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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-07-29 20:57:45
He is way too mad...

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Chi on 2006-08-01 16:11:34
Yeah he's got to control his temper to be able to any good.


Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-05 16:57:05
This guy will OWN you, most likely:


Friend him, if that doesn't work post me, he is a very good freind of mine, and REALLY fun to play on XBox live with, I can't wait to go back in the Fall.

and try this chick:


Again, try variations of those and post if they don't work.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Terror on 2006-08-13 23:33:03
I have a Halo Movie here that I've been helping with called "Over the Edge".

Its not so good, but the quality gets better through the series.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by calamity58 on 2006-08-13 23:34:15
@shishio nice idea dude xD

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-22 13:14:26
Feo, look here. There is also a really good debate thread on Halo 3, I'll bump that now.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-22 15:55:38 (edited 2006-08-22 16:04:50)
Thats the funniest thing ive ever seen, i'm crackin up. Thanks for the bumps shishio you are one kind crazed samurai. Also do you know that guy? If he pulled that around my group two minutes later the controller would be down his throat.

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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-22 16:39:08
No but I know people who have had his gamer tag on their freinds list.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-22 16:41:27 (edited 2006-08-22 16:51:37)
Consider yourself lucky, as you probably know theres are ton of jack holes just like that on live mots of them are terrible at halo to boot. I also liked that image of rie saying pwned on your other post, you make that? If not where can I get one for my x box 360 desktop.

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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-22 16:57:14
Sorry for being such a noob.

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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-22 17:00:57
I just copied the pic along time ago and its hosted at TinyPic, I have no idea how to transfer it to 360.

What do you prefer to do in Halo 2?

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-22 17:07:34
If you have a memory stick you can put the image on that and plug it into one of the two USB ports on the 360. Next select portable devices and pictures, find the picture and select "set as wallpaper" currently mines a picture of asuka langley soryu from eva. In halo my favorite weapon is the beam rifle which is followed by the carbine. Since I like the covenant im an elite with steel colored armor. My favorite maps are turf, backwash, and containment and I dont do vehicles unless absolutley necessary. I feel that they're cheap and only people who are starting out should use them. I love to blast the gas cans on ghost casuing the to explode while the player has no idea about whats going on.

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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Chi on 2006-09-13 10:37:47
Yeah I don't really like the convenant weapons execpt for the plasma pistol. My favorite weapon is the battle rifle.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-13 15:18:30
Hey chi if you're on xbox live look for my gamertag. Its muchacho feo. I just got live again so my rep isn't terribly huge, but that doesnt mean that I cant pwn people at call of duty 2 or halo 2. Yeah covenant weapons are way better, the plasma pistol carbine combo is both cheap and deadly, and the beam rifle doesnt need reloading so its much more effective. It also leaves a fainter trail than the human sniper rifle. See you on live!

Feo muchacho

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Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Chi on 2006-09-26 10:11:04
Well I I hope to see you on xbox live but untill next time.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-26 15:15:57 (edited 2006-09-26 15:16:44)
Chi: Whats your gamertag? If its chi then ill send you a friend request. Mine is now muchacho feo not feo muchacho. See you all on live, YAY!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Japanese girls love Darth Vader......

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Chi on 2006-09-26 16:17:12
Well You see I don't own a xbox but I play on my friends xbox all the time and he has live so when I 'm on I'll send you a friend request.

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-09-26 16:59:03
cool whats his/her gamertag so I know its you?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Japanese girls love Darth Vader......

Re: Shishio's Halo Lounge, W/ Croyt's Gamer Rage!
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-09-30 21:15:56
Seriously though, if that Croyt guy wants to vent his emotions in a more productive manner he should just headbutt a sidewalk or try to avoid oncomming traffic or something. Not only sucking at Halo online but ENFORCING his awful playing just ruins it for everyone.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

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