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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2009-01-25 05:03:48
ha ha thnx for the compliment !
so, would you recommend watching code geass ? it reminds me of yu-gi-oh for some reason... lol ( my bro watches it on his own- loser :P )

but, yh thnx a lot !

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2009-01-25 11:33:34

This is the Opening song of the OVA. It is sung by Maaya Sakamoto! The first time she sings an opening TRC!!! XO

@juvixty: Huh? Why does your nickname comes from TRC? I don´t understand???? O.o???

@Modona4Modoki: I didn´t watch every episode of Code Geass, but I think the Anime is quite cool. And the story is very interesting XD and it has nothing to do with yugioh. *lol*

@Mjia-chan:*huggles* I´m fine. Hope youre well. And happy new year at your place. (=^.^=)
Did you read the latest chapter TRC? The battle between the two Syaorans? OMG the ending is so unexpected and sad. T__T

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2009-01-26 07:53:08
Oh yh- btw, anyone here celebrating chinese new year ? lol- we made lots of food ( puh... ^^ )

OOh, another song by Maaya Sakamoto :3

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2009-01-27 02:49:04
@Mokona4modoki:Recommend code geass??Code geass is a nice anime!!Ya,you can think of watching it.^^Happy Chinese New Year!!!

@Likun-chan:Thanz^^Happy holiday!!Btw,do yo have holiday there?XD.SONIC BOOM!!!I heard it,and it is very nice!!As expected from Maaya-san.o.O Opening song?!OMG!!I din realised that,i only know it's the song for TRC.XP.Yet,i hope Kinya-san can song for TRC as well,like in season 1 n 2.I would also like to have Yui Makino-san to sing!!Three of them are really best singer!^^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2009-01-27 08:07:28
Happy Chinese New Year to you too !

I will try and find Code geass episodes to watch then ! :3

Good song ( Sonic boom ) ^.^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by anniemei on 2009-01-27 09:54:23
I want to ask is that true
there will be new TRC ova?
when will it release (in JP)

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2009-01-27 10:05:39
@Nikita: Fortunately it is true that there will be a new OVA. YEAH IT IS! IT IS! THE TRUTH! THE TRUTH! *goes crazy*
The first one will release the 17th april and the second one 15th May.

@Mjia-chan: Thanx. I like the singers as well. (=^.^=) But I think the best of them is Yui. Her voice is so cute *-* and shes so beautiful.

In addition the ending is called "Kioku no mori" by FunctionJunction YUUKA. The song will be out on 25th February together with the new album.

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by litterbox012 on 2009-02-01 20:45:58
I'm lost@.@

oh yeah code geass is reali nice!! you shud watch it but the ending... haiz.. I seriously cried at the ending... ah well Code Geas was a must for me because CLAMP made the character designs so when i heard i was like "OMG OMG I wanna watch it" and i did ^^ (sori if this was a rambling sort of post Gomen ne~)


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2009-02-02 11:01:57
Lol- i'll watch it, i'll watch it ! ( calm down guys )

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by anniemei on 2009-02-03 11:07:40
i still don't get it
so CLAMP is part of the code geass?
but just the character designs not the story?

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2009-02-07 01:46:37
@Nikita:yea,CLAMP just design the character.
@Likun-chan:I love Yui's voice too.It's so Cute!!The battle between syaorans is really really sad.I cried when i read it.(>.<).

Code geass is another great anime..and i love the character designed by CLAMP.LOLXP.
Tsubasa Shunraiki and XXX Holic Shunraiki!!
I cant wait watching it!
Btw,Do you guys read CLAMP's another work-Kobato?

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2009-02-16 04:15:42
@Mjia-chan: Yeah, but I have read the first chapter. It´s a cte story :) I like The blue dog. What´s its name again...I forgot it. (>.<)

This is the trailer of the OVA! Quite disappointing in my view v_v. I mean you can see the scans on the official website.

Tomorrow the first OVA of xxxHolic releases :D

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by litterbox012 on 2009-02-28 04:53:04
henh?? Tsubasa Shunraiki? An OVA OMG i cant believe i didnt noe it was related to TRC.. I DLed the songs way before this came up =.= Oh yeah. Gud news to all Kobato lovers . Kobato is coming out an anime. so catch it soon^^ Oh yeah Chii and freya(or elya) looks so cute in the anime ^^


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by miyaw_0000 on 2009-03-10 19:28:05
i watching code geass from now..
but i think the love story of sakura and ayaoran is so quite cool...
tsubasa shunraiki is also related in tsubasa tokyo revelation??
i read that there is a clone sakura..
is that true??

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2009-03-21 08:12:36
Tsubasa Shunraiki!!Cant wait it.
Spoiler:There's clone syaoran.XP

Tsubasa Shunraiki is about the events in the new world-Japan,Kurogane's World.

OMG!!!Chapter 216!!Did anyone read that chapter?It's so AWESOME!!!I really cant believe it!!Syaoran & Sakura!!>.< !!!

So XXX holic shunraiki is out?Can't wait to download it!!!

Code geass nice too!!According to one of the manga magazine in my place,Code geass is in second place that people loves the most!And Kobato will become anime!!Yeah!!Can't wait to watch the anime too.^^

*I saw a post n it is about:Why CLAMP never drawn a kissing Scene?

Btw,i think that's funny,butit's fact though.XD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2009-03-21 09:16:19
Can't wait it...>_<
but yea Clamp never drawn kissing scene...


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2009-04-18 12:22:21
Anybody watch the second OVA yet?
Why have Prodction IG drop Infinity Arc? =.= I was really looking forward to it since the outfits are so hot in this part >_<

The latest manga chapters are quite confusing too. So many Sakuras and Syaorans. @_@ Why did Clamp such a cpmplicated storyline?

I would really appreciate it if they would draw a kissing scene. hehe~ :D
They even din´t do when Sakura and Syaoran become a couple. Ö_Ö"

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by unica_hija23 on 2009-10-30 08:06:46
its been awhile! haha..hi pips!


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by SacoraSacora's Arceus!! XD on 2009-11-07 11:35:03
Hello everyone! My name is Sacora, and I would love to proudly join the Tsubasa Reservior Chronicles Club! ^^

I have been watching the Anime and reading the Manga for two-years now, and I'm a HUGE CLAMP fan! ^^

I also own the entire 1st season box-set for the seireies!! XDD

My many thanks for letting me join! I hope to post as much Tsubasa and CLAMP information and pictures, as I can!!! XDDD


Ichigo Kurosaki is Claimed! By: Sacora! XDDCode Geass FanclubSacora's Signature

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2009-12-18 23:36:12 (edited 2009-12-18 23:36:29)
So long time i din been here...
Sorry guys!!!
Btw,tsubasa manga is completed....
It's nice that we can read the last chapter...n...
i will miss TRC forever!!
Anyway,i hope CLAMP will just continue to make OVAs...
enjoy guys!

*I see,our club is unactive for a long long time..XD


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