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Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by BringOnTheAnime on 2007-08-21 15:15:24
There's a lot of reasons...some give you the facts of life (whih can be true in real life as well), the story, characters, music and so much more.

That's what keeps me into it every day.

When it comes to Anime - I just can't get enough.

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2007-08-21 15:17:51
we love anime cus its cool!
and that is a good enough reason!

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2007-08-21 15:22:38
A new world for me...a wish for the world like that
The characters seemed to be positive..
and mostly because of the musics that attract me to see them

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by lazzarus on 2007-08-21 16:22:08
Why We like Anime???
Because, the characters in the anime that very interesting
and the story it self very imaginatif!!!

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2007-09-11 23:18:25
Why? U ask WHY?! O.o

haha. kidding.. hmm. maybe its because we like their illustrations and thier world that thy live in? who knows..

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by sensui90 on 2008-07-12 13:09:58
because the characters are way better defined...the action is way more complex...and im not even gonna mention the soundtracks...


Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2008-07-17 01:16:27
Hmm... I'm not sure about others but I love it because it lets me escape from reality...
And music is always great too!

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2008-07-17 03:07:08
becuse it is fun and entertaining for kids and some adults that their mind still a kid :p

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by andy_s on 2008-07-18 00:22:24 (edited 2008-07-18 00:26:05)
anime hmmmmmm............................

it's kawaii


Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2008-07-18 01:47:43

You should know why. :D

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by leora on 2008-07-18 01:50:03
its fun.... different people different their thoughts...

H4pPy G0 LuCky

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2008-07-18 03:44:12
i agree with ET :)

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by Kita on 2009-03-07 18:55:36
It's a way of living

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2009-03-07 19:38:01
I think anime is where we can realize most of our unlogical imagination or our overwhelming imagination kukukuku.......:P

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2009-03-07 20:04:41
there are many reason...^^
It's like our world or a new world....
It's like our fantasy or dream come true...^^
and there are so many handsome,beautiful,and cute character...^^


Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2009-03-07 20:11:09
because when watching anime,
people can neglect reality which is rather harsh
and live in a perfect world which anything is possible

the drawings makes you wanna stare at them for hours..! ^^

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by this is kaii on 2009-03-08 05:55:54
only because its awesome

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by buun on 2009-03-08 06:26:15
Because happy.

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2009-03-08 07:04:49
LOL miko!! XD
Coz i like it!!

Re: Why do so many people love ANIME??
Link | by on 2009-03-08 09:44:23
I like everything about it basically, what is there not to like ??

It's awesome and perfect ><

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