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Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-19 16:03:30
Ah, good thing you've finished it, I just did and now I don't need to warn people of spoilers or whatever.

Anyways, you're right, it was interesting indeed.
This is like some filler, officially speaking, but technically it's a "non-filler filler", if you get what I mean.
This stuff and bits of information are pretty significant and will play a larger role later on.

I like the flash back of Urahara's life as a Captain. He's surprisingly lazy though, kind of like Kyouraku is now,
and unlike Nanao, Hiyori is much more agressive and irritated and short tempered.
That part where he easily dodged her double flying kick shows how easily powerful he is, empty handed, nothing released, reiatsu sealed, etc.
Seeing Aizen hiding behind that move (Zanpakuto?) is pretty sneaky, but I'm still anxious to see his Bankai.

Shinji is friggin' cool as hell man, for reals. He must be insanely powerful, too, just his attitude and even Aizen fearing him tells me something.

The episode was kind of slow and a bit repetitive though, I hope action is to come soon or more events.
I thought it was kind of cute how Hiyori kept saying "nani ya" or whatever.
She said it numerous times over and over, just her ill tempered attitude made it cute, in a bizarre DA way, hey that's me guys. XD

About that picture... it's kind of wrong, lol, cause Urahara becomes probably one of the most renowned, most unprecedented Captains-Shinigami ever, right?

I would flip out if I saw chibi-younger Byakuya or something, though that might not be happening anytime.
The Shinigami Cup Work Diary was kind of funny. I think Rukia's drawings are cute, though not the drawings themselves. :P


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-02-19 16:27:42
Should I have put up a spoiler warning? Ahh well.

I gets what ya mean about the "non-filler filler" hehe. Just fleshing out the episode a bit. They like doing that eh? I did enjoy it though, as you say it does get a bit tedious (especially seeing that damn entrance squad 12 double grrrr).

Ahh good job noticing the similarities between Urahara/Kyouraku. Now all Kisuke needs is a pink yukata a hat and a blade o' grass. Haha, whereas Nanao and Hiyori are nothing alike! Hehe. We haven't seen Nanao yet have we? 'Cos Kyouraku's lieutenant is the glasses Vizard? I mean we see her in the closing song -which is a cute shot btw.

I was watching a bit of the SS arc earlier, where Ukitake and Kyouraku take on Old Man Yama (Yama-ji! How does he keep that figure? teehee) and it was soo cool that he could crush Nanao just by looking at her! Immense power. I kinda thought it'd have been cool if her eyeballs exploded or something, but that was my imagination going wild - no disrespect to your Nan~ao-chan DA-sama! :P

d000000d. Chibi Byakuya. Wow. o__o. I well wanna see that, bet he's still a stuck up lil' fella.

I think I musta been out of it when I saw the Vizard stuff, I never saw how ultiamte pwnage Shinji was. And I love Hiyori now aswell, maybe it's 'cos they didn't get much screentime, and it was more just focused on Ichigo training for Hollowfication. But yeh that "nani ye" or whatever she was saying was absolute win. And I laughed when I heard Shinji say it after she used it loads. Brilliant stuff.

The picture's funny though right? I mean, it's just what Soi Fon thought of Kisuke anyway, she's probably just jealous ^^.

Man, what you said about Aizen fearing Shinji tells the both of us something dude :). And it's gonna be good! :D

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-19 20:40:14
I was going to post, before you edited your post, that's why.

Now that you mention it, you're right, but proves my point from way back where I compared Nanao to Love (I think that's her).
Those two are VERY similar, easily said by someone who mistook their appearances.
I thought Nanao just had a different hair style back then or something, but wow, I think you're right.
Nobody had their current Lt. from back then, I think...

I've never really seen Nanao excel in her fighting ability, she's just one of the hottest females in Bleach!
Any non-Captain would easily fear Yamamoto, especially Nanao since she's not really into deep battles such as that one,
plus it was Yamamoto, her boss, almost like a grandfather father figure scolding her or something.

Although I don't know where Byakuya is at the current time, I saw this neato picture of Tousen, Aizen, and Gin.
Tousen actually looked cool, he had a face mask and his hair was different,
Aizen is pretty much the same no matter what, and Gin was a kid, similar eyes and evil smile.

