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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-14 12:50:19 (edited 2006-04-15 09:45:53)
im not sure if i should call her though...i called her every day for 4 days last week asking when she wanted to hang out...she said she didn't know because she has to help out with her cusin's baby shower...understandable.

anyway i think she got sick of me calling...she asked me for my number and told me that she would call me when she knew when she was avalable. she hasent called me back seince...and that was sunday. i dont want her to get mad at me for bugging her when she still doesn't know. but i cant help but think that she forgot about me or lost my number or simply doesnt care anymore.

my parents made a bet of thinks im waisting my time and that she wont call at thinks she will call monday or tuesday to say that she wont be able to hang out with me...and i took today and tomorrow because of something my horescope said...

im thinking of calling her on monday if she doesn't...just in case she lost my number or soemthing....

EDIT: i talked it over with Alyssa, she sugested to call her on easter and i think i will.

now comes the hardest question of all....should i watch AIR, Sakiano, or finish my english essay...?

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-04-14 12:53:21 (edited 2006-04-14 12:54:53)
@DNinja, I completely understood your point the first time and I'm not, in the slightest way, offended or annoyed. Sorry if I seemed militant for a sec. I just realized that: a.) I was really bored around 1:30 in the morning, and b.) I hadn't made my opinions over religion clear yet.
You make yet another fantastic point, oral tradition is unreliable. Most events in the more recent New Testament were recorded in the same fashion.
I just hate being powerless, that's all. I try to view religion through my own eyes as well, regardless of doctrine.

The US is a funny country, reminds me of a South Park quote: "Some of us will continue to appear to be peaceful, while half of us will continue to want war. That way, others will see us as a country with strength, but at the same time, we won't be seen as completely crazy either. It's called having your cake and eating it too."

About the dollar, the Illuminati sure did a number on us.

@Wolf, see it all worked out...minus the wrist, hope it heals soon...g'luck!

@Nightmare,Wolf has given the best advice anyone can give! Come straight out and say it! You've got nothing to lose! Banzai! Go down in a blaze of glory! Girls like guys who take initiative. EDIT: At the same time, don't over call her. Best to wait I guess.

Now I'm back to editing my girlfriend's 72 page long story. Sooooo many typos. I'm on page 14 now....58 hellishly imaginative pages left...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-14 19:38:35
@Wolf - The coach got pissed that he was able to get something he couldn't before? WTF? That's some messed up bullshit right there. He should be thrilled.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-16 11:33:03
Yeah my coach was angry at me because I "outstepped his authority." I laughed in his face and shrugged him off. Nothing is going to get me down, not even the wrist thing.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-16 11:55:47
it is not a good time to be me...

Alyssa and i had a little talk....she finally fessed up and told me that she never loved me or cared about me and that she had been lieing to me for all these 10 years....i can believe it...she was the one perosn who i thought truly loved me. and now shes gone....

also, my dad and i had a talk as well and i discovered that after next year i will not have anyplace to and dad are moving to a property they have up north and im staying down here to go to is paying for my first 2 years of collage...but not room and board, so by this time next year, i wont have anywhere to live because i was never allowed to work so i couldnt save up any money...

so now im screwed...the person i loved most just abandond me and ill have no place to live in a year........

oh, i DID call Macie, she said she would call me back tomorrow because she has company over.

happy easter everyone!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by kittykat on 2006-04-16 12:55:18
ahhhhh.......does anyone know how to sew stuff quicker??(by hand)...
made a plushie bunny for easter and it just about died..*sob*
and the computer died, taking all my downloads with it...just found some....(huzzah for ^^).....
i haven't checked other posts or anything for answers really, this is more of a retarded sounding rant....><....

.....well i feel better now...not good enough to go back to proper english or anything though n.n
anyway have a happy easter everyone!!

p.s. i think i kinda interrupted the flow of this part of the thread...sorry about that!!
(just had to complain to unknown mass millions...wooooo...:)...i feel semicrazy right now....)

