* sunway 21st dec.. u mean CF rite..??
well.. "some" of us will surely attend it.. while "some" other actually working there.. *take a glance at rinrin*
jobhunt..?? hmm.. part time job rite..?? if so im quite interested.. but only for weekend la.. (since i really dont have anything to do on weekends.. dead bored..)

Yeah. Ohhoooo nice, so i can take candid pictures of random gendounians and post it here >:3
Got ke people wanna hire on weekends only? 8 days per month. . . baik xyah kerja . . . =_=

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-12 03:46:16
so liek...i'm in hospital atm...yesh in hospital ward!!! XD
tomorrow i'll err undergo teh err what you guys call it...scope thingy DX
wish me luck since iunno how's it like lolz

lol i just remembered! yesh yesh i was yuki! thanks lol

hmm i don't even remember who's teh haruhi lol...was it angelus? XD

lol err no...i only watched a few shonen-ai anime /shock

wait you're cosplaying as a vocaloid??? who? miku??? rin??? kyaa! XD
but then again...i wish i ee a meiko cosplayer since i never seen one lolz

lolwut? XD

/clap nice set!
sadly iunno how to make a sig outta my avy >_>

lol no PLKN? lucky XD

haha you got a point there XD

good luck on your job-hunting!

whoa not firm? walao...D:

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-12 04:49:21 (edited 2008-12-12 04:50:10)
You have summoned me and I CAME BACK TO LIFE : DDD
*pops out of grave!*

Yes, the Ninjin Loves You Yeah song : D I tried uploading it but they have yet to accept it, so... : P
Yup, I am going to cosplay and YUP, I am going to be there : D
I mentioned it in the previous posts XD
And hahaha, where're you at? Around S'gor I can tell you which bus to take : )
And yes, lol orz Ask the Haruhi and Yuki of this thread XD

@Haruhi Bkno9 Harisen-Sensei the Blackmail Guru of this Thread XD
LOL A COUPLE OF DAYS IS LONG! D: Yes I have returned! With much lunacy in the brains!
*does the Popotan dance* Xd
And I dub thee Blackmail Guru! : D

: D YAAAAAY~~~<333 *waowao* No pictures though but we can go for coffee : D Like we initially planned months ago XD
AND HAHAHA, of course. I AM SEIMEI : P Seimei is very much alive so far.
RaeRin is in the midst of recording simultaneously 3 songs! XD
Two of which it is from Macross Frontier (Yes, we love doing MF songs XD We're doing a TOKUBETSU ONE soon!)

D: !!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~ Yuki, you cannot leave me D:
I don't mind not having Kyon and Itsuki but YUKI, YOU CANNOT LEAVE ME WITH HARUHIIIIIII~~~!!
*runs away from Haruhi*

... Recommend me one! I've always wanted to try playing one of those for the sake of fun >D
I tried one on the DS for girls but it's like.... .... .... *rather watches Lockon proposing to Tieria*
: D YESHU. I'm saving up too T___T 'Cause I know I'll buy a lot of fanart since I hears there're loads of KHR stuffs this year that I really-really want :'<

LOL orz I completely understand. Classes are murder.
And yes, I am cosplaying Vocaloid next year. No, I am not cosplaying Rin : P
Who I am cosplaying is like a BIG SECRET.
Think out of the box >=D Maybe you'll get it right?
(LOL, and no I am NOT going as Gakkupod. I was tempted to but NO)

It's RM15 for a day actually (They raised the price this year. Like really.)
: D Yes, we haz booths! I had a booth last year with a group of friends selling fanarts.
This year, I'm not selling of my works but I'll be there helping out with my friend.
;D Do drop by if you can!

@Reimu, the possible Kyon
Shounen-ai is normal.
But you shouldn't listen to me, 'cause I read and watch everything. Yes, this includes YURI too.
(I hearts Kannazuki no Miko ;O; )

Vocaloid, yes, I am cosplaying : D
None of those you have mentioned though. HEHEHEHE >: D
My Vocaloid group is actually looking for a Meiko back then.
Now, we need a Miku because our Miku quit.
Our backup Miku changed her mind and wants to do another Vocaloid.
And our Rin may switch : < *sniff*

I shall tries to draw something tonight if I can.
If I can... keep my eyes.... awake...


