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Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-25 03:19:48
gmeis lol... club?
xD i never been there before..probably won't lol xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-25 04:51:54
@Z: hey wait...we didnt! XD. Once me and Ronin are done knocking off Critic. I'll be glad to face you as a warm up before i face Critic in a one on one and hopefully win.

@Gmeis: go have fun!! meeet pppl!! lol

@DA: Hey if u broke it having fun, then its no biggie. Just tell that to the store clerk and he/she will be happy to get u a new set of instruments >=D!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-25 09:31:37
[@Zpart] Yeah, I still feel that way, too.
It doesn't fit, but I'm only using it because of the Halloween spirit, y'know?

I'm know to be so indecisive and can change avatars back and fourth all the time. ^-^"
Speaking of a new avatar, I still have to make a new profile card soon, but ehh...
It was hard finding a nice Halloween render, so like, it's whatever.
I tried to get one of a nice real pumpkin or something with depth, but I'll try later or so, but whatever.

[@GM] Yeah, this is always an issue in these types of games.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-25 09:51:44
GahhhH!!!! Now I feel like flying off to Indonesia... just to have a go at DRUM LIVE STUDIO!!!! Darn!!!!

GMeis~~~ Well... You can always go there to meet new people and order a soda (since you don't like to drink). Just enjoy basking in the crowd of new faces, getting to chat with some ladies... and later enjoy some drunken's self directed and acted drama~

Awwww~~~ DA has changed back his Avvie~~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-10-25 10:53:26
@Adel: lol nooooooooo!!! DX
A Pub/Restaurant. I haven't gone to a club yet.

@Kira: Ahhh.. the attempt was a fail. lol

@Engel: Actually I would've drank but I had to drive.
I would've stuck with like a frilly drink. lol
And there were no ladies to chat with. T_T

lol So I met up with my friend yesterday before going to the place. That way I could just follow.
I think I should've drank something. <,>
I felt so left out. lol
But there was some accident on some road so I had to take some detour to get to another friends house.
The stupid detour had like hairpin turns after hairpin turns downhill. =_=
I had to take the stupid detour twice. First time with a friend, second by myself.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-10-26 07:29:43
i know..i cant believe i forgot that GUITAR FREAKS is the ORIGINAL
guitar sim game...guess i was spoiled by guitar hero!hahahah

too bad..well better luck next time right?
a pub should go, ya might meet some ladies!hahaha

oh wait you did go!hahaha
how was the pub?

hahaha your avatar is back!guess you also felt that it wasn't DA-ish huh...
its kinda weird but there are certain styles in avatars that just stick to people
i mean if someone uses a new one , it feel awkward looking at it,as if the person you are
referring to is a different person..but there are also cases that people use a new avatar
but it fits them, its as if the avatar was made just for them hahaha just one look at it and you
can tell that its that person!

well good luck with finding that avatar and your profile card

sure!i'll be waiting!hahaha

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-26 14:02:02
lol it seems like that avatar thing sticks with everybody. I don't think I can get away with changing the L anytime soon...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-26 14:52:26
Well certain GFS designers here have their own unique style(s) and/or their most fond style.
You can sort of tell my avatars from the other members (or not, who knows).

The other one was a nice one, but it just didn't feel right, but ah, whatever, it's only Halloween. :D

I finally got a new cell phone today, I'm happy.
Oh, and when driving to Home Depot to buy this water machine thingy, this d00d like cut me off while I was turning left, and he was behind me, too.
Jesus, I saw him picking out some paint brushes or something and I was just grillin' him, heh. D:<


Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-10-26 17:24:55 (edited 2008-10-26 17:25:22)
@Z: lol I already went!!
The pub was fine... but no ladies met. T_T
I basically just ate their for dinner with my friend and his family.
I liked their soup, it was cooked with some alcohol. I could taste it.
I chose not to drink though, since I had to drive. XD

I change avatars all the time. Just not the default too often. :3
I change in the chat.
I was told that plastic surgery is not for me since I change my avy so often. XD

@DA: DA is starting to pick up the Drivers Anger? :p
lol Dude, gotta get use to it.
There are so many types of drivers like that, its not even funny. >,<

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-26 20:26:39
Did I heard someone talking about a pub?... XDDD *feels summoned*

nah jk jk... hey, hello guys I'm still a part of this club, (I hope so). How are you guys doing?

