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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-27 08:02:14
Hey nurii,

your sig says something about Brown college.....

where do you live if I may ask?? Cause I go to brown college.

and I have no inspiration speech right now.


Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-27 08:13:13
Sero... you are running your computer from Brown College, are you not?

.... nurii's sig is dynamic, and looks different depending on the computer you are using :P

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-27 08:36:09

I see now....XD

im kinda...out of it....stuff....yeeeeeeeah....

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-27 12:17:56
ugh sachiel just sent me this stupid thing about animal treatment in slaughterhouses....he asked me what i thought....and boy did i tell him...a page and a half rant...and now im kinda tired (jomunga got it too, acording to the send list)

i hate treehugger rants...why does it seem like every time i get an e-mail from him, he makes me all pissed off?

oh well, ill be better in a bit....after i eat

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-27 15:25:43
I did?

*Checks email

Not there.

Oh, maybe the old one. I don't use that one.

Anyways, I he sent me a video about it over msn. I skipped through it though. It ain't gonna get be away fom eating my beloved foods.

But I know how you feel Nightmare. When I get emails, it is usually some those crappy forwarded things telling me to send it to 10 more people to improve my luck. Or some random rant on how the devil will get me and god is my friend.

I really hate emails that are impersonaly and are just sent around to annoy people.

I'd much rather read an email directed towards me, that I could take seriously.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-04-28 11:42:17
Mhh, you remembered! Hee hee. Tatsuya, ah, yes he's doing alright. I sent a letter by postage, er whatever ya call it. LETTER MAIL! There ya goes, thats the word. So I am still waiting for a reply. I don't get e-mails as often as I used to T_T But i'll live.

I am glad everyone is doing okay. I feel bad about not trying it help T_T Sorry. But I am going to keep up with posts now, er try, I have this independant project going on at school that is making me so stressed. We have just over a month to complete soooo much work...Notes, diagrams...more notes. It is probably nothing compared to what you guys get, but it seems like a lot.

I agree with you guys and the really crappy e-mails. I get all this shit from friends and I don't even bother reading it....Omg, speak of the devil *deletes* Shit the phone is ringing and I have a toothbrush in my mouth *ruins upstairs*

Anyway I promise to keep up with posts as best I can!! BYEEEE Goin' out driving. Er well, "Driving" I just kinda putz around. :P Bye!


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-28 21:18:01
I come back from my short absence only to leave again. I'll be on a canoe trip all weekend. All down stream so it's just steer, padle, steer, steer, hit-rock, steer...for about 21 miles.

What the sender of those impersonal e-mails is that imbeded in the e-mail a php tracking script. Basically whoever the email is sent out to, a reply e-mail with the most recent sendings is sent to the specified place on the script. Or the really sneaky one involves a single pixel picture somewhere on the email. When the serever requests that image a log is enterend in the host with the IP of who ever requested it. Basically when you request the image it knows that that e-mail is active and fowards the adress to fellow spam sources.

Those spammers are a crafty bunch, ay. I really hate the ones that people send that have titles like, "Warning: your account will be closed in X days," and have stuff inside that once you read you begin to question the-person-who-sent-it-to-you's intelligence.

No more spam ranting for today. It just gets all mashed up and you can't tell where it's comming from.

Ever get that feeling like someone is talking about you somewhere. I just had that feeling, creepy. Right between spam and a hard place the feeling just happened. Could just be my imagination, I haven't slept much this week. I shaved once this week, I neerly had a light beard going by Thursday. Way to much stuff going on, english project, math tests, bio tests, german tests, world hist. homework(2hrs long), just to name about half.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-28 22:54:36
All this schoolwork people do really shocks me. I don't think I would be able to do it even if my life was at stake. Even when its something like japanese I still can't study at all. Even if passing is at stake or even graduating. I just can't do school. I find it terribly hard to even attend school. I ain't being lazy or a slacker. I seriously think I have an anxiety problem with things like school or work. I can't seem to do stuff that occupies my own thinking. It seems weird because when I actually tried sitting down to study kanji, I suddenly got extremely pissed before I even started. Stuff like that has happened to me alot before. Well luckily school ain't so important for me. I am gonna drop outta college, well no actually, my parents won't allow it. However, I will stop attending thats for sure. My karate class I will go to sometimes. Gah, even if I plan on getting a job the only things I have in mind so far are store owner or landlord. My parents would sponser a store for me, but I don't know about apartment complex so... I think in the end if I plan on living a while I will open a store called Jomunga's "something?" store. I gotta fiqure out what would make an interesting store.

And before I know it I seems to unleash a big rant or complait. I don't even know what that was, but it was pathetic.

I remember everything! It's strange but I have a pretty good memory of the conversations that went on in this thread from all the way back to the original.

Oh, and I actually did get that vegitarian email now, but not from Sachiel. At least, thx to Dninja's explanation, I know they aren't doing it to piss me off.

And here is my response to that email.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-29 16:49:35
Man you just have to find something good to study. Everyone has a curiousity for something. Schoolwork is boring and monotonous but if you can find something interesting out of the whole bunch of s^&t then it should be worth it. Look around you, there has to be something you'd be willing to study about.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-04-29 17:33:50
I hate school with an undieing passion. I will continue to hate it. Until I get to see my kids go through it! Haha.

Well the parents went off to this town near-by and are lookihng for a house. Happy happy joy joy, I know. I am soooo looking forward to moving. Ah well better than staying in this retarded town with phsyco's and shit. Not much else to type. I gotta cut it short though, I smell something burning....*looks around* It's not from me farting either. The seat is just fine.