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-12 05:02:13 (edited 2008-12-12 05:04:14)
Whoa~!!!Finally,I'm home~So tired right now.Just returned home after almost a week at Perlis and Kedah(kes balik kampung la ni).So,how is everyone?Hope y'all in good condition wherever you are.X)

Well,about my plan after this,it would be start at next week.Hope it would be going smoothly.=)

Yo,meep~!!!Long time no see!!What you're doing now?XD

So,mata ashita ne,minna-san.XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-12 19:45:21
good luck for your job hunting

what cute pets?

sophisticated? xDDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-12 21:14:52 (edited 2008-12-12 21:27:03)
It's been a long time indeed!
orz Forgive me, college took up a lot of my time : >
What am I doing now?
Preparing for CF while trying to think of things to do.
Currently, I'm as high as a kite. SO HIGH I CAN TOUCH THE SKY~~~~!!!
(... this is hyper mode. orz Reasons why not to have bananas in the morning)

Omaigod, you went back to Perlis and Kedah (that's my hometown too :' <) Urayamashiiiiiii~~
I want to go back this year. Am supposed to be going back this week but I still have college orz
So I have to forego my vacation there this year. *sniff*
BTW, which part of Kedah and Perlis? : D
I'm from AS and Arau! XD
All the best for your plans next week : D

Actually, I'm looking for a part-time job as well to start next year to help the family a bit : <

I know one job but I didn't take it cause it's unflexible with my schedule.
Do you want it?
There's a 100 Yen Shop just recently opened near Desa Mentari (very near Sunway) and they're looking for applicants. The pay is RM10 for an hour, and you work from 2-11pm everyday. Oh, but you'll have to know how to speak Chinese (Canton/Mandarin/Hokkien is fine) because the lady in charge there doesn't speak a word of English sadly orz So it would be good if you can converse in both Chinese and English since most of the customers (like myself) speak English. If you're interested, I can try to get the number for you :)

But I would suggest if you like, there's another part-time job at Kumon.
Depends on the area though. Currently, Kumon on my side is filled : <

I know a lot in Sunway Pyramid though orz


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-13 09:11:17
@DT Yuki
i'm trying to drag A LOT of ppl to CF actually. But like my efforts to persuade frens to watch Lucky*Star, i've PHAILED mostly X3. I believe that all fans of anime/manga should have the convention experience, at least once.

LOLOLOL, i understand your concerns about your figurine collection. It's all right if you have your own room, then you can just lock your room. But a better idea is to scout for a good cabinet with glass casing. With a lock. XD That way you can store your figurines properly, makes cleaning the dust off easier, and be sure that no one with itchy hands can touch your beloved Shana.

*ahem* you told me about your dating sims before. XD But i was thinking of 'Haruhi-chan no yuutsu', an official 4-koma/manga of SHnY. In it, Yuki has become a cute little otaku, she's constantly playing dating sims, even going as far as to cosplay as the game characters XD

Speaking of McDs, did you know they are secretly run by Madagascar cockroaches~?? 0_0. They go around making *meep* *meep* *meep* sounds XD Just ask their leader, you can prob guess who it is. Beware the sadako-meep~! XD Oh and it's that time of the year when the Prosperity Burger makes a comeback. I make it a point to have it every year. ^_~

DT, do you really want to work weekends? Your classes schedule already so 'sardine', no sem break somemore.. i think you need your weekends for more leisurely stuff. But you can try asking around. Cafes and other eating places (yes that includes KFC an McDs) are really busy on weekends, so they might need an extra pair of hands. Getting paid by the hour isn't a bad thing. XD

Piccies of CF, sure, makasete~! But some cosplayers may not want me to upload their photos here, so we'll see XD

GOMENASAI~! hontou ni sumimasen deshita ~~ See, i'm getting confused by avvies again >_<;

On going to CF, i'm driving, and i'll be fetching DT from an LRT. So if you're not freaked out by getting into a stranger's car you've only spoken to online, you are free to join XD. That is if getting to the LRT is no problem for you. There's space for another 2-3, so the offer is open to others as well. You can pm me, we'll prob need to exchange contact numbers. Admission is rm15 per day, but some participating outlets are still selling rm25 for 2 days. Not sure for how long though, and you have to buy for both days to get the discount.

