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Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-05-31 18:50:52
Actually, ever since I signed on Gendou, my internet "time" or "usage" if you can call it..what ever you want! has increased. Is there a thread about what you do online or how long do you stay on9 or something?


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Ronmasaka on 2006-06-01 00:09:14
Nope, but I did the same when I registered and I don't know how long I can stay onl9....



Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-06-02 00:30:03
OH, I am in on this thing.

I wanna wield a giant sword, bigger than Gatts. And I think undead or necromancy should be in the race or magic option.

Yes, a necromancer with a giant sword.

I am surprised how much Gendou knows how to do. He can even make online games in his spare time.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-02 01:13:09 (edited 2006-06-02 01:14:32)
Representing Warring Nations...

  • Fighter/Knight
  • Mage
  • Rouge/Ninja/Thief
  • Alchemist
  • (Mage/Fighter Hybrid: Capable of altering states of being using runes and alchemic symbols, given equivalent exchange. Can also train with Alchemic Eye to see things at great distance, identify objs, scan creatures, etc.)
  • Illusionist
  • (Mage/Rouge Hybrid: No attack spells whatsoever. Magic only creates confusion, projections, duplicates, distractions, etc.)
  • Necromancer
  • Optician
  • (Mage/Fighter Hybrid: Uses Magic Eye to create attacks, scan, etc.)
  • Gendowner
  • (Hells yeah)

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Prince Eccentro on 2006-06-02 11:17:16
Wow, there's so much to do. If this is still being started by voting on classes, my 10 votes go to:

Black mage
Archer (Or Gunaman, depending on RP)
White mage

I think that the names could be changed depending on the Rp (Example: For a school-life RP "Jester" changes to "Class Clown", "Bruiser" changes to "Bully" and so on) Also, to make your character more original there could be jobs which would act sort of like sub-classes (Ninja would be one of Rogue, Samurai would be one of Swordsman, ect.)

I know a link to an online DnD manual that I could post also. Anything to help!

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-06-02 16:00:44 (edited 2006-06-02 16:02:56)
My ten characters would be...

Cyborg (From artificial body parts to full prostetic)
Sword Wielder (Carrying a sword with custom powers, usually very powerful)
Immune Warrior (Immune to all spells and tricks, but a normal human with normal human limits)
Specialist (An expert with one very paticular spell or trick, being more advanced in it than anyone else. Example: Taijutus Master, Paper Master)
Dark Warrior (Using all forms of evil or darkness)

Since there's a lot of room for customization, it would eleminate some of the hassle if there were predetermined options.

The Paper

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Angel of Darkness on 2006-06-03 00:09:28
listen this is going to have too be in a vote or nothing will ever advance.but there should be a lot of customization or of course it will seem boring and create a mess.
first how many characters should there be?
should there be unhuman forms?
how to customize your player?
and how will there be balance in the city?

people will destroy this beautiful world...

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Razgriz on 2006-06-03 00:10:30
too many character makes no good. It's all about the skill and equipment.
So, when is this game start?

~ Consider Carefully - Act Accordingly ~

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-03 02:39:09 (edited 2006-06-03 02:43:25)
i am still working on the engine core.
today i tested out some more of the protocol using the C++ dummy client to connect to the server.
one big problem was fixing the logic errors in my multi-packeted message class.
i had almost forgotten how much of a headache socket programming could be!
basic mobility is less than a week off, and that includes a rudimentary java client interface.

i am more concerned with game play and less concerned with classes/races...
not much has been said about the battle system or npc interaction.
those are the kinds of things i need input on.

you will be able to choose some player settings (like race/class/gender, etc) on creation.
a person can create as many characters as they please (unlike accounts!)
every person has an alliance rating with one of five "elements".
this will be the major balancing attribute of the game.
each "element" has its own pros and cons.
certain locations require alignment one way or the other.
killing people will give you negative alignment, doing favors/quests will give positive alignment.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-06-03 02:45:21 (edited 2006-06-03 02:47:45)
Well I would enjoy a battle system that is more than just clicking on the monster and hacking away. I know much can't be done with a 2d engine but I think zelda style combat would be nice, even if it is like the gameboy zeldas. Something where you can move around or block and not just exchange hits and unleash a power attack or two.

I think I got an interesting idea for npc dialogue. Every gendou member could get to make a dialogue for a certain npc if they want to help out. It might be interesting.

Bohahahaha, welcome to the mighty item shop of doom! If I don't kill you, our prices will.

Then they can go ahead and buy items.

What are the "five elements" gonna be?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by samsone on 2006-06-03 11:15:05
(omg jomunga... good to hv u back!!)

(erm and haniko says she is sry... and i think there is sumtin she wanna tells u... y dun check out v her in msn... =) )

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-03 11:40:03 (edited 2006-06-03 11:58:08)
i was thinking along these lines:

All characters and monsters have alignment (0 to 255) towards each of the 5 chinese elements.
Having zero alignment means you receive and deal damage normally.
If you have high alignment for say, fire, then you will deal higher damage against players/monsters who have high alignment with metal.
Also, you will receive higher damage from players/monsters who have high alignment with water.
Similarly, if you receive a cure spell from someone with high alignment with wood, you will get a bonus cure.
If you cast a cure spell on someone who has high alignment with earth, they will get a bonus.

So, having high alignment overall is good for attacking and being cured. Having low alignment overall is good for defense.

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-06-03 12:09:17
I like that idea.

As for the battle system, it should be like a Final Fantasy battle, that way, you don't have the all the trouble that comes with an open battlefield.

The Paper

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-03 12:46:55 (edited 2006-06-06 11:35:55)
here is what i had in mind for damage calculation
// player attacks or casts a spell on target
elemental_bonus = sum_over_elements(player_align[element] / 255) * target_align[overcome_element] / 255)
elemental_minus = sum_over_elements(player_align[element] / 255) * target_align[generated_element] / 255)

// physical attack
damage = (attacker_strength - defender_defense) * (1 + elemental_bonus - elemental_minus)

// cure spell
damage = -(caster_magic) * (1 + elemental_bonus - elemental_minus)

// attack spell
damage = (caster_magic - caster_magic / 3) * (1 + elemental_bonus - elemental_minus)

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-03 13:08:52
Here is some more info about elements:
element_names[]       = { Wood,    Fire,   Earth,  Metal, Water   }
element_other_names[] = { Wind,                    Holy,          }
element_japanese[]    = { Fuu,     Ka,     Chi,    Kuu,   Sui     }
element_colors[]      = { Green,   Red,    Yellow, White, Blue    }
element_directions[]  = { East,    South,  Center, West,  North   }
element_season[]      = { Spring,  Summer, Change, Fall,  Winter  }
element_senses[]      = { Sight,   Sound,  Smell,  Taste, Touch   }
element_fingers[]     = { Ring,    Middle, Index,  Thumb, Little  }
element_planets[]     = { Jupiter, Mars,   Saturn, Venus, Murcury }

element_overcome  = element + 2 % 5 // element_overcome  is weak   against element
element_generated = element + 1 % 5 // element_generated is strong against element

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Prince Eccentro on 2006-06-03 13:49:19
Well, it looks like you've got everything going already. Man, did I pick a good time to come to these forums or what? b('_')d

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-06-03 14:00:14
WIll it be something along the lines of a Runescape almost?


Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by kazuki on 2006-06-03 22:51:37
guretto aideya!

j trump

Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-06-04 05:37:40
element_fingers[] = { Ring, Middle, Index, Thumb, Little }

you even included fingers....O_o

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Re: The Real Gendou City!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-04 19:36:05
I wonder what kind of weapons we can have?


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