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by ketsuki on 2006-04-30 17:46:25
hey everyone, whats up? how you been? i think im back, nor really sure but im back.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-30 17:50:28
Well its good to know Ketsuki is still alive.

Someone tell Animeangel28 to get over here already. Is she still busy with school?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-05-01 19:21:10
Jomunga, so do I, but for a different reason. I save about 75% of my posts, the ones i deem influential or well written, they just sit there taking about 80k of space on my HDD. There's about 43 pages, divided and subdivided into topics:threads:dates. I'm a little obsessed with organization.

As far as angel goes, I wouldn't expect to see her arround 'till late May or June, but suprises happen all the time. She did say that she had to practically double up on all her clasess to pass, so she's probibly a little pressed for time.

Nurii, those psychiatrists follow the "chose-your-own-adventure" style of therapy. Basically they ask you questions, based upon your answer they can ask a specific path of question. It's all very perscribed, and very little difference between the versions. Only thing is, it works. It's very objective, and very easy to use.

Well, up here in State College we just had a very large forest fire, which I belive is still going. Let me look...yep sky's still a bit orange and smoke filled. They called every firefighter in all of center county, which is about 14-15 companies. It's no where near the size of fires in the west, but it's big for PA. As you can probibly tell we don't get too many of them, this is the biggest we've had for a long time. Not a day after the burn ban was ordered.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-05-02 16:30:51
soory i have been so long in replying, ive been busy....i only ahve 13 days of school left (plus exams) and the senior's last day is im kinda excited.

other than that, nothing new with me....ill be sure to tell you if something happens to my misurable existence.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-05-02 18:25:49
Ninja that whole organization thing borderlines on OCD. Just let your thoughts come out. I think I can better express myself if i just write from beginiing to end without breaks. Even though it probably makes me sound like a bumbling idiot. Like I care anyway.

Nightmare you are already getting out of school....($@()$#%*@)#&%*(@&#)%(&#)(*&@)*#%&)*(@#&$)(*@#&$)*(&^$&*^$@%(@#)%*_*(#*%&....GOD! Why can't my school let out early. I am in school straight through to the end of June. *smash my head into the desk*

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-05-02 19:08:02
I don't want school to end, because i won't see my love ever again. She's moving mid-May, so I'm going to be rater depressed come then. I don't wan't to move foward in time anymore. A groundhog-day scenario would be nice, especially for today. I'd love to do a track meet get a free drink, talk to my love for a while. If I could choose any day to repeat indefinately, this would be it.

Wolf, look on the bright side, you'll learn more after we've all forgotten much of the details.

Oh, and I do have OCD, just selective though. You'd suprised how often I loose things. Things that matter to me I become obsessive about, other things I don't really care. I like it when things are symetrical, that's my primary obsession. Every thing I make has at least 1 line of symtry.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-02 20:46:27 (edited 2006-05-02 21:37:48)
Well school never officially ended yet, but I stopped going.

Dinner is ready so I will make it quick.

Dninja, does she like you too? Have you told her how you felt or does she know?

I believe there are loops holes to the moving away problem.

Well, back from dinner. My mom complained that I was unsocialble and wanted me to go back to a therapist.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-05-02 21:03:53
D-Ninja - ... two words... "long distance"

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-05-03 15:49:57
Thats easy to say, and think, another to keep it up. I know what it's like to keep a relationship with anyone long distance. Thing crumble, and talking just isn't the same. Sorry to hear DNinja. I know how you feel. What I would do to repeat the last day I had with him ^_^

Oh, by the way, what happened to the post-a-pic of yourself? Why was it locked... *sad smile* I was just gonna post another pic. I got a bunch of pics scanned, and the Haniko person was soooo cute omg, I almost cried ^_^ (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong)


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-05-03 19:52:50
I now really wish that yeterday would've repeated itself forever. Today sucked, I knew it would when I woke up for no reason at about 4 AM. I then couldn't get to sleep 'till abot 5. Then my mothercomes in about 5:30 saying that she was leaving, and that I couldn't miss my bus. I wake up about 6:45, my head hurts and I ran out of shirts. I spend about 10 minutes looking for a clean shirt, I nearly miss my bus. I get to school, fine but I trip on the doorway causing no physical harm to myself but enough embarassment to fill an aquarium. About 3rd period my hand cramps up while I'm doing my history project, rendering the rest of the period useless.

If you thought all that was bad, I really have fun during lunch. During lunch I make three major mistakes. 1) somone insults the girl I like, so I throw a paper-football at him 2) angry, I leave before I get angry enough to hurt the kid(this leaves everyone at the table able to talk about me in my absence, they put 2 and 2 together and figure out who I like) 3) when they ask, I don't deny it (possibly the only right thing i did all period) but she says that she fells very awkward (to which I think how do you think I feel). After that she didn't speak to me for the rest of the day.

To top off the pile of a day I'm already having I get 33/40 and 26.5/35 on a science and math test respectivly. At about that point I really didn't want to do anything. I haven't been that depressed in four years, and I think it's going to last quite a while at this level. It's a mix of frustration of 6 months down the drain, sadness at my possibly destroying of our friendship, and anger at everyone else.

Well, to be slightly cheery, the only thing worse that could happen is that I never get to fall in love with her, or more specifically fullful my dreams tht I've had for 10 years and marrying her.

Enough about me.

Schala, I'm sure there was a good reason for why it was locked. Have tried looking for a possible repeat? With something on the order of 8679 threads you might find it repeat somewhere in there.

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