Good luck with the job hunting~! Being a lawyer is so overrated. It's kinda boring, really. (What~!? Did you expect movie/crime fiction lawyers to actually exist?) Most lawyers are into Civil (agreements, lawsuits, bancrupty etc etc). Only a handful do Criminal, and even less do Divorce. I hear the final BAR exam ish a real KILLER. 0_0

Quote: I would like to get a part-time job that can allow me to practice for my dream career too . . . ;_____;
Woot~! Is your dream career being a ...... librarian~? XD

LOL PhD~?? NOESS ~~ at least not yet anyways >_>
Back then they were looking at ppl with SPM qualifications. I just finished my f6, so technically i 'could' ask for a little bit higher than the salary they were offering, that's what i think they meant anyways.

@Kira (Kyon~?)
Scope thingy? What do you mean? Hope it's nothing serious. 0_0
Back then, the thread Haruhi was someone who cosplayed as Haruhi in last year's (i think) CF. GAH~! I can't seem to remember her name >_<'

@Mikuru meepie-rinrin Nodame-ojousama the Thread Pet
I haven't blackmailed anyone ~~ besides rinrin XDD
Yay~! kohee desu~! yes let's~! awww.. ok as you wish, i won't post piccies of you. (i'll just steal a couple of shots from afar for my own collection then XD)

Macross Frontier ~~ XD So RaeRin got their hands on the off-vocals XD I'm so looking forward to it X3. I listened to Ninjin ~~ it's so refreshing to hear you sing again XD Keep it up~! *~waves SEIMEI & RAERIN fan banner~*

Quote: Shounen-ai is normal. <-- Tis from someone who draws matchstick sex for laughs X3
A banana in the morning makes rinrin high~? (WAIT .. 0_0 WHY DOES THAT SOUND SO VERY WRONG~??) XD

So your plan starts next week, huh.. wait.. what's your plan again~?? XD

Yesh the cute pets you have in your siggie.. i see a rabbit, a bear.. i dunno what the other 3 are >_<;

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-13 10:34:35
Waahh, so many people! The site at me compy didnt let me in, again, so, again, at 2 a.m i'm replying post here at my phone. Omg, suddenly i felt so pathetic..

~bkno9, dt-chan, meep-neechan
I'm going to the CF! Its my first time. I'm going wif my bro n mom, dunno if i could meet u guys.. So~ yeah~ you guys talk too much, my phone screen ain't that big. Hehe..

~kirakun, iryu
How r u 2? Sashiburi ne~ so, what plan r u talking 'bout iryu?

Oh, my eyes stings.. Gtg sleep, Oyasumi minna!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-13 11:33:25
oh..those are not siggy..those are actually a part of avatars lol x_x

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-13 20:21:18
: DDD I'm looking forward to seeing you! Which day are you going?
If you see a Majokko on the first day in a booth which has a dolfie (doll) and a big cafe, that's me! : D
I haven't decided what I should wear on the 2nd day as the Meido didn't turn out too well orz (White apron T_T)
Make sure you say Hi! : D
I'll be very happy to entertain you~<3

@Haruhi @ Bkno9 @ Harisen-Sensei @ The Thread's Actual CIA
This is Malaysia! It's democracy! XD I believe your protest outrules the majority.
That is me and the votes of the loving Madagascar Cockroaches : D
Yes, KOHEE KOHEE~<3 : DDD And lol, EH! XD
But that I think most Gendounians who are going will see me, so like : P

Yes, we have gotten our hands on many off-vocals : D
Actually, Rae is at EOY now, and she's supposed to be performing Seikan Hikou and Lion.
I want to go see~! T___T And LOL, RaeRin is going to have a new vocal trio soon : )
Yes, Ninjin is a song I've always wanted to sing! Just hadn't the time and the instru orz
I haven't gotten to your Mikuni Shimokawa but ^^;; It'll be soon!

LOL. I draw stickmen yaoi for laughs a lot : P I drew it for Yin-san, cause she loves it XD;;
AND HAHAHAA, yeah it is! But consuming too much sugar in the morning makes you hyper.
Which is what bananas contain.

