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Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-22 06:23:30
Heylows evvyonez! :D
Yehhh, Saturday~~~ just plain calm Saturday. I really miss last Saturday's Eirtakon '08 though xD

Anyways, I can't believe it's gonna be wk12 >_< One moar week before the xmas exams DDDx Gah, the earlier the better!

And I'm hooked to Vampire Knight :DDDDDDDDDDDD Sadly, the VK mangas are not out yet in Dublin!!! DDDDx I searched in comic book stores, general bookstores~~~ no hope TT__TT Hopefully Borders will have at least one vol of VK manga! For a while, I watched VK anime ep 1 and 2 so far and the story gets intriguing as why Zero is being so unstable towards everyone. Kaname is so so so so handsome. :333

Feriya, there is a VK club in :0

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-23 02:15:56
!+ w00t I got bumped.. but yesh Kurakun I'm going to see Nicky && all the Malaysian gendou people :33 +!

what is the taming sari tower?! best tak?! O___o;;

P/s : nama je org malaysia..benda2 bgini pun tak tahu >///<

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by mjia on 2008-11-23 02:55:36
@kira nii: I went A Famosa,all the historical places..XD..and i did go into the marine museum.But for taming sari tower,i din go.Just watch it from the big ship opposite the taming sari tower..T_T..and i saw Eye On M'sia too...but din have chance to sit...T_T

@Eria:Yea,going a trip with friends is best!!Poor you have to protect someone during the trip..XD..but I think i'll try to make a club trip next year...since i'm the president..XD..hope so.^^

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-23 03:10:06
@wootos no VK club but zero kiryuu fan club. weird huh? wanna start VK fan club?

@Mjia i went to A famosa b4 too. did you go to do cowboy town? i was fantastic the last time i go.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-11-23 03:45:14 (edited 2008-11-23 04:15:51)
Hmm.. Maybe I should create a short copy-and-paste explaination here =0

Menara Taming Sari // Taming Sari Tower [Bandar Hilir, Melaka]

Click for the Picture

Officially opened for business on the 18th of April 2008, Menara Taming Sari is the first and only gyro tower in Malaysia so far. Measuring 110 metres in height, its revolving structure offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Malacca town and beyond.

Located in the popular district of Bandar Hilir on Jalan Merdeka, only 3 minutes’ walk from Mahkota Parade Shopping Complex and Dataran Pahlawan Megamall, the tower is named after the Taming Sari keris, a mythical weapon said to possess mystical powers belonging to the legendary Malay warrior, Hang Tuah. Even the structure’s design follows the shape of the keris, with the peak of the tower resembling the its hilt.

Built using advanced Swiss technology, the tower’s structure is reportedly tough enough to withstand earthquakes measuring up to 10 on the Richter scale. Able to accommodate 80 people per viewing session, which lasts about 7 minutes, the glass cabin hypnotically revolves as it rises from the ground to the top of the tower.

Once it reaches the top, a breathtaking, sprawling view of Malacca as far as the eye can see, up to the Straits of Malacca, is clearly visible, especially in good weather, with the Melaka River running through the grand panorama below.

In addition to the opportunity to get a bird’s-eye view of Malacca, the attraction is also fitted with 5 commercial outlets consisting of a café, a restaurant and souvenir shops.

Credits:[biography] and sleepyhao.blogspot[image]

I'm sorry if I spoil anything here. >3<;; Tish ish for j00, scarldine :3 It's quite fun, you can visit there and experience the fun yourself! But there is entrance fee. [too bad, huh? -_-] xDD The entrance fee is around RM20 for adult and RM7 for children, if I'm not mistaken. But to me its worthy o__o;; In my humble opinion xDDD Since it's my first time *cough*.


Scarldine: Don't worry neh~ I don't know anything about the tower myself, but thanks to the tour package the trip use for Sarawak representatives. Don't worry Scarldine, it's not much popular since they always call it "That rotation tower near the Dataran Pahlawan." lol xDD And besides I haven't saw any documentation on TV about it ~ So it's not your fault, neh? :3

Mjia: I see =0 Nice ^__^ Good luck with your plans xDD Lol yes. -_- And besides his fangirls is so effing noisy D: *seriously annoyed =_=*

P/S: The informations and the snapshot is not by me, so please view teh credits ~

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-23 14:33:18
Ooo, when's the last time I went to Melaka...??? xD Ages ago. But I never heard about that tower thing. Menara Taming Sari~~~ hmm.

