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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-03 11:33:35 (edited 2008-02-03 11:35:22)
Guess this fruit!!!

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Hint: It's a type of strawberry fruit!! ^^

Good Luck!

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:15:44 (edited 2008-02-03 15:15:56)
Mock Strawberry?

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:25:16

fruit chibis??!!
thats awes0me :3


however the merits made me happy and I Want to have m0re..hehehe

I can't guess the fruit @.@

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-03 15:33:02 (edited 2008-02-03 15:42:17)
Congrats Sayuri!! ^^
You guessed the fruit!!
HIGH 5!!!!! XD

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:34:12
ROFL I just onto Wikipedia and typed in Strawberry rofl!


*buttfive* My Love

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-03 15:40:39
Woo!!! XD

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:40:39
Guys, stop spamming the thread pages with needless pics and whatzywhozits.

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-03 15:41:08
Sorry!! ^^;

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:47:52
Look, it's fine for things like guessing games and Scavenger hunt findings, but besides that, please don't waste space by just posting things like an animated chorus line of cancan-ing teddy bears...*is annoyed by dancing bears* Anyway, just remember that I'd rather have more space for things less trivial than dancing bears. Keep that in mind.

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Image and video hosting by TinyPic on 2008-02-03 15:55:58
In my class we're studying fruits and i just learned abou this interesting fruit!:

Goji Berry
Originating from the vines of one of the world’s most remote, mountainous regions in Tibet and Mongolia is the Himalayan Goji (pronounced GO-jee) berry. Unspoiled from the pollution of modern man, and nourished by the most nutritious of soils, the Goji berry can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD). The Goji berry has also been used in Tibet for at least 1,700 years to provide numerous types of health support including lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, cleansing the blood. Today, this tiny berry has worldwide popularity –especially as consumers are made aware of its unparalleled nutritional profile—19 amino acids (the building blocks of protein) including all eight that are essential for life; 21 trace minerals (including geranium—rarely found in foods); 500 times more vitamin C (by weight) than oranges, a better source of beta carotene than carrots.


Enhanced immune support.
Anti-fatigue effects.
Supports weight loss efforts.
Provides free-radical protection.
Increases energy and strength.
Helps support healthy blood pressure.
Helps reduce HDL.
Helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
Supports healthy sexual function.
Improves the quality of sleep.
Supports eye health.
Improves disease resistance.

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:59:08
hmm. I want to try a guessing game! okay here goes:


your clue is that it's a citrus fruit and the name could make you think of 'here, kitty kitty!'

lol well I never heard of this, so I guess it'd be good to try and guess.

-Teh Quack

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 15:59:38 (edited 2008-02-03 16:00:18) That's a lot. What other ancient berries do we not know about? Thank you, MyLove, that was really interesting. I look forward to much more from your fact book of fruits.


That's the kiatkiat I think.

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 16:05:13
^^; sorry apple, it's not. Don't give up!

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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 17:48:55
I'm thinking it's a Kumquat. I'm not sure if
am right though.

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"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 18:14:21
YAYS! You're teh lucky winner!

Good job, Inx!!!! ^^


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Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 21:33:25
@empo: yah, ^_^ you said it, ^_^ especially when strawberries are in season ^_^

@neon: our flower fest ("panagbenga") has started, maybe you should come and visit ^_^

@to all the fruits: hav a fruity month of february ^_^ hahahaha ^_^

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-03 21:45:22

O.o Really!?
Lucky me xD
Thanks Quack~ :D

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life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 01:44:36
so that's the name of those fruits ._. I wonder what else is there in this world?

Tales of FC

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by Dark on 2008-02-04 01:59:33 (edited 2008-02-04 05:00:16)
waaa looks like more activity here ^^

@Brit: okay! adds berry ,the raspberry! Welcome to the Fruits Club!!

@MyLove: I have no Idea lol XD
well Goji berries.. in my country 1Liter of Goji Juice is practically 20 USD XD so expensive >_<

@Quack: egg fruit? looks liek an egg lol XD

@eon: are merits like drugs, addictive? lolz

@w00t0s and empo: congrats you guessed yance's fruit! ^^ congrats~

@apple: we really need to make an event to make someone the fruit of them month before this month ends without one XD
From now on I won't announce who'll get merits~ cause it's also a bit of a hassle X3
Updated: 2/ 04/ 08; 5:37PM +9 GMT
Fruits club members Fruit takenMeritsMerits
Apple Apple♛♛♛♛♛Queen Apple, President
Dark Peach♜♜♜♜♜Rook Dark, Vice-President
Yance Blueberry★▐1-star Contributing Amateur Member
Neon Mangosteen▐▐▐▐
Shizue Strawberry▐▐▐▐
MyLove Pear▐▐▐▐
w00t0s Lime▐▐▐
Sayuri Lychee▐▐
Yo Yo Pineapple▐▐
Empo Lemon▐▐
Samantha Plum▐▐
Eon Zalacca Fruit(?)▐
Senna Orange▐
Kyo Grapes▐
Rin Durian▐
Ukissa Guava▐
Inx Coconut▐
Quack Pomegranate▐
JC Starfruit
Vie Kiatkiat
Alexandra Tomato
ZParticus Green Mango
DA Watermelon
Sheril Honey Dew
Yat Longan Berry
Mizuki Yellow Mango
Blur Banana
Brit Raspeberry

Fruit of the Month
January: Neon, the Mangosteen
Febuary: TBA

Merits System:
1 Merit = 1 strip (▐)
5 strips = 1 star (★)
5 stars = 1 badge (✶)
5 badges = 1 medal (TBA)

Merit Colors: (I will not post what each means to make you just find out for yourselves)
Blue - Contributory Merit
Red - Activity Merit
Green - Frequency Merit
Violet - Morale Merit
Orange - Fun Merit

*Applies to Stars and Medals only
*There are a special badge-only-colors not listed!

Max is 5 medals! (which is 225 merits!)

My sig to do list:
  • Durian for Rin
  • Banana for Blurrie
  • Zalacca Fruit for Eon
  • Lime for w00t0s
  • Pear for MyLove
  • Lychee for Sayuri
  • Coconut for Inx
  • Plum for Samantha
  • Raspberry for Berry

Re: Teh Fruit Club~[Slots now Open!]
Link | by on 2008-02-04 17:32:37
I have an announcement to make for all the Fruit Club Members!

I have just realized something that I really wanted to be a thing for teh club. I really wanted the club to kind of be like Fruits Basket, and I wanted a rice ball to be a member of the club. Here's what they will look like:

Isn't it just cute?! Well, I wanted to have a member to join as the rice ball, but they mst go through a test to be worthy of the title of the "Rice Ball in the Fruits Basket~"! Well, anyone know someone worthy of this title? Let me know right away!

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