Speaking of McDs, did you know they are secretly run by Madagascar cockroaches~?? 0_0



Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-12-13 22:03:56
Yeshu, i'm hoping to meet other gendounians there as well. Right now, we're planning to drop by at Meep's booth, then maybe later go for some coffee. And yes, which day are you going? I'm going on both days XD
And btw, DT is a guy XD Just thought i'd mention it just in case you dun get a shock when you see him X3

HEHEHEHEE ~~ yeshu, they're avvies i know. But i referred them as your siggies, since you put them as siggies. I've seen quite a number of gendounians having them. It's a nice touch XD

@Meepie Rinrin Nodame-Ojousama @The Thread Pet
EEEHHH~!? I'm with the CIA nao~??
No fair ~~ you have your Mad(agascar) Roaches with you~~
Time to do the CIA thingy and infiltrate your ranks~!
Jaaa~ first i'll need to know how you guys think... by eating more McD's~! XD

Yay, KOHEE~! I dun have any plans, so we'll see which day you can take a break. But let's check out the stage schedule, i definitely won't miss the cosplay competition, which is usually sunday, right? I LUB old town kohee, but then DT might not join us. I'm not sure about their halal certs and all. >_<;

Oh, the EOY~! Did Rae manage to enter a competition? I heard from Engel awhile back, she had to do an audition for the cosplay competition, which included singing. But it looks like Engel didn't make the cut :P
Vocal Trio~? *THUMBS UP DESU~!* But the arrangement/sync-ing is gonna get harder, nyon~~
YESHU, purizu Shimokawa Mikuni ga "Sore ga Ai Deshou~?" no uta @_@
But oh, take your time. It's not exactly earth-shaking time-critical thingy XD

You know, you did say you were going to show your stickmen to me XD
I'll catch you on msn on of these days, for the stickmen. I'm kinda curious as you what yaoi you can conjure up XD
Yes, ~SUGAR~ is the keyword. I need some, more often than not I spend my mornings in zombie mode >_<;

And LOLOLOLOLOL ~~ you told me about your Mad Roaches before, in one of our early early conversations.
MASAKA~~ you did not think that i was STALKING you for the information, did you? 0_0

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-14 08:53:36
I'm going on the 2nd day. Well, er, you don't have 2 entertain me, just a small talk is enough. *blushing* hehe.. I think you should give me your booth name. Incase i got lost or something.

Wait, your a guy right? Can i call you niisama? I already knew that dt-chan is a guy, lol. I'm going on the 2nd day. I'm still wondering how am i going to recognise other fellow gendounians? and I'm going wif my bro, should i drag him along 2 the gathering?


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-12-14 16:38:30 (edited 2008-12-14 16:38:43)
i'm fine...i think. finally discarged from the hospital i'm just lying in bed...haha. but don't worry. lol

what about you? hmm just kick your internet btw >:D

@meep teh mikuru
err i'm yuki...i guess. lolz...but iunno...O_O

ROFL normal XD

kannaduki no miko is YURI? i just thought i wanna watch that but knowing it's yuri just shattered my

but i thought so many cosplay as miku lolz
soooo tell me who are you going to cosplay as XD
hmm now that i remember i never seen any len cosplayer...DX

@bkno aka haruhi
iunno the but err it's a small operation that err inserts something with a camera also into the stomach O_O it was painful...i can only porridge now >_>

hmm i still wonder who teh last thread haruhi was...lolz

LOL! Tis from someone who draws matchstick sex for laughs X3
A banana in the morning makes rinrin high~? (WAIT .. 0_0 WHY DOES THAT SOUND SO VERY WRONG~??) XD

gawd i never thought i'll see bkno acting high!!! XDDDDD

madagascar cockroaches?!?!!! XO

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-12-14 19:12:57
omg.. i just leave for the weekend & look at how much post already.. ~_~'

lol.. guess u shud learn something if you wana drag ur fren to our world.. that is.. recommend them anime which suit their taste.. (like, NEVER give em fighting anime if they're like, loves lovey-dovey things.. lol)
apparently.. thats the method i use, & ive managed to get some ppl into this.. Nyahahaha~
and btw.. u shudnt recommend L*S to beginner, it'll be too heavy for them to relate the scene in the anime wif other related anime.. lol

*sparkling eyes* SHnY 4panel manga..?? where can i get those..??
and yeah.. i know that McD's run by Mad(agascar) roach.. XD we've been discussing it b4.. XD
dats y if u standing near McD kitchen.. ur most likely WILL hear some *meep meep meep* sound.. XD

hmm.. yeah.. im packed wif classes, & no sem break whatsoever.. but got nothing to do in weekend really bores meh.. i could die out of boredom.. -_-||
and btw.. im thinking of going both days too.. (since i dont have anything to do at my house anyway..) XD

