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Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-20 22:42:13 -- no tubgirl

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by SeaCucumber on 2006-04-20 22:54:37
BTW, who came up with that pic? *shudders and starts shaking violently while sobbing loudly in a corner*

Dark days and sunny nights --
Escape the glimmer of city lights;
Stranded in the crying rain,
Taking joy and adding pain.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-04-20 23:59:42
correct me if i'm wrong, but i doubt the tubgirl pic is even photoshopped. and it does gives me the shudders too...

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by sherlock_holmes on 2006-04-21 00:09:44 (edited 2006-04-21 00:10:21)
tubegirl is really a pain in the neck. she keep giving shame to herself. tubegirl must be insane with this kind of things.

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Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-04-21 00:34:27
urgh. remind me not to get on your bad side. nasty dude, nasty.

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Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-04-21 00:35:21
lol no kidding. this pic takes away 10 yrs off of your life

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by SeaCucumber on 2006-04-21 18:29:58
XD Well said

I just showed my one of my friends the pic

The other won't look at it

Dark days and sunny nights --
Escape the glimmer of city lights;
Stranded in the crying rain,
Taking joy and adding pain.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-21 22:36:03

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-04-21 22:42:31
Someone help me with a comment to leave on hotlinker's Xangas.

The one I'm currently using is:


This has been a Gendowned Public Service Announcement.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-21 22:52:54 -- went tubgirl on this one

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-21 23:30:18 (edited 2006-04-21 23:54:26)
How about....
CONGRATULATIONS! You just got your ass GENDOWNED!!!

F@$& you very much for hotlinking with

This has been a Gendowned Public Service Announcement.

Thank you, and have a F&^@ing great day.

We are not liable for any damages to your website, your ego,
your fragile intellect, your respect among your 'friends' or 'buddies'
at Xanga or otherwise, or eyeburn if you were an unfortunate enough
dumbass to piss off Gendou enough to get a whopping heap of Tubgirl...
if so, then may God have mercy on your soul, because Gendou clearly
did not.

A little... over the top?

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-21 23:58:14

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-04-22 02:08:47
Well, I want to be a little nicer, at least.

But that'll do it. ;o THANK YOU!

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-22 03:33:11
My pleasure.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-25 09:29:44

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-04-25 11:08:42
Ahahaha, that's great, with your Bandwidth post and everything.

You shoulda changed the bottom where it says:



Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-04-26 15:51:12
I think Gendou will only do tubgirl for foreign forums and GaiaOnline members.

Don't tell me I'm wrong now. XD

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-28 16:08:34
i make tubgirl where tubgirl is due.
including here

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by Crossfade on 2006-04-28 16:24:15
Hahahahh the comment in his page makes me wanna laugh.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-04-28 22:16:03
i kind of think this belongs.

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