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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-24 09:54:58
I'm one of the weird ones.... I actually enjoyed my Economics class more than the others. :P

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-24 10:06:27
I did work in Economics in highschool

Calculus class is where I slept and played gamed boy.

First quarter calc....B, then a C

did the samething for the next calc class....

got a B then a C

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-24 13:58:41 (edited 2006-04-24 16:52:29)
Speaking of school, I have to go but I don't wanna. But I have already skipped school twice in a row.

I also bought souvenirs for my Japanese class that I haven't givin out yet.

One of them is the famous chinsukou, just like from Azumanga Daioh.


I just got back from karate class and we played a fun game with knives. We stand in a circle and close our eyes and some of us gets knives, we then try to stab each other or defend ourselves. I snuck up behind one guy and stabbed him. When he got a knife, he charged at me swinging like mad. He sliced at me so much and I got stabbed too. The thing is he actually managed to cut me with a fake knife. I have two cuts on my right arm that were bleeding. How lame, getting cut by a fake knife. It was a fun game though indeed.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-24 17:06:49
the campout wasent fun at all...i had to cook for 274 people then spend 5 1/2 hours doing dishes while everyone was out havign sucked.

CC is Catholic Certral High school...its a all guys school. and i cant go out of the house much to see many girls...or anyone for that matter

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-24 17:14:45
LOL school is boring. When I do go to classes I put my headphones on and do nothing. Funny thing is that I have straight A's. But how hard is it to get an A in Foods or Bio of Behavior. The only classes I do work in is engineering and gym. That's only because I usually skip all my other classes to be in them. It's great. I get like 3 hours of lifting in during the morning, go to lunch, then build my trebuchet in engineering. I don't even need these credits to graduate. I have 28 required to graduate but we have 32 credits built in.
I got accepted to a college finally. They even offered me a scholarship based on academics and sports. They are basically paying for half of each of my semesters for I think 5 years(pretty much when I can't play college sports anymore.) With all that plus my financial aid I am paying a reasonable amount for each semester. I feel so freed and relieved.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-24 19:03:32
Wolf, trebuchet eh? I've built my share of those before, we also built a garage door-spring powered catapult. To keep it short we hit the elementry school 200yrds away with a snowball. Oh and we broke a 1" steel tube that was our stop. Ok so broke is a little weak for what we did to it, imagine a U now picture it a little wider. more shallow, and about an inch thick. Needless to say we only fired it twice.

I wish I could skip a few clasess and go hang out in the drafting room all day. I love AutoCAD, and the teacher's sweet. He randomly quotes pixar movies, says that "you are a toy, a child's play-thing," "litle squishy," ect. all the time.

I do have it lucky in the college department. I get to go to one of the leading engineering colleges in the world and do it for practically nothing. I still have to pay 25% of tuition, and that's still about 6-7 thousand a year plus exspenses.

Jomunga, ha one of my friends did that in his karate class. Except he did it with markers attached to fake knives, but he got cut by the metal on the marker.

Our ecomomics teacher is also the track head coach/throwing coach, so there'll be no slacking in there.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-25 07:10:37
Ooo, garage springs. I think I am going to experiment. I am actually sitting in CAD class as we speak. Sadly though the program is going to be cut next year and my wonderful teacher is getting fired. Expletive deleted deleted. My CAD teacher is great. He broke his ankle a while back then in the middle of class broke his crutches and sawed off his cast. He plays unreal tournament with us in class. He pwns n00bs.

I am however not so good in the CAD area. My buddy does all the draft and design. I don't like the whole boring process making models and crap. I am better at thinking of an idea and just building as I go along. So all the designs and schems are in my head.

For our "Fine Arts Festival" my two buddies and I made a bike, a go-kart, a hovercraft,and 2 trebuchets(1 other plus the one we are working on). We want to do another project but our schedules aren't lining up as well as they should.

I already took econ. It was utterly boring. The head coach at my school is a econ and business teacher too. Creepy. But the other coaches are gym teachers so...=D...I get to play all day long and then get a note if they need me in class.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-25 15:13:41
Wow, you make alot in that class. (imagines self in hovercraft being launched off a trebuchet into a lake)

Well, good luck with the college you two. Learn from my example and do the exact opposite, that is at least attend the classes.

I don't even know why I am taking college. I decided against being a daycare guy and instead becoming a lord of the land (aka landlord). Set up an appartment complex near some college and rake in dough without doing anything. I don't need college for that, I don't think.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-25 17:06:03
Well I had fun today. I was in my meet as usual and coming in at 12' for pole vault. I just got done running my 200m when I was called over to do my first attempt at the height. All I had to do was clear the height and I won the meet. Running down to the shoot my steps were off and I planted wrong. I easily cleared over 12' when I adjusted myself accordingly in mid-air. However I landed short and on an angle. Which basically means that I landed on the mats where they are slanted down and my body slid whereas my shin did not. That caused my knee to dislocate itself and because of the extreme angle of my shin afterwards, dislocate two toes as well. Needless to say I tried attempts at 12' 6" and did not clear them. Now my knee is swollen to an unbending state and my toes have swollen as well. very angry. I am very extremely angry. I want to kill something but little gnomes stick knives in my knee whenever I put weight on it. There goes my wonderful season. *sigh*