@meepie rinrin
yeah.. i have some.. but i kinda miss playing snow drop (WXP & VISTA dont support that game, from wat i see.. need w98 @ w2k..)
emm.. other good dating sim game.. try Snow Sakura.. i really love that game, since its rather comical & the storyline is rather enjoyable too.. :)
there's some other game in my possession, but, i dont really recommend much of it.. ~_~'
if u really wan it free.. bring ur lappy along at CF & maybe u can copy em frm meh.. i might bring the disc if u REALLY wan em.. XD

ur cosplaying next year.. hmm.. from ur characteristic.. i think i can have some guess on wat chara ur gonna be.. *ebil grin*

waah.. in hospital.. hope u get better soon..
btw.. porridge is delicious wat..?? try add some additional things like.. umm.. daun sup & some soy sauce aka kicap la.. XD
well.. i always think thoroughly b4 i made any decision, so yeah, almost everything i do do have a point.. almost.. XD
but sometimes i do things out of the blue, so.. ahahaha~

kannazuki no miko is yuri all right.. the same goes for my-Hime.. but i kinda enjoy the anime.. it still give me chills in my bone watching yaoi but duh..
im the kind who watch ALL kinds & types of anime, unless it contains too much violence.. (im not saistic, so ill pass those genres..) ~_~' ok with light & medium violence anime tough.. XD

sorry i post too much.. i onli on9 once a day (on weekdays) & usually dont on9 on weekends.. so there's much to reply.. ^_^'
btw.. its my 1st time going to CF too.. (well, dat is.. if u put away all other convention other than CF, that is..) XD

*poke poke* r u going to CF too adel-chan..??

yo iryu.. been a while.. how u doing nowdays..??

yeah2.. i got wat u mean.. i also havent change my avy for quite a while, but since i dont have time to make new avy.. it cant be helped.. ~_~'
modem.. for broadband rite..?? umm.. i dono.. im kinda overbudget these days (NOT including my food & CF budget btw..) XD
so i guess i wont be having broadband so soon from now.. ^_^'

i prefer hourly pay tough, so i guess 8 days a month is quite fine wif me..
and as bkno9 state earlier.. i have packed class schedule, i onli have free time on weekend and at nite.. but i prefer not work at nite since i use public transport.. ^_^'
it cant be helped, its not like im picky abt my job, its just im not much into labor work (i have poor health b4.. but im quite fine now, but better not push myself too hard ehh..) & i have very tight schedule.. ^_^'

hmm.. this weekend anime.. i onli finish watching 2 anime tough..
- Mission E (12ep)
- FoolMoon wo Sagashite (52ep)

64 ep in 2 days.. quite an accomplishment even for meh.. XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-12-14 22:06:26
so many posts that were SOOOOO LOOOONGGGG~I have to check each of them many times before I decide to post here.XD

Actually,my hometown is only Perlis(at Kaki Bukit,it's my father's hometown).Kedah is where my uncle and aunt lived(they lived at Jitra).You know,when going to Perlis,we have to cross Kedah too.XD

my plan is taking driving license,and taking part-time job.Until's still not going.T_____T
(P/S:I think I want to be a barista as my part-time job.Sounds ridiculous,ne?XD)


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Photobucket on 2008-12-15 06:43:41
OMAIGOD. I don't reply for a day, and it's like this. I cannot imagine not replying to this for 3 days, now that CF is near.

: ) Hehehe. We're called Zettai Cucumbaa : D Oh, 2nd day? I'll be in a white wig and prolly a blue dress! : D You'll see me then!
I definitely want to meet you~<3

DT is already Yuki actually XD (Dont ask.)
You can be Itsuki! : DDD

It's not really that Yuri but yeah :) The anime's really mild. Nothing really of XXX in there, to be honest.
But it's a really pretty anime. I did support the relationship between the guy and the main character, but then again, I HEARTS CHIKANE D:
orz A lot of my guy friends in high school used to call me Ojou-sama because they thought we were similar. Which is a pretty orz moment for me back then.

Watch out for GACC and maybe you'll see me : D

Ooh, Kaki Bukit : D I know where now >D

@DT Yuki
HAHAHA, I won't have a lappie though, adly.
Never mind, I'll look out for it. Some how : )

Why don't you make a wild guess? >D

@Bkno9 Haruhi Harisen-Sensei The Thread Stalker
I just talked to you online, so like LOL. OGHEIII
EHEHE, you'll never beat us, you hear me? NEVEEEER~
See how the coffee first : D

They have a video of her, I think.
HAHAHA, that one you may have to wait long : )

I tell you, you better stay away from my Roaches D:


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