During the introduction of the Vizards they didn't reveal themselves so much.
Remember they had a secret hide out where they trained Ichigo to gain his Hollow mask?
Nobody could really sense that other than a few limited people, and Soul Society didn't bother since it was actually in Karakura Town.

To me, currently they all look insanely powerful, since they're all Captains,
though we haven't seen action yet so we can't predict who's strong, weak, etc.
Most of the Vizards are all either a Captain or a Lt. anyways, and those are pretty darn good ranks if you'd ask me.

I wanna see this Hikifune person though, who's a girl btw, but this Royal Guard just makes me wonder about it.
Greater than the Central 46, I've never heard of anything like that existing in Bleach,
and I'm pretty sure it's the first time anyone's ever heard of it in the anime series.

That "nani ya" was pretty funny when Shinji said it.
The point where he ironically started to sound like Urahara, who's been pissing off Hiyori all friggin' day with his lines.
Their little "boki" (stupid), whatever, argument was something else, too, literally back and fourth numerous times until she knocked him over.

The reason I say Shinji might be insanely pwnage, dare I say it, 1337,
is not only because of his cool appearance and on guard, Byakuya almost type of personality,
is how easily he saw through Aizen. You mentioned you saw the Soul Society Chapter,
and when Aizen left, he easily handled Hitsugaya and anyone in his way, and he didn't even use Kidou!
His movies are still a mystery, though I already know his abilities are some type of Genjutsu.

Speaking about fighting and action soon, I wonder if there's even an "enemy" in this time period.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-02-27 11:22:56
Watched 208 yesterday, but didn't have time to reply.

Bit of spoiler action guys.

I found it pretty good, some funny banter between Urahara and Hiyori again.

And !! Lil' Byakuya! Wow, how different was he when he was younger, it's to be expected with everything that he's gone through being the head of the house, and the death of his wife. But wow. Yoruichi teasing him was funny :D

I liked the Urahara/Mayuri interaction, it's quite cool to see him back then too, still a creepy bugger! Haha. It was interesting what they do to people that want to leave the Soul Society, and it's pretty harsh. I'm just loving the back story stuff.

Oooh and we get to see some Ukitake/Shiba Kaien talk aswell! That was definitely interesting how he adamantly refused the lieutenant position hehe.

I really want to see this Hikifune woman aswell dude. As you say, this is the first time that someone's mentioned the next step up from Central 46 (other than the King of SS of course) so that'll be good to watch out for.

Ahh man, I'm loving this so far. But from the preview it looks like we'll see the white haired Vizard, and a hollow. Guess that answers you're question about the enemies back then. There's probably gonna be someone else too though.

I really can't wait to see some more of the Vizards as Captains action. I don't know about you, but I'm liking the pace of this so far, easing us in.

I'd like to see the picture of Tousen, Aizen and Gin.

How could I forget that little fella in my summary. I didn't realize that he passed the shinigami school in a year! Well, I don't remember them mentioning it, but alot does go on :3. Glad to see he started his creepy grin young haha.

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-27 20:34:03
I didn't expect to see Byakuya as a kid so soon.
I knew their relationship though, when he was a kid, was quite playful since they trained together a lot.
Her boob on his face and his reaction... lol, that was funny.

I also found out long ago that his own grandfather was Captain of the 6th Squad.
I wonder if we get a small moment and actually meet Byakuya's wife, though who knows.

Moving along to your topics, that Uarahara confrontation was very dramatic.
I never knew that Kurotsuchi was actually a prisoner, but it's obvious of his future.
He looks cool without anything on his head, though what is he really? XD

That prisoner was not for people that wanted to leave Soul Society.
It was for people Room 46 has claimed "dangerous" and had to be under strict watch I suppose.
They're gov't for this must've changed YEARS later after they recruited new Captains, because the current Gotei 13 (from back then) looks beast.

I forget that was Kaien-dono, thought it was Hisagi at first since they kind of look alike (without anything on his face).

Hollow as the enemy? Hmm, must've been a new thing but they would've been far too weak and not even a thread to 3rd seats.
This is probably where some of the Captains gain their Hollow powers or whatever,
since near the end of the episode, they're trying to skip a few years now to move the story along (or else it'd lag like Naruto).