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-25 18:30:37
Wolf don't let a lttle dislocation/painful swelling get you down. I sprained my ankle, twice, and I'm in eh health. I lost flexibility and I can't use it as a brace because I've loosened the ligaments too much, but hey I can still run/walk on it. I also have a paritialy dislocated right arm, basicalyy my arm forms about a 150* angle instead of the 170* angle. I have to live with that, it throws off my bench press and anthing I do with that arm because the muscles actually join at different spots than they would normaly. If I were to have a "normal" arm then I could bench about 20lbs more, and possibly do other things better. All that because the doctor said that my arm wasn't broken, when the growth plate (doesn't show up on x-raysthat well) was. That caused my arm to grow in at an angle because the outside plate grew slower. With the partialy dislocation it gives my arm a nice whip effect, essentialy I can throw a baseball/small object really fast but it hurts like hell. Enough about me and my arm, and some about you. One of our vaulters almost did that today as well, although he was using our new titanium pole(there's the enitre bugget for a year) to jump about 14'. He...uh...missed, I think you get my drift.

Oh yea, be careful with those springs. We measured them in at about 200lbs of force, they also aren't meant for a rapid release of enegry. They're designed to hold your garge door up. Thy're very hard to pull back and make lots of snapping noise when you do.

Jomunga, landlord ay. Somehow I don't see you as the landlord type, I could be wrong. I mean imagining yourself in hovercraft being launched off a trebuchet into a lake is normal stuff for a landlord to think about...right?

Remember that thing i sadi abot the one I love being the antithisis of my beleifs. Well now she's moving. This has happend to me, oh, four times now. I hate my horrible luck. I hope she's not moving away, and I just heard her wrong. Somehow I doubt it. That and I just about beat a kid down today for messing with her. I'm fortelling my snaping on this kid before the school year lets out. I mean snapping on this kid, broken nose, chiped teeth, swollen face, mabe a few broken bones for flavor there's no bounds for what I can do to him(or want to for that matter). I don't get mad often and when I do I turn literaly into the hulk. I've run 200meters in under 20sec while chasing this kid, adrenaline is a potent drug no?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-25 19:26:25
Brusies and dislocations...
Sound like Saturday night.... I went to a Ska show and got in a really crazy moshpit, now I can't move my left shoulder and I have a big purple bruise on my foot shaped like a stilleto heel.
I'm trying to figure out what the hell I did to my shoulder...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-26 07:58:04
Hahaha, I like the sound of Dninja pummling this kid.

The worst injury I have every had? Maybe a scrap on the knee when I was a kid.

Well as for me as a landlord type (they have a type?) really all I need to do is get an apartment building up an running, charge rent, and sit back and relax. Let the manager do all the work after that. The concept seemed interesting ever since I stayed at an apartment in Japan. Most people would hangout in the kitchen/living room area. Everyone in the apartment knew each other. Being a landlord would be a great way to have a social life without ever having to leave home. Hell, while I am at it I could make it girls only. hehehe. I will make the worlds greatest apartment ever. I will be called G.L.J. Great Landlord Jomunga.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-26 09:21:34
Jomunga - "sit back and relax"

That bit made me laugh. A landlord more or less is a manager :P

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-26 10:02:25
Not really. Usually the landlord doesn't even live the the apartment complex.

The landlord is the paperwork guy, who owns the place.

Manager is practically a janitor.

I have watched Maison Ikkoku afterall.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-26 14:10:23


oh and Cardnal Mida came to our school to say mass today...and gave us another day off....2 4 day weekends in a row! that THAT ROQ!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-26 15:26:44
HAH get me down ninja, you have to be kidding me. I've already forced my joints back into full range of motion. My knee burns like my wrist does so that leads me to believe the ligaments and tendons are peeling away from the bone. But who really f$%king cares. I ran a full practice anyway. It still has my vault a little shaky but my running went back to semi-normal. I'd say I'm still at about 80%. I wish I had a pole like your vaulter's pole =(. I jumped 15' today with my brand new POS 13'6" PacerFX. So I still suck but it's better than yesterday.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-04-26 16:00:18
I am so happy w00t! I got my learner's license!!!!!!! WOO HOO! I got the maximum you can get wrong though....T_T Ah well I still passed. I haven't been keeping up on the Depression Thread. Actually haven't been keeping up with Gendou's much, so How is everyone?! Have a good day ^_~


Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-26 22:34:09
Skipping school twice in a row is childs play. You should see my senior year attendance record.

I was forced to go to a therapist and psychiatrist. It was pretty pointless and a waste of time.

Wolf, thats good and all but make sure you don't injure your chances for the future. You could easily destroy everything you've built up if you don't heal correctly.

Schala, I am good. Thanks for asking. How are things going with that guy?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-27 00:04:09
Wolf - I agree with Jomunga, the person who f$%king cares is you, what good are you going to be if you blow out/wear out?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-27 07:21:13
Thanks for worrying. I have backed off to 2 hours of practice a day. The swelling isn't bad and the bruising is less than I thought it was going to be. I only have 7 meets left including states so I am going to practice technique and a bit of full vaults instead of "all out all the time." My wrist is what worries me. It feels like a burning knife is cutting through it when I move. Whatever, pain is pain. I won't burn out. Most coaches are afraid of that but the whole thing about hitting the wall is pushing past it. I just have to dig a bit more and hold myself together. I've been in worse shape.

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