Yaayy, halloween is coming!, hahaha.

@Dangel-san: hehe I remember last year you told me about this cute little kid who was wearing a Goku costume? (I think so) and he said merry christmas XDDD hehehe... that's cute XDD lol

@Z-san: When somebody changes avatar, it takes time to get the people used to it. Nevertheless if you change it a lot, then it's not a problem XD (I tend to change it quite often XDD)...

Kei-kun's space for stupid comments: Everything changes... we all have to move on

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-26 20:34:24
@Kei Kun: duuuuuuuuddddddeeeee! long time no C! and i to change mine alot but since i got the hots 4 BoA so much, im stickin wit this 4 a long time XD

Gmeis: no ladies?? ouch! lol

crap i need a gf but idk where 2 start...been single since april...

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by H on 2008-10-26 22:01:06
omfg... just returned from a nearby arcade, where GF v5 infinity had been installed for a week or so...
that machine has a friggin tight window and an unforgiving scoring system! even worse than v4! Failed at stage 1 playing "The World" (yes, nightmare) that has only 31 difficulty! Geez....

lolz poor gmeis, a pub with no ladies? ^^;;

*waves to kei-kun* alohaa~~

wow take it easy kira, I've been single since the beginning of my life ^^

avatars eh? maybe it's time for me to change mine... but couldn't find a suiting image -_-a

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-26 22:11:59
[@GM] Yeah seriously, people just seem to cut me off every now and then.
When I first started it was brutal as hell, but like if I see you at the same place I'm going after cutting me off, I'm going to get in your face about it, haha.

Maybe I didn't this time cause my parents was with me and I didn't want to make a scene? >_>;

Anyways, trying to read here, you're trying to find some new lady friends? XD

[@Kei] Yeah, I think I told Maia-hime this story, too, I forget really, but yeah.
I wonder if he's coming this year, too. I wonder if I'm even going to be home, haha. :P

[@H] That sucks. I went to an arcade about two weeks ago (when I played Rockband with my friend at Best Buy, lol),
and at an old mall I used to go to before I moved, they took out their arcade, and I was pissed, cause it had Time Crisis IV which I have not beaten yet with/without a partner. >_<;;


Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-10-27 10:49:25
no ladies?
well at least ya tasted some alcohol soup!hahahaha

@kei kun
hahaha yeah and there are times that the new avatar really fits the person too..
just one look and you'll know its them haha

nice! your arcades are updated!i cant say the same for ours though..they seldomly add new machines...
like twice a year or something..unless its popular of course!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2008-10-27 13:57:26
lol Yeah, about the Pub.
No ladies no alcohol, kinda felt like a wasted trip. XD
I did get a free meal out of it so its ok.

@Kei-kun: lol That would be me!

@Z: lol I hate having to drive.
Thats what cut me off from just chuggin everything.
Regardless of that I can't drink much anyways.
Gmeis = Lightweight >,<

@DA: Where I live, there are a lot of old people driving.
I get cut offs, slow downs, and turn signals still flashing. =.=

@H: All arcades where I live were taken out a like 5 years ago.
One was replaced with a hair salon.
The other just made into a wall. =.=

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-27 16:03:52
Haha, well yeah those type of drivers are everywhere really.

I'm so happy right now. Loving my new cell phone more and more.
I'm not sure if I told you guys about that yesterday, but yeah I finally got a new phone after like, two years. :/
I've been texting a lot now, shoot, I might never call anyone now, haha.

