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Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Judgement on 2005-06-28 09:14:45
Wow nice sadame. I still need to learn more... i've never drawed anime before.. this was my first... but i'm pretty good at it. I have talent XD

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-28 10:53:48
Does anyone believe that how you are at the moment can be a factor in how you feel when you draw? Especially for beginners, I once read that sometimes it helps whether to be depressed at the time or even hungry (the guy who wrote the article said maybe it was a new definition for hunger of success hehe). Anyways, its well advised obviously not to draw when you're pissed at something... well you'd know why.

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-06-28 11:50:05
Yeah, I've experienced that at times... I actually found that having that strong emotion gives you the urge to draw. It's quite helpful sometimes, but also annoying. Imagine that you have to do a funny scene in a comic and you're in a really bad mood... (-_-;)

Oh, thanks WesK3r! ^_^

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Judgement on 2005-06-28 12:06:45
yeah!.. i drawes some more things. but all were stupid. I was probably happy when i drawed the good one

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-06-30 03:16:58
Old Man Kai: Hey! The drawing you did was nice!

I do my drawings usually on paper, but I occasionally do on the computer as well. Although it ain't exactly very good, plus it's just an average drawing, I hope you guys can rate it or something. Unfortunately I didn't put it up on any site, so I ain't sure how to show you guys. ^^;;

Unless it's e-mail format.... Which I might doubt anyone would take the long~way.....

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Ms. Rosie on 2005-06-30 12:19:35
*raises hand* I do!!I have like...a folder full of drawings...XD though they all look deformed and everything...I keep them anyway...^^"

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-30 15:34:46 (edited 2005-06-30 15:40:59)
I would like that as well please Ayumi. I believe its how you feel about it in the end that matters. You wouldn't believe how many old stuff I still have of mine (a couple of boxes full). And its good too if you keep them like Ms. Rosie. In a How to Draw Anime and Game Characters book, one artist gave the tip to always keep your drawings. It helps to have others look at it too (but if they dont care and just wanna annoy you then hit 'em where it hurts and call me and my buddies over...) because its like how people proofread your essays in English class. But keeping them can help you look back and improve. Sometimes in my case look back at it and sometimes laugh because its like a family album with memories of when and what made you want to draw that and stuff like that. Its just a pesonal philosophy I've adapted to and even though I'm no pro (at drawing or computers), I still like to stare back at a project in the end and feel good about it. In other words: be optimistic about it, whats the worst that can happen?

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-06-30 16:05:44
Yes, I agree. I had a teacher who talked to me two days after the periodic exam concerning about my paper. I ended up worrying all day what it might be. He handed me my paper and told me to xerox the back where all my doodles were, because he said that even sketches like those could help you improve on your drawing someday. He was so impressed with my SD doodle that he gave me a +5 boost on my final grade in Physics that year... lolz, still makes me laugh.

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by DEMO on 2005-07-04 01:17:45
ahh man! I wish my teacher was like that!


Re: u draw anime?
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-04 09:49:09
Lolz. I know! He always was weird. He said that he's fascinated with artistic people because that's one thing that he really wants to do but can't because... well, he can't. I wonder where he is now... :D

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by TsubasaWaYume on 2005-07-07 11:35:04
by jing_ryn on 11:26 07/07/05

yes i draw anime, i'm making a manga too its pretty cool i've already made 2 volumes and still working on the 3 one and i hope i finish it this summer. but i dont think i am going to finish it this summer.
i've been drawing since i was 4 or 5
and been drawing ever since. and i've gotten pretty good too.
my drawing looks like Cheeky Angel for some reasons i dont know, but i will get better alot better.

Ryn, signing off

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-07-08 04:14:23 (edited 2005-07-08 04:28:02)
Wa... I've been drawing stick people when I was 4 or 5. O.o

Oh yeah, I managed to get a pic of mine up. Not much, but hope you can look. ^^;; As you can see it's under 'scrap', because it IS....


This is the place. Do gimme your comment ne? ^0^

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-10 18:46:14
Thats very nice Ayumi. I like the way how his clothes are flowing as if it was in the wind. It seems this character is a very simple kinda person by the clothes but still knows enough about magic to make me wonder is this guy really what he looks like on the outside. The 2 other creatures reminds me of something that doesnt mean one's good and one's bad (like ying and yang) but capable of both (kinda like Lugia and Ho-oh from Pokemon). Thats something thats very important to me is to what do you want people to see when they look at your work. What are you trying to tell them? But it's kinda of a weird thing when it comes to first time looking at something. I remember when I still didn't know anything about Dragon Ball Z, and I saw this playing card with the various stages of Boo. When I saw it, I remember thinking "Wow, these must be clones of the fighters" especially when I saw Boo in Son Gohan's uniform. Is this the pic that you previously wanted to show but didn't know how to because you didn't put it on any site? Whether it is or not, I enjoyed it.

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-07-11 03:06:43
^^ thanks. I usually prefer doing them on a piece of paper, but that pic was done when I haven't gotten my scanner, so I spent time doing it on the computer instead... I supposed it turned out okay... but I was hoping I could do something more to make it better. ^^

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-11 10:37:22
I hope everything goes according to plan Ryn when you make your manga. Is it going to be in a book or just scans in order? Is manga complicated to plan out? I mean compared to Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk manga the art was organized in boxes of different length and width. Nowadays, like Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, I find it very difficult to make pages like that.

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Ryoga on 2005-07-11 10:55:17 (edited 2005-07-11 10:56:04)
One Day I'll put up my works as well .. but for now I can only sit back and look at other peoples projects... It must feel good to get positive feed back on your original works.

Where I Walk , I Walk Alone. Where I Fight , I Fight Alone.-- Akuma

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by TsubasaWaYume on 2005-07-13 14:19:45 (edited 2005-07-26 18:15:24)
by jing_ryn on 1:59pm 07/13/05

thankz Old Man Kai. about what you said, is it going to be in a book or just scan in order? well i just drew it freely on a piece of white paper in colums like in the mangas. no it wasnt really that complicated to plan out, its just the colums that you got to draw straight and make the character small enough to fit, but everything else was good and in order.
oh and if you wanted to know, i tell you anyways. my book is called,
The Stupidly Moves of Ty Mochizuki. yeah i know thats a wierd title but i like. the genre is i guess comedy, school life(it is the senoir year of high school and he is trying to get to college by taking the exams), and a little bit of romance, and action of course and thats basically all the genres.

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-27 09:22:51
Old Man Kai-san: I think it depends on the person. My co-worker plan everything from scratch; and I do mean EVERYTHING. From the story, to chapter divisions, to panel distributions, panel sizes, panel shots, yaddah yaddah yaddah... and looking at it, well, you'd have to say that planning manga is complictaed.

On the other hand, others only plot the lines said for each panel, or how the shots should look. Like I've said, I guess it depends on the person. ^^

Ryn-san: Doujinshi are so cool! If you wouldn't mind, may I see yours?

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by Sammi on 2005-07-27 15:39:41
> Sadame-chan
I LOVE the way you drew the shirt. The folds are so realistic! I wish I could draw like that. Unfortunately, I can only doodle - manga-style.

Re: u draw anime?
Link | by night_link on 2005-07-27 21:27:20 (edited 2005-07-27 21:30:14)
I agree with you sadame-chan. Maybe when I've drawn enough up to a certain point, then maybe I won't be seeing it the same as I used to.

But I have to say, this thread has gone a long way... I like it.

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