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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2011-03-12 02:48:57
ACTIVE!!!! REVIVE this thread!!! XD
(Hope it goes well)

Anyway, since Tsubasa has been finished long time ago, it's popularities still stay on. That's CLAMP~! They are really sugoi~!

Since we dunno what to talk about, why don't we start a topic on discussing all the characters in Tsubasa?
Some characters (like Kamui, Subaru,Seishirou...etc.) are crossover characters, it's also fine for us to discuss about them in Tsubasa and their original manga.

Let's just share anything we know bout them.

Kay then, i shall begin.(let's just make it as some type of games perhaps? )

Real Syaoran v.s Clone Syaoran.

Facts bout R.Syaoran
-Syaoran Li
-Kid of C.Syaoran and C. Sakura.
-(continue the facts)

*Continue the facts until we finish facts about him. Then we proceed to Clone Syaoran. =)
*Copy paste the above so that we can conclude all the facts.
*You may ask question bout him as well, and whoever know bout it just answer it. =)
* Hope everyone enjoy

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by unica_hija23 on 2012-07-22 18:22:13
oh my...i get confused because of the clone and real sakura and syaoran..deym..xD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2013-09-21 00:16:33

I know right~ and also the C!Syaoran and Sakura is R!Syaoran's parents, that even confused me more~ >w< But overall i enjoyed the series :3

It's been really long and awhile since we all active in here, or even gendou, ne~? I really miss you all! *hugs* *snuggles*

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