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Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by jihi on 2005-09-26 20:48:06
Wow, I'm surprised not more people try to push their computers to the end. XD Just wonder how many of you think it is a sin to keep your computer on for as long as some people, myself include, keep their computers on? (I.E. 30+ days)

- - - - - - -

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by luciolahexns on 2005-09-27 00:38:53
I think it is a sin NOT to use your computer to its fullest potential! Especially if you have a broadband connection! Where is the justice in turning it off at night?! THE INDECENCY!!

    Diciples of the Greyhound

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by kawaii_ryu on 2005-09-27 23:39:27
eh... my LAN is always on ! until now, its took 3 months...

Do you Like anime ? I really love Anime ^^

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-09-27 23:45:28
ehhhhh, when I had to start paying for my power bill, my computer gets turned off everytime im at work and sleeping


Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Sheep on 2005-10-01 13:11:37
Depends what you mean with "on".
If you mean the uptime, then its more then 45 days.
But I sleep my computer now and then and if you mean longest time in between sleeps, which are not restarts, about 5 days...

[Quiet dogs know when to be silent]
Sheep & Tiojar's Anime Episodes

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Image hosted by on 2005-10-01 15:06:37

Geez... The horror of it all! haha. I leave my comp on for my than 2 days and I'll get a major scolding for wasting electricity T___T

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by firemiste on 2005-10-02 12:39:19
My brother's computer can't be left on for more than one burns out. It's a screwy Dell model with no ventilation holes at all, so he's considering taking one of the sides off the cpu.

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-10-02 13:52:22 (edited 2005-10-02 13:52:58)
The only time my computer is off is if someone is sleeping in the computer/guest room.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by jen on 2005-10-02 13:58:09
my computer is never off. i mean pc always has to be on in case you want to use it

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Perseus on 2005-10-03 13:15:18
I never turn off my computer, i'm constantly downloading. I find that the best time to download is when I'm sleeping.

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Light... it can't end like this!

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Peckle on 2005-10-22 07:52:43
hmm.... compared to all of yous mines doesnt seem long now >.< ..... longest I've had my computer on for is *drum rolls* 12 hours...hehe ^.^

What pretty dots in the sky....

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Tasuki17502 on 2005-10-22 14:09:21
It depends on what your opinion of 'on' is. I put my laptop on standby every night and it doesn't come back off standby until after school. I dont ever really turn my laptop off at all. I only ever restart it when there is some sort of microsoft update. It hasn't been truely turned off since a week after I got it, and that was about a year ago. My home computer is turned off right after use. That's only because I don't use the home computer, and my mom (the only one who ever uses it. its HER computer. everyone else in my family has a laptop....) doesn't know anything about computers. She has no idea what the 'sleep' or 'standby' option is, and if I guessed, she has no idea it even exsists. But the home computer is really only ever used for printing, so why turn it on at all?

Dubbed? No thanks. I prefer my seiyuu to what you call "a really cool english voice." ^_^ Visit my Xanga for contact info, or to simply read more about me.

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by elite fighter on 2005-10-22 14:44:18
let's see my laptop i never turn off
my pc i'm downloading animes so i don't really turn it off, why turn off the pc at night while anime could be downloading?

"A group of three? That's only going to burden me." ~Sasuke

(After Naruto,Sasuke accidentally "kiss")
"Naruto, I'm going to kill you..."
"My mouth is going to rot..."

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-10-23 00:25:57 (edited 2005-10-23 00:26:41)
Erm.. I always play the same time as i on the computer, but sometimes i will leave it on because i'm downloading things especially torrents @@


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by HaTEcHOC on 2005-10-30 06:57:09
when i'm at home,my laptop hardly,i mean very hardly will be off.yup,it's on 24/7 bcoz there will always be some torrents downloading(not just anime;smallville,alias etc.).the only time my laptop is off is when my house went black out for a while as i got disconnected n there's no point running on battery as the torrents downloading cannot be continued.even if nobody is at home n the weather is fine,the computer will stay about the electricity bill!
thank god my college's internet connection sucks,otherwise my laptop wouldn't rest when at college as well.

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Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by nukeman on 2005-10-30 07:58:07
i only use dial up so no 24 hours downloading.....however i tried at my friends place b4...on for 72 hours downloading

just nuke it

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by ayame on 2005-10-30 13:31:18
2 days. I was downloading movies, series and songs.

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-10-30 21:09:44 (edited 2005-10-30 21:10:12)
I think...5 hrs for downloading one episode off Bit Torrent.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by yorokonde on 2005-12-04 19:53:16
About 12 hrs.

Re: Longest time you left your computer on for?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-12-04 22:30:38
last time i switched off my computer was 5months ago...
i keep my pc running 24/7

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