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Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-10 16:53:01
lol.. Gender bending XDD Kinda reminds me of Fate Stay night,, Where all of the servants have the counter-gender... Anyways..

Yeah.. I Like Kyonko :3 She sure is cute

Hmmm... Mikuru as a Male kinda Looked like haruhi From Ouran don't you think? XDD

And... ROFL The epic fight scene XDD Now, This is cool... Two guys Fighting for a girl.. instead of Two girls fighting for a guy ^^;;

Yeah.. I Didn't get the sketchy picture? Who're they?

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by suzumiyamika on 2008-03-10 21:43:42 (edited 2008-03-10 21:48:06)

@Suza-tan: Yes. We know. xDD He reminds me that guy from School Rumble with the headband. @__@'

@DA-tan: -shudders- -is shot down- >o>" I know. Baaaaadddd. -facepalms self-

And again. I repeat my statement.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-10 21:55:59
It's pretty hard to tell from looking at it, especially with no color.
Then again, they're not in uniform and can look like anyone. Still hot! ^_~`


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-10 22:25:03
.......... Kunikida and Taniguchi?

Wow... They are hot XDD

I Wonder what makes them so.. unfamiliar? Hahaha

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by DeG on 2008-03-11 23:44:41

Haha..ha.. now I know that you look up doujinshis of HSnY ecchi style..lolz. xD Well yep, can't help it huh... :3
C'mon, you know you want to share those. :P

We need MikuruxHaruhi yuri art/doujin~ xP

And a male Haruhi and female Kyon together... O.O;..that would be interesting. And, I hope that there would be more *cough* romantic-ish events in the second season, haha. xD

LOL @ Male Mikuru. >.>;

O_O @ NSFW image...omg *drool* xD nice pics~~
Haha I figured that was :3


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-03-15 12:56:09 (edited 2008-03-18 20:44:02)
wow it looks like kyonko and haruki are getting popular ^^

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-15 16:50:17
~ The Law of The Tsuruya Family ~

I hope this is in the right order. :3


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by sosbrigademember on 2008-03-15 19:23:22

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by arcticdrak on 2008-03-16 07:42:03
i know about this gender bending issue. but i'm not sure why is kyon called kyonko and haruhi called haruki? can anyone explain? apparently, i don't understand why there is a ko behind kyon's name and haruhi's h turned to k...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-16 11:42:09
I think it's like changing a guy's name into a girl's, and vice versa.
It's like turning "Tyler" into "Taylor", like that maybe.

I'm not fully sure about it, but I think this can be somewhat similar.


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-03-18 20:44:34
maybe to distinguish the male haruhi from the original goddess

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-03-20 07:39:39 (edited 2008-03-20 07:40:12)
XD Even though I can't get my head around this gender bending issue, I must admit, that one where the male Nagato invites Kyonko back to his house, so late at night was really funny.. I so ROFLMAO~!

Hmm.. male nagato is still called nagato, is her name ambiguous then?

Nice~! I'm such a big fan of Tsuruya-san's XD The few scenes where Tsuruya got kissed on the forehead and played 'circles' with her fingers was cute.. XD

I wonder what Yuki-chan was thinking right at the end there.. and is there a continuation to that?

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-20 18:38:35
@Bkno I Believe Nagato's Name is Yuuki Now XDD Nagato Yuuki the Male Alien =/

@Arctic Dark Errr.. I Think by adding -ko to the name makes the name more feminine.. That's my errr Opinion (Well,, Archerko the counter part of Archer also has the same -ko Ending right? ^^ But that's a bit off topic)

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-03-21 09:14:02 (edited 2008-03-21 09:14:54)
Yup, on the name change thingy, i agree in that it serves 2 purposes.. one, to differentiate between the original gender and the changed gender version (so that ppl automatically know who you're talking about). And two, to give the name a more masculine/feminine sound, depending on the new gender.

Danchou gave an example earlier.. another one would be changing Robert (male) to Roberta (female).. something like that I suppose XD

hmm.. I'm picking up some Japanese words here and there whenever I'm watching anime, can anyone confirm something for me?

yuki = confidence and yuuki = snow? Although, I've been told that romaji is misleading cos one word may have different meanings although the romaji spelling is the same.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-22 14:47:30
Who knows. I'll see. I have plenty of doujinshis.
Censored and uncensrored, haha. XP


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Renma on 2008-03-22 15:23:58 (edited 2008-03-22 15:34:50)
/stfu DA Shaaaaaaaaaaaaareeee XDD The Uncensored Censored one please XDD lol

@Bkno9 Hmmm I'm pretty sure His Name Is yuuki

Wheeee Haruhi Novel Spoiler XDD

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-22 17:39:41
lol, well here's another funny one I just found:
    Free Image Hosting at
Maybe we can see something similar to this scene in the second season?
That'd be like, so awesome, haha. XDXD


Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-03-22 23:14:06
nice one pics guys

i dunno if this has been posted but


too bad konata move's seems so need to be more...konata-ish ^^

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by bkno9 on 2008-03-23 09:01:49
Umm.. yeah I knoe the male yuki is called yuuki.. but that was not what i was asking XDD umm.. never mind >_<;

*lolz at "It's not my fault I'm underdeveloped!"* wahahahahah..

/ROFLMAO even harder at "..permission to her body.." O_o;; @_@

yeah, konata's moves were kinda generic.. but haruhi's weren't all that good either. Konata was controlled by the video maker, vs an AI Haruhi, prob that's why most of Konata's moves seemed to repeat a lot.

Re: Suzumiya Haruhi + Hirano Aya Discussion Thread
Link | by Dark on 2008-03-23 09:08:45
clarication on names
(used by the Parody Novel)

Haruhi > Haruki (Haruhi is unisex name tho..)
Kyon > Kyon (in the novel the difference is the honorifics, eg -chan)
Yuki > Yuuki
Mikuru > Mitsuru

the parody novel is just using the sound

there are other versions..

Yuki > Yukito
Mikuru > Mikito

btw I am gonna take part in making illustrations for the parody novel.. mind if I show my drafts here?

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