Speaking of Aizen, he's been plotting his leave on Soul Society even when he wasn't even a Captain yet.
We see Gin, and I was right long ago, that he's younger than Byakuya.
At first Hitsugaya popped up in my head, but that would've been impossible, since Momo has not been introduced, and neither has Rukia (who are all older than him).
Hitsugaya is definitely younger than Gin this moment, but he becomes a prodigy and I'm not sure if they'll dig into this more.
They showed a glimpse of it before during the Soul Society Chapter (I think), and maybe the DiamondDust Rebellion? I forget.

There's a lot of set up talk and discussion right now, though I hope we see real action or some training (serious) soon.
Hiyori in this episode was the same as usual. I wonder what would happen if she hooked up with Hitsugaya.

The funniest part was when she first met Kurotsuchi and he mistakenly called her "boy",
and she was like "I'm a girl! Wanna see my tits!? Stupid!" ROFL~~!!!


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by Lauryn on 2009-02-28 11:10:55
Byakuya as a kid...sooo cute...well not cute but you get what i mean
at the moment i seem to find myself shouting at my laptop saying "i don't want to find out what happens 'NEXT WEEK.' I want to know what happens 'NOW'"

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-01 14:06:29

Yeh, I didn't expect to see Byakuya so soon aswell. I was wondering who that was in the background of Yoruichi and Soifon's still in the end song. Hehe, now I know. Hmm..I wonder too if we'll see a glimpse of his wife too. I think they have a lot too cover with these past ones.

Haha, I never knew that Kurotsuchi was a prisoner too, although from remembering his brutal personality from the SS it does seem to fit him. He does look pretty cool, he still had his gold ear thingys didn't he?

Ahh when they were talking about the prison, I got confused in my post, it was that the people were deemed dangerous, and the Central 46 made it look like they retired right? It just clicked as I read your post. There was me thinking that they were being harsh, but in reality, they were kind of protecting them.

The Gotei 13 of back then does look pretty effin sweet d000d. I can't wait to see some more action from the others.

What you said about Kaien/Hisagi is pretty true, they do look similar. I think I caught a glimpse of young Hisagi in the preview for next weeks ep.

I can't wait to see some more of Gin, he always looks so menacing. I wonder if we'll see a young Matsumoto, as they were friends when they were about that age weren't they. Aizen has definitely been plotting things since back then too. Crafty devil. xD.

I think that they had a bit of Hitsugaya and Momo's past in the SS chap. There was probably some history bits in the Diamond Dust too. But I remember it being predominately in the SS arcs. "Bed-wetter Momo!" Hehe. I thought that Toshiro didn't want to be a Shinigami, now look at him. Prodigy and everything.

"I'm a girl! Wanna see my tits!? Stupid!"

That had me in stitches. What's the betting he said that deliberately. Very high hehe.

That picture is amazing dude. And did I read right? HiyorixHitsugaya? Wow, that's imaginative. It'd be explosive at best, she's a beast! haha.

So is Nanao you're favourite female Shingami then dude? Who's your favourite male reaper?

Catch ya soon boi!

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-01 15:57:58
Gin at this moment was known as a "prodigy", kind of like the Itachi of Bleach in terms of them graduating their academies in only a year.
I doubt we'll see Matsumoto soon, because she's not that "gifted" like Gin is, but she is around the same age.
I think they wondered around this age back then, but I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Matsumoto, though it might be insignificant at this time (no offense, I love Matsumoto, lots!).

When Momo got hurt from Aizen in the Soul Society Chapter, they did do a flashback of their past.
I know they had more flashbacks in the movie with him as a starring character. It was even in the previews of the movie, too.

About Kurotsuchi having that ear weapon, I'm not sure.
I'm not really sure how powerful he is at this point, but I would guess he did have it.
His body is not even human, regardless of him being a Shinigami, but you can't be lead on by him, he's full of weird things.

Hiyori and Hitsugaya would be a good match, though I can't see any romance between them, haha.
I could see like some brother-sister thing, like her and Shinji have always had, but it'd still be hilarious to see.

