Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 18:58:00
Lol... good one... very well then. *kicks open a mysterious door revealing thousands of water baloons* Stock up... *releases water prison, plants a device in Kotuso's skin* This will create a false image, wherever you go, you will always see yourself in a one-doored room... unless you can find us and avoid the water traps. *vanishes in a poof of smoke* |
Re: Critic's Bar
What the h3llz? |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 18:59:58
*plows doctor with a water baloon* Welcome back Doc! ^_^ |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:00:47
DANGEL: see ya, vanishes with Critic! @Doc?, read a few posts back, and you'll get it. Want to join!? LOL!!!! ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
*dripping wet.* Ah... summer time in Gendou... *hurls a water ballon at Critic* DEATH TO SMOOTCHIE! |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:01:55
*trap number one sets off....a bunch of strings come slashing between Doc?* *SPLASH!!! another balloon hits Doc?* DANGEL: Hahah!! are you ok? ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:02:54
DANGEL: CRAP!!! *runs away into neutral section of traps* *these traps were cleverly designed by myself, and cautious now!!* HHEEHE!!!!! ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
... ... ... Alright... *flips a table and hurls ballons from behind his new cover.* |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:03:43
*turns evil* This is going to be fun... *creats a dozen Critic-clones all over the bar, starts throwing water baloons at everyone, evil laughter* You'll never find the real me!!! |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:05:37
(LOL!!!!! how we all join as a unite..but against ourselves!!) DANGEL: haha!!!!! *press button, opens Critic's Bar Roof, the sun light shines* DANGEL: it's a beautiful day!!! *takes cover and hides* ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
*Due to the device in Kotuso's skin,his mind recreates Steven Speilburg's "Saving Private Ryan"'s Normandy scene,machine guns with water balloons attack the defenseless americans* |
Re: Critic's Bar
Has everyone fogrotten my 4lch3m1c 5k1llz? *draws a circle on a baloonand trows it. It hits the ground and forms a tidal wave of water ballons.* Ph34r t3h D0c70R! |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:09:09
(uh, powers we can have huh!!!) DANGEL: *jumps across panels in bar. unloads stocks of balloons!!* ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
*Comes out Of doc's hair* Missed one, *Back hands Doctor with a balloon* You all better watch out,I have the rare skill of knowing how to TIE A BALLOON! (you'd be surprised how many people can't) |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:12:17
*nails Kotuso, clone's arms become like gantline guns and fire water baloons all over the place* |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:13:04
(I can tie one, hehe!!) DANGEL: *feel my Chaotic RAGE!!!!!* throws a bunch of balloons in the air, and performs Element: Air Alchemy!!!! Balloons become a HUGE TIDAL WAVE AS WELL...til...DANGEL addes on demonik lightning to it* (this is getting fantasy like now, lol, but its getting cool!) ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
* s out nail,starts to b leed* Hey!whose using sharp objects?! *Throws hammer and DANGEL* *Eats Balloon shot from gatlin gun and runs to bathroom* |
Re: Critic's Bar
*The Doctor smiled.* Amateurs... *transmutates a wall preventing himbeing hit. when the wall collapses a howitzer is aimed at Kotuso* Another of my toys! FIRE! Or rather... WATER!!! *fires water ballon the size of a small Volkswagon* |
Re: Critic's Bar
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on 2006-05-30 19:15:53
DANGEL: *mid air!!! @_@*... DANGEL: when did I use sharp objects....ahahhh....... ------- |
Re: Critic's Bar
*Whips out another Howitzer cannon,which intercepts the balloons and fires them back at Doc* |