Oh, I'm happy because I'm not going to school tomorrow and taking a day off for my driver's test. :D


Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-27 16:29:06
@Gmeis did you try to meet ladies? It should come pretty naturally what to say and stuff, but most of the times, you should take the initiative and like be brave and stuff lol.

@DA ha I have a four-day week too XD staff development day is friday, which is also halloween, which also means I don't get extra credit in my classes if I dress up... oh well. And Time Crisis VI has a very stupid ending... Although the dual Deagle wielding final boss was pretty cool I guess, I liked Wild Dog better myself (He's in this one too... I think it's time he should die don't you?)


your arcade sounds like that one rigged arcade I visited in Tokyo. I think it was the Taito building. Whatever, but like yeah the DDR Supernova there is relentless, miss like 5 notes and you're done. Although Initial D 4 was everywhere, and I spent like 4 hours in there playing online with that game. It's so awesome XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by H on 2008-10-28 03:19:23
agh.... I broke my glasses this morning... When I came to school without glasses, the girls started to chew on me again, "Be more macho!" geez... just because my face is a bit girly.... -_-;;

ah time crisis 4... I haven't beaten it too until now ^^;; I envy this friend of mine who beat it without getting a single game over -_-;;

yeah my arcades are updated Z, only in Singapore >.< If I am to return to Indonesia, the machines are still the same, damn those cheapskate arcades... have to go to this faraway plaza just to play DDR supernova2 -_-;;'

wtf gmeis... that's just unfair! a plaza without an arcade is blasphemy! xD

DDR supernova also has an unforgiving judgment system (I failed pretty much when it's first released in Jakarta -_-;;), but it's way much easier to get AA and AAAs, imo that evened out the harsh judging system ^^
and yea initialD 4 ish awesome! But I'm a sucker when it comes to racing games (except mario kart xD)
lolz wild dog, indeed it's time for him to die already ^^

Gendou City Crossover RP! ~Coming soon~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by on 2008-10-28 05:41:11
Hahah~~~ now plastic surgery is tied to avvies? XD

A party with no ladies?? GMeis must feel terribly bored then~~ =Þ

Hey~~ Kei-kun~~ Long time no see~

Gahhh! Having H mentioning GF makes me wanna go play percussion freak....
And I haven't play Time Crisis for a long time too~ The only ver I managed to finish is Time Crisis II...
And no Arcades @ Gmeis's place?! I'll be bored to hell if that happens in Singapore! Though these days I rarely go...

Arhh~~~ I didn't get to go to an arcade when I was in Tokyo. There was one near to my hotel though and beside it is a Pachinko shop. I remember the arcade being pink... (the lightings I mean~) But 5 miss and you are out is like telling people this game is not for amatures!

Hahah!! Does glasses make you look more manly H??

Sorry if my post seems strange... I was diagose to have stomach flu yesterday... Hasn't eaten much these 2 days but had lotsa medicine. Still thinking if I should get back to work tomorrow since I'm covered by MC for today and tomorrow... but I do feel like going back to work... but I dun feel like facing my manager... *sigh*

Re: The Single's Club~ ver II (Is singing time!!)
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-10-28 07:32:39 (edited 2008-10-28 07:32:50)
[@L] Haha, it's been a while since I've tapped into TC I, II, III.
Can't you purchase Time Crisis on your PS2 or something?
My one online friend has Time Crisis I in his basement, haha.

Oh, and I took a day off today, there's school today overall, haha.

[@H] d00d, screw that those girls think. Their opinions are too... "idon'tgiveaf***youstupids***", so leave 'em be.
Well, I don't wanna go that far but girls who are like that are just... "mean", ahem...

You shouldn't change your appearance, though maybe your location?
lol, there's places all around that love guys like that. :P

I'm "too cute" to be made fun of though. :O
Plus I'm like really sensitive, so just talking about me in any negative way is not cool.

[@Engel] I have a "stomach virus" today, or that's what it's going to say on the excuse note I hand in tomorrow. :P


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