My favorite female character in Bleach has always been Yoruichi. She's hot, strong, and sexy. :P
Nanao is one of my favorite female characters, too. In fact, I like a lot of the ranked female characters!
There's the thread of favorite female characters in Bleach or something and if you'd find it, you can see my list of hotties. :D

My favorite Shinigami (in Gotei 13) has been Byakuya/Kenpachi.
I don't really like Aizen, always hated Tousen, and I always thought Gin was cool but had a lack of character development.
My favorite Espada (so far) is Ulquiorra, he's ownage, and adding the Espada in the mix, Halibel is added to my list of female characters.
If I know more about her, she'll be my #1, cause omg is she insanely HOT!! :O

There's still more to fin out though, but I hope it starts moving around, but not so recklessly.
I don't want this entire flash back period to be about Urahara and Hiyori, there's other people we still don't know yet,
but introducing Byakuya as a young kid, definitely opens up the doors. It should be fun.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-02 12:45:44
I didn't realise Gin was so gifted! It's a pretty awesome feat to finished the school in a year. Ah I guess Matsumoto isn't really central to the plot right now.

To say that Kurotsuchi is full of weird things is deffo not wrong! Who knows what he's got in 'im.

Ah I thought you were insinuating that some kind of romantic relationship between Hiyori and Hitsugaya might be good. Haha. It would be well cool to see them as friends, they could talk about their height deficiency. Hehe.

Ok dude, I'm sorry, don't really go on the favourite female characters of Bleach. I imagine it's right fun in there. ;). Nice choice with the Kenpachi, that man's always been a legend to me. Especially his entrance in the DDR. Brilliant stuff. Byakuya is still growing on me. It's not that I never liked him, 'cos I don't think I've really disliked anyone in Bleach, I just always thought he was too cold. But he's really coming along nicely now.

Haha, we'll have to wait til present time Bleach for some Halibel action. This back in the past arc came at the worst time xD I was really looking forward to them fights, seeing who spars with who. If you know dude, I don't want to know just yet, I've had some semi-spoilers already and I want it to be a slap in the face surprise :D.

I think they'll move on from the dynamic Urahara/Hiyori mix. Well, tomorrow night in fact :D:D

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-02 13:20:32
Yeah you can't really tell since he has a huge lack of character development. D:

Byakuya kind acts like Itachi, but they're still different entirely.
His guard is always up, that's why, but if you've ever seen some of the Shinigami Cups with him, they're funny as hell.

It's good to see the Urahara thing, but they might show all the stuff about him until he gets banished.
Not that I don't mind any of this, I just want action and a bit more diversity, too.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-02 15:24:37
Ah man, I love Byakuya in the Shinigami Cups. Remember the paparazi ones, and Nemu's all "Butter, butter, butter" "It's cheese Nemu-san! Run for it!" and he just snaps his finger and walks over. All of them ones were funny. But then Yachiru holding the Female Shinigami Association in his house is just epic!

I hear what you're saying dude. I mean, they're are so many characters to cover in Bleach. It's nice when they focus now and again, but after the present day gearing up I want to see some action!

Wednesdays have become my favourite days. Get back from work. Torrent Bleach, couple o' hours later and I'm watching my favourite show :D

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-02 17:28:36
Yachiru is such an under appreciated character. Lack of development for her, too,
but seriously, has to be one of the cutest characters around. Her seiyu is win.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-04 12:50:19
Ah man, she's awesome. We could go on about Azu for good measure now, but wouldn't wanna go off topic. Did you ever see a glimpse of the studio with Azu Daioh's seiyu's actually? She's well cute!

I haven't watched 209 yet D:

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-04 21:04:04
Yeah same, I already have it though, but I'm too tired to watch it tonight, so tomorrow.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-05 07:00:04 (edited 2009-03-05 07:06:37)
I've watched it now, I enjoyed this one!

Bit of spoiler action guys, for those who haven't watched 209 yet. We really need some other people to start writing on this thread too.

I thought that that was Hisagi Shuuhei. And it was. :D I always wondered where he got the idea for the 69 tattoo on his face. Must've been because of his debt to Kensei. But my god, did they take ages to kill that hollow, these days hollows that size are nothing though I guess.

Ah man, when Shinji doesn't say hi to Hiyori, that's just funny. Them two are always arguing, but it's so cute. xD.