I pernah pergi Menara Kuala Lumpur je xD Twice though. I schooled at SKCBN2 and SMKCBN, so dekatlah (if take by coach bus!!! xDD I remember I was in standard six, my malay teacher brought us to KL tower by passing the woods to reach there xDDDDD). The view's nice though :D

Feriya, I am not brave enough to set up VK club xDDDDDDD I'm still new to VK! There is the Zero Kiryuu fanclub, but I'm not that a big fan of him xD Idk, we gotta see then.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-23 17:33:37
there is no bookmark! DX
they sell only...usual melaka souvenirs O_O

and lol what a big info XD
hey it's...RM10 for children last time i checked. and...what's weird, i went with my cousins...we are considered adults by paid only (there's 3 of us)

ohhhh...macam pernah dengar...tapi kat mana ye...XD

haha that's nice

meh no's just open recently (like what's seen in eri's entry)...i even dunno at 1st, when my aunt old me i's good then i decided to check it out...XD

rojak is more like it...XD

xmas exams? good luck!
haha VK fever...XD

lol mootos the tower is still new XD

O_O you dulu sekolah cina ke?

aww why did you go to those 2? DX
actually i didn't have the chance to ride Eye On Malaysia dad wants to go back quick DX

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-11-24 05:09:53
I'm back~

Well,today is Bio papers,and usual,like other papers,it also not bad.Tomorrow will be physics.Hope I can do better on the next day.-__-;;;

the taming sari tower reminded me to KL tower.Maybe because the view is from below,so...
really hope that I can go to Malacca this year.>_<

have a nice day,minna-san~!XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-24 06:24:44
Heylows evvyonez!

@kira: No, I never enrolled in chinese schools. It's always the typical mixed schools. I studied at SKCBN2 (Convent Bukit Nanas) when I was in standard 6 (my dad hated the previous school I was in for 5 years). Then pursued my Form 1 and Form 2 (halfway) in SMKCBN. I tak suka CBN sangat.

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-24 11:27:18
Omg! It felt ages since last i open up this thread. I really wanted 2 cry when me compy didnt let me in gendou! *crying and flooding the house* Its 3.15 a.m the only reason why i can online at me phone without my credit. Lgpun i have insomnia these days, nvm. What hppnd on the forum? n why are u guys talking bowt menara taming sari? Geramnye ble x dpt ikut latest news at this thread. Rse mcm ditinggalkn. Uwaaa....:'( i'll try open at me compy bile rase lucky.. Kalau boleh.. *sigh*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by syina on 2008-11-24 12:28:51
menara taming sari huh... ada ke bondo 2 kat malaysia nie.... kt tgk2 korang ckp mcm mende 2 wujud... kt br balik dr london 2 yg mcm lost contact apa yg jd kat melaka 2. kalu yg eye on malaysia 2 kt tahu gak. coz adik kt asyik bising jer. ajk kt bwk dia naik eye on malaysia kat melaka... cuti nie kut kt pegi.. teringin gak nak masuk taming sari tower..
apapun dozoyurisikul watasiwa syina

hehehehe..... o.O

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Kaezoon87 on 2008-11-24 14:54:33
Hi gang, may I join in the club too? I'm 21 years old, last semester student in one of the college in KL. Hobbies watching anime and playing video games. Born mixed Malay and Chinese.

Still weak in English, so guys, yorushiku onegai shimasu!

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-11-24 17:14:04
Ah~! Welcome to the thread, Syina and Kaezoon. Just talk and be proud as Malaysians here, but check out the first post [on the page 0] and read the rules. Have fun! ^__^


@Sakira; Awwhh I see =0 Ah the souvenir shop +_+ My and my friend bought a bundle of Melaka keychain from the A Famosa [tapi tak sempat gi bukit tu ar D:] which only cost us RM8 per bundle and RM15 for two. [Diaorang bagi less ler kat kitaorang kalau beli dua eheheh >:D] But at the souvenir shop at the entrance house [or whatever you called them =_=] it's liek.. RM15 per bundle, if I'm not mistaken.

Ehh?! =0 RM10 for children.........Tapi itu bermaksud korang guna children's fee lah? o_o;

Yes, xD I thought it's a KL tower too xDD Spin-off version, perhaps? xDD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by dt-chan on 2008-11-24 18:16:18
hello.. im new to this thread.. so please be nice to me kay.. ... ... ... NOT.. !!!

