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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-06 18:02:06
Damn bro, if you want lifting tips I'd be happy to give em out. Congrats on the PR though. Now you can't lose the ground you gain. That's something I learned for pole vault. Tweak your technique until you reach a higher level of consistency. You're what 16? 17? That's plenty of time to improve. I'm a senior I have very little time to improve myself =(.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-06 18:32:10 (edited 2006-04-06 18:32:57)
Wolf - not to nitpick a whole lot, but that's bullshit. You can improve until you drop dead. :) Nothing ends at high school. Heh

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-06 18:35:09
Well except for High school angst. Even that follows you and morphes into College angst like I have now. There's a reason I write so much. It takes my mind off her for a while...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by SkyAlchemist on 2006-04-06 18:38:51
*Jumps in*
I think that we never lose the will to improve, the thing is that our bodies don't necesarily go along...
*Jumps out*

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-06 18:44:51
Not as far as pole vault goes. It'd take a whole lot of money I don't got in order for me to keep up with my beloved activity. I can only afford to go to a community college at this point and time. And they don't have a track team. =(

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-06 18:47:18
I fell for the Community College part. (Where'd ye think I'm at yo.)
But that's tough man, no track at all? I'm not athletic but I thought that was standard...

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-06 18:48:18
No, I don't think the local community college I used to go to had a track team, either... though they were right next door to a high-school, maybe they had an agreement to use their equipment.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-06 18:52:57 (edited 2006-04-06 19:02:03)
Nope they don't even have a facility they can rent out. It's not like I'm not trying my damndest to get somewhere but I still got my doubts. And as of lately my doubts are surfacing. I shattered a record for vault that was set back in 1974. I did it by an entire foot and qualified for states. But no one has come around asking anything. It has me a little pissed and disconcerted at the same time.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-04-06 22:16:36
Dninja, I am sure what you get in exchange for the lack of cool stuff and a girlfriend is vast knowledge and intelligence.

I could use some lifting tips, I am pretty sure I've been doing it wrong the entire time.

I would say see your counselor. They might help you get in contact with someone that can get scholarships.

Mezase Toudai Daigaku!

I bought lots of manga for the plane trips.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-06 22:38:00 (edited 2006-04-06 22:38:26)
Sign you have been on Gendou too long... lol

I swear to god this happened.

I got an e-mail notification that somebody had replied to one of my subscribed threads. I looked at the clock, and said "That's Jomunga at the Depression Thread."

Note: I'm NOT supposed to get e-mail notifications of that! I turned it OFF damnit!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-07 00:26:57
OH gods... *gasps for air*

I've never been so scared in my entire life.

I saved a life today. Sero, I've heard you've done this, as well. I disuaded somebody from suicide.

Oh, man was I scared.

Had to sell a piece of my soul, and probably knocked a good 5 years off of my life, maybe ten. But hell, fair trade.

I'm reminded of Sin City "Old man dies, young girl lives, fair trade."

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-04-07 01:06:05
Hi guys, its been a long time...

Sero, i cant believe i got to know your story through this thread rather than from you yourself..anyways, i hope you're okay, still be friends with tinna and maybe get a new girl..^_^

Daedalus, its a wonderful thing that you can disuade a suicidal of my friends was suicidal, we tried to help her by cheering her up whenever we could and listened to her. but sometimes she got depressed without any reason, and we were the only ones that can stop her from slitting her wrist. but we couldnt stay by her side all the time, and she just wouldnt snap out of the suicidal thoughts. it really hurts to see someone you love tried to kill herself so many times and you cant do anything about it. thankfully, she's getting professional help now and is recovering a lot.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-07 14:37:04 (edited 2006-04-07 14:41:22)
I would talk to my guidance counselor if he wasn't a retard. I think I will do it anyway. If my old coach was still coaching then I probably would already have a full ride somewhere. But this new coach doesn't exactly like me 2 much.