How cool is Mayuri looking? He's still got the gold gear funnel things (lol) but his blue hair is wicked. I loved it when he was bossing Hiyori about, and the ranking talk.

And she was blushing as Kisuke ordered her to go out and help the investigation. >.< There's definitely been some character development between their relationship. This is 8 years on from when Kisuke got the Captain title isn't it? So they've had a bit of time to get used to each other and whatnot. He looked pretty weird with the gigai around his shoulder! Haha.

The banter between Mashiro and Kensei was funny! Her scratching her boob when she was asleep! hahaha. And the bit with the preview at the end "The captain commander ordered squad 9 out because he couldn't get any sleep with all the bickering" haha. Brilliant.

Aizen's still about looking evil. From the looks of it, it might've been Tousen that took down squad 9. They got rinsed!

The preview for next weeks looks interesting, I'm really loving Hiyori/Shinji-ness at the moment :D

Oh and the work diary was funny. Toshiro at the end "MATSUMOTO!!!".

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-05 16:08:50 (edited 2009-03-09 20:58:28)
I instantly knew in my gut that the little kid was Hisagi.
He also looked similar to him, too, but I knew it was him from somewhere way back, but yes, I was right.
I knew Hisagi was discovered at a young age and that 69 is sick on his face.

Kurotsuchi looks like he's in college or something, haha. He doesn't have that head piece on yet, but he looks younger...

When Hiyori blushed, I was totally surprised to see that. It was cute, but her face was so grunchy, it kinda negated itself.
The story seems to revolve around those two alone for the most part, and it wasn't eight years, it was nine. :P
Urahara though, is truly a genius. He's experimenting and doings things nobody else has imagined,
though maybe that's one reason why he was permanently banned from Seireitei.

Mashiro is so sexy, haha. She's like a Haruko (FLCL) character, in this case picking her noise and scratching, etc.
Her scratching her boob was so funny, haha. "Kensei, you perv", haha, d00d, he's pretty beast.

The ending of the episode comes, and it seems the culprit has arrived once again.
You say it's Tousen? Possibly, but I think it might've been Aizen.
I remember Tousen's shikai abilities way back when he teamed up with Komamura to take on Kenpachi.
He uses lights to attack, in this case this person used darkness and the shadows.
I only know one person that has this ability, but I doubt he was around at this time period at all.
Aizen's full descriptive abilities have not even been shown in the anime yet, except for a glimpse.
I know he uses a genjutsu style of offense, so this portal of darkness might be by him, but Tousen might be my second guess, who knows.
If it it, it'd be cool to see his appearance. I mentioned before I saw a pic of him, Gin, and Aizen together, and Tousen looks sweet.

Either way, it must be someone strong to take down Kensei (Captain).
The skipping nine years is understandable, seems a bit random, but it drags on the story a bit.
Hollows might've been recently discovered, so it might've been partially new judging by the reaction.
I doubt any hollow knows Cero yet, but it's good to find out there's a real enemy.

Rukia's drawings are the cutest, which adds to her personality and cuteness overall.
They had an episode where Matsumoto shopped in Karakura town. Her relationship with Toushirou is the best. :D

[EDIT] Oh, this is interesting:



Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-11 20:15:14
d000d that rocked! She was well cute opening those capsules with the "yooh" ^_^. And at about 4 mins in, she couldn't get into one of them. Well cute. xD. It's funny that she mentioned Mayuri, 'cos I just found this pic that I was going to accompany my post with;

Hehe. It came up whilst I was searching for good Urahara images.

Yeh Kensei is a beast dudeh. The 9 year skip does seem a random number, but ahh well. I guess they know what they're doing ^_^. It's always nice to see it moving along. I've just finished d/ling 210, but it's like 3am and I should be going to sleep soon ^^".

Sorry for lack of replies this week, I like our little banter before the next episode is up, but I've been away the last few days, friends 21st=bit messy :P.

It was definitely cool seeing Urahara with the gigai, and his science lab that Mayuri's running. You wouldn't really think of him as a genius as he hides behind his fan and accentuates his voice (~~~). But yeh, it's wicked seeing this part of him :D

Nice comparison with Haruko from FLCL btw. Maybe even Kagura (gintama) style, picking their noses, how unladylike