... actually.. im lost again, not on9 for several days and i dont hav any idea wat to reply anymore.. ~~'
connection pretty d**n annoying these days so i cant on9 much.. & connection always break if i manage to establish connection anyway..
maybe i shud get myself some broadband so i can on9 24/7 like always.. XD

well, syina & kaezoon, welcome abroad our gendou-malaysian forum.. enjoy ur time here.. :)

umm.. wat to reply.. hmm.. uhh.. guess ill jz pass to reply this time (again).. ~.~'
too lazy to stroll around previous page.. too many to read.. -_-'

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-24 19:38:36
ohhh i thought C is cina lol my bad
ohhh then you went to Dublin right? XD

what happened? compy won't let you on...what about other sites? O_O
well lol we're talking about that tower because...i mentioned it and questions flooding lol

welcome XD
menara tu baru lagilah...memanglah kebanyakan orang tak tau. XD

don't worry you can speak malay also XD

lol if typical melaka stuff i have loads XD but i don't see any bookmark...still

lol lucky...promotion...wait did the seller flirt you guys while giving discounts? lol jk

lol it's written as adults O_O they even ask us our
but of course...maybe because i'm too chibi...when i ride this one trishaw the err driver? w/e thought i'm standard 4...lulz


hmm but broadband so expensive..DX

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by mjia on 2008-11-25 05:10:12
@feriya:Cowboy town?Yea,i did go there to watch the Carnival Parade.Teh animals very amazing and cute.XD

@Eria:I see.So he is kinda like celebrities in your school?Or a prince?XD

@kira nii:T_T..i wish i can go to ride taming sari tower and eye on m'sia.XD

@Woots:Wow!It's great that you had go to Menara KL for twice.I only had gone there for the first time in this year trip.T_T

@syina & Kaezoon:welcome.XD

@Dt-san:Haha!!new?XD.Sometimes when i missed many pages,i also feel lazy to read all posts that i missed..XD.teh post too long..O_O

P/s:Hey guys,do you know about OVAs called Tsubasa Shunraiki?XD

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by avy4gendou on 2008-11-25 06:04:05
@syina & kaezoon
welcome2..buat cam rumah sendiri kat sini..XD

Tsubasa Shunraiki...isn't that the new OVAs for Tsubasa Chronicle?It will release next year,I guess.

have a nice day,minna-san!XD


Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-25 11:02:32

I dunno why the compy wont let me in. I already fill the username n psrword n check them many times when i log in but the page remain the same; home.
*sobbing even harder*

Same here 2, i online at my phone and it piss me off not knowing what people talking bowt. Guess i cant linger here anymore.

~irashaimase newcomers. Drop by always ya;-)? Hajime.. Just shoot me question and i'll answer 'em. Hehe.. *grinning broadly*

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by Mr. Eria on 2008-11-25 16:53:21 (edited 2008-11-25 16:56:15)
dito: ahaahaha xDD dun worry. you'll catch-up. *i'm moar lost before*

sakira: I see~ Oh, did you went to Dataran Pahlawan? :o

err not promotion :o The teachers were liek, "Alaaa...Beri je lah RM15...Less RM1 je..Saye beli dua ni." xDD *feel ashamed* But somehow the teachers are very good at persuading. xD Flirt? WTF. They'll flirt with teh female teachers. Not me xDD And beside my 'friend' is the Chibi Class President [CCP]. And he's a guy. Lulz.

Ehh..I think because it has different package/tickets. Lulz. Standard 4. xDDD Height pl0x. xDD meh jk.

mjia: Prince? Hmm. Not really +_+ But the girls are from other schools. SO Mjia-san's school has a prince? :3 And oh. Tsubasa Shunraiki is the new OVA for TRC x3 I wanted to watch it tho. But next year is going to be busy busy busy D:

Re: The Malaysians Thread ( II )
Link | by on 2008-11-25 18:41:44
go next time! XD
iunno about that Tsubasa xD

hmm dah clear cookies ke? XO
lepas somewhere in internet options go type in there's this err always enable cookies thingy...ack iunno how to explain X_X
kalau still tak boleh iunno then DX

lol i did just pass by...not went into the shopping mall tho XD

lololol date with him? jk XD

but i thought ppl like young girls...XD

package? but we only got one ticket, under group XD

NOOOOO don't ask >_>

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