As far as lifting is concerned, I'll go through my schedule. I have meets on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I only lift 2 heavy days a week. Meaning lift each of the muscle groups I want to isolate with 2-3 primary muscle group lifts plus 1-2 secondary muscle group lifts. An example is I want to isolate chest so I lift free weight bench, incline, and fly as a primary then move into tricep extensions and dips as a secondary. My heavy days are total body with a plyometric day after that and a meet day after that. Plyometric days are doing stuff like pushups(wide and close), ab workouts, handstand pushups, standing jumps, balance drills, blah blah blah. So pretty much my schedule is heavy, plyo, meet, off, heavy, ply, meet. Though the sat. meet is followed by a sun. heavy day that's where I push for consistency. I make sure that whatever I did previous heavy day isn't lost. Because if I can come off a meet day and lift as I would on that previous heavy day then I have pushed for gain. That gain means that after that off day I should try to add a bit of weight on. No more than 5lbs!!!! I can't stress that enough. It's all a progression that is basically pushing from plateau to plateau. If I can't keep it up on the meet to heavy then I add no weight the next heavy day and focus on form. That's it basically, pratice as you would normally throughout the weight training. It is seperate and synergetic at the same time. ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS DO A WARM-UP! Then go for whatever set/rep system you are used to or want to get into. When you start this lifting pattern, throw away whatever you have been doing in the past and start as if you are a novice lifter. Once you get into it and your body gets used to it, then start stacking up plates....5lbs at a time...and go beast mode. I have a heavier system if you get into that one and don't like this one. I am tall and have lithe muscles. It takes me awhile to gain muscle mass. What works for me may not work for you. That's about it really. Post me if you want any other tips. If you get into it and don't think it is doing anything tell me please. This is just the basics and I think this post is runnnig kinda long =P. So I'm done.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-07 19:22:00
Daedalus, thats good ^_^ did you know I did that anyway??

my mind is a blank right I will post things later XD

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-07 19:34:50
Sero - I know things.

Plus you posted it here on Gendou.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by lady_rin on 2006-04-07 23:29:58
It has been awhile and I wish it were not so because I do miss coming here and spending time however life is too complicated these days to have the time.

I don't even know how to write about this. Start with Rangers date in court. For those who don't know, my husband was a Tribal-ranger for a band of Indians until a few years ago. After he left he started doing eco-tours and people started calling him Ranger as a nickname I don't even know where it started. At work he wears a uniform I designed that looks nothing like a National Park Service uniform and includes a name badge with his tribal name on it and a first aid/CPR certified patch on the shoulder. Last Decemember he was sited by the NPS for a violation of state law for calling himself ranger or "a ranger". Normally this is a $75.00US fine only he's not guilty. Because of this his tour guide contracts and park permits were cancelled leaving me with a an out of work madman. Court was today and the prosecutor decided that due to an increase of "fake policeman" and, of course, homeland security has reccomended it be sent to the federal court in Los Angeles. The local magistrate has set a new court date of May 25th and in the meantime he'll take it under advisement.

The magazine he writes for still calls his column Survival with "Ranger" S----. The latest one just came ourt and I haven't seen it yet and the publisher has another editorial which figures into Rangers well being and that's the article.

It just why send something stupid that has already cost over $2000+ to the directly to the park to a higher court? They can't even afford to pay the rangers, including the one that cited Ranger. In the meantime the park service has decided to wait to issue a new permit until this is over with.

I don't know, I'm so confused which seems normal these days but at least Ranger's working around the house, trying to write and is helping a friend do the electrical wriring of an add-on to his house so at least he's doing something.

I just had to write something out and pay a vist, I'll try to come back more often.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-07 23:47:27
An update, if you will.

I've more or less become the unofficial adoptive 'big brother' of this girl of whom I spoke before. I've become the reason she chooses to press on, so I have quite the responsibility, yes?

The fates can be quite funny sometimes, sometimes they're just assholes, and other times they just take a fuckin' two-by-four the the back of your head....

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-04-08 10:02:24
oh yeah.....hehehehe....^_^; I did post didnt I...oopies...

two-by-fours usually come out of no where....

its like...lalalalalalala....WHAM!

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-08 10:04:46
Exactly. One minute your contemplating what anime you're going to watch, the next minute you're trying to save a life... livin' la vida loca.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-04-09 18:40:18
This always happens, I leave for the weekend and exciting stuff happens.

Daedalus, 2x4 ay. I've been hit with the Hoover dam, twice. I have scars, big ones too, mostly emotional though.

I cannot however, say that I have directly saved a life. I have been in life-or-death situations in which a slip could kill, but never actually saving someone. Acting as a support for someone over a 200ft cravas in a cave is a little different than talking someone out of suicide. I actually would prefer to not have the latter happen anytime soon.

I know all about being the "big brother" of others. 'Tis a huge responsibility, treat it with the duty it deserves.

Jomunga, Knowlege and intelligence, I'd trade all the knowlege I've ever accumulated for love, but not intelligence(that's more imporatant to me than anything). I can learn forever, but having the base for it is essential.

Wolf, I like that schedual. We lift everyday, do plyos every day, and occasionally we do speed drills. We do rotate what we do in those categories day-by-day. Posts running long, ha, I've written 2 pages of stuff on here before. A long post is not by nature a bad a post, it just has a lot of depth to it.

Rin, reminds me of the time mt da was being prosecuted. Although it didn't go to federal court. Not uite the same, but court's no fun nomatter which way you look at it. Sorry to all those laywers, but it's their choice.

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