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-16 13:12:26
kittyKat - Flow?

Nightmare - There's only one thing you can do, work as hard as you can to get another place by that time. If you haven't been able to save up before, just start saving up now.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-16 17:02:43
Life would be infinitely unsatifying if adversity wasn't overcome. Life loves to break your leg on 4th and inches. Now is the time when responsibility turns into necessity. Get a job and strap up to hold on. Summer is plenty of time to work hard to save money. Talk with a councelor about finiancial aid and the like. I'm sure you can work out a deal with them. There is always a way to get by but it's going to take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. The dark days ahead will be outshined by the prosperity in your future. My father isn't the most emotional man but when I was young he said this almost every chance he got, "I was would face hell everyday just to see those eyes, those smiling eyes." Your hard work will pay off, keep those feet movin'.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-16 18:48:29
Nightmare, I feel for you, I deeply do. To love a person is taxing on every faculty of the body. There are days when the fatigue of love is more evident than others. For many people that fatigue manifests itself in as many ways as there are people to experience it. As you have no doubt realized, the pain subjected to a person, thorough love, is nearly infinite. The problem with that is often the toughest parts of love are experienced alone. As I have said many times in the past, any obstacle can be overcome; you just need the right number of friends. If you were to take all the troubles you faced alone and were to share those problems with friends then you would never suffer the full effects of anything negative to your being. So as a first point I say- don’t let yourself be overrun by the plight that we all ail to.

Love can be hard to see. The entire concept is shrouded with the fog of mystery. It is because f that fog that we rarely see love coming. We are but a small dinghy in a shipping lane of life and love the ship that will either pass in the night or drown us in the seas of despair. Of course however, there is the possibility that we (the ship and us) may mutually see through this perplexing fog of mystery and spot one another on the clam seas. Upon this discovery we may be picked up on this luxury liner and sail to the ends of this world, and possibly the next. This brings me to my next point- maybe what you thought was love was actually just that ship that passes through the night. You may have mistaken the ship-of-the-line for the Exon-Valdez and with this distancing avoided killing many Alaskan critters along the shores. The ship you saw might have been heading to oblivion while the next ship that presents itself through the fog might be that glorious ship. With that ship comes the light of love, the glorious divine light know only as happiness.

All great journeys end when you arrive at the beginning and know it for the first time.
Live life out and enjoy it, for when you reach the end you will have no time to party.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-18 20:37:00
thanks guys...i really appriciate your concern..

about Alyssa....i guess she was just mad or something, because she came over and appologized...yes, not aim, not a phone call...physically came over and hung out for a little was really nice of her to stop by.

macie is really getting me worked up....she said she would call...and never starting to wonder if she really wants to hang out after all....

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-19 06:33:40 (edited 2006-04-19 06:36:18)

I know ya can do it! ^_^

In a year I made like....6 grand. Thats working like 15 hrs a week average and at 7.25 and then 7.64

Start saving up. Leech from your parents as much as you can XD

lol I had to put that. aaaaanyways.....

Start saving up if you can NOW. that way in a year you can have some money to use.

The toughest part of anything is getting started.

Once thats over it gets easier ^_^

I have to wait a bit....see what I can make in a month and then start looking for a place I can live on my own.

Bout the love issue. Love comes and goes.....tis how it works.

It didnt work out with Tinna, now im with someone else ^_^

Oh and Tinna also has someone else too.

Ya know....the more I have been in love....the more I want to search for it XD

wells must pay attention in class! LOL

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-19 06:33:54 (edited 2006-04-19 06:35:57)
Hi, I'm back. A lot of posts to catch up on and alot to reply on. (Actually less than I expected)

I will post about my trip later sometime in my msn space and I will have pictures too. I'll make a link here when it is ready, so feel free to look if you happen to be interested.

Good job with the anti-suicide persuations. I support suicide but I also support living. Since they still have a desire to live I commend you for stopping them.

Is it just me or does anybody else find suicidal girls attractive? I feel like saying, "You don't have to kill yourself because instead of being dead you could have me as a boyfriend and wwe could both be happy." It feels weird, people are killing themselves out of lonliness and depression; yet I am here whining that I have no one to be with or make happy.

Nightmare, I say you have a serious talk with this girl. Ask her directly if you are bothering here and ask if she is actually interested in have the kind of relationship you want. Tell her exaclty how you feel. Tell her that you aren't a casual boyfriend and that she has to take you seriously.

When I first read the thing about Alyssa I was about to type a gigantic pissed off paragraph but I see that she apologized. However, I still am kinda of irritated that she would say that even if she was angry.

What Sero has someone else? Is it that girl you talked out of suicide? What about Tinna too? (This is starting to sound like gossip corner)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-19 06:43:40
Uh that wasnt me who talked a girl out of suicide.....that was...DaedalusMachina.

I talked a guy out of suicide, and we all know him too...well most.

I am now going out with....uh....I think she had a gendou name.... but..

I dont remember it XD all I know her by is Fanny.

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-19 07:52:56
Yes... that was me. And no, I have no plans in dating her anytime soon, since she happens to be a 14 year old girl. I love her to death, just the same.

... I wonder if I should be saying that.... :P ... that just sounds awkward given the context of the current conversation...

Nightmare - I agree completely with Jomunga's advice, you _really_ need to have a long conversation with that girl, find out what's going on, find out everything that's troubling her, and make your best efforts to help her.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-19 18:35:03
Jomunga, welcome back from your voyage across the sea. Did you try the new sock taste?

The main problem I suffer from is that the love of my life is the embodyment of everything I dislike. Vegetarian, overly religous, overactive, and a couple of other things. The problem is I love her just the same. I'm willing to accept the vegetarian and the overactiveness, but overly literal interpretaion of religion makes my blood boil. That's the one thing I can't change for, my belifes are too deep-rooted. Mind you, I'll just do what I did today during the philosophy discussion that broke out, just look away and keep my foot firmly placed in my mouth. The taste of my shoes is preferable to the taste of a lost love. All this right after I wrote my beliefs. If god has a sense of humor, he sure likes to use it.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-20 03:45:31 (edited 2006-04-20 05:05:12)
I didn't try the new sock taste, but I did visit a temple dedicated to the unknown soldier who died in world war 11.

Dninja that is a pretty big problem. I wouldn't want a girlfriend who loved god more than she loved me.

Lol Fanny.

Daedalus, good luck with the big brotherness. I wouldn't put it past yourself just because she is 14. I mean in 4 years she will be 18.

Ok, if you want to see pictures of everybodies favorite Jomunga in Japan, go to that link. There is also some highlights of my trip.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-20 06:51:17
Hey dont laugh....I heard its her actual name.


yeah....religion is a tricky thing....hope it all works out ^_^

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-04-20 08:06:24
well i dont really want to talk to her right now...she hasent called me. so im going to wait until she does....myabe in like 2 weeks or so if she doesnt call...then well have that long talk.

and i know what you mean, jomunga, abotu the suicidal girls....its wierd...but oh so true...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Urahara Kisuke on 2006-04-20 08:09:17
my depression right now is that SERO keeps saying my threads piontless and well i kinda think he's er is there a way you change the name of a thread? or delete it..

Image Hosted by HostPixImage Hosted by HostPixImage Hosted by HostPix oh helleo! hahaha, i'm Urahara , DON'T FORGET IT....hahaha

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-20 08:12:22

Just leave the name its fine. If you choose to RP it.

it was pointless, until now, so just cheer up already sheesh.

yeah suicidal girls....theres something bout them XD

I guess the whole thing I could see as to why it is like that is....

you want to show them that they are loved...and you can protect them.

and that someone looks up to you....etc etc etc

That was better worded in my head....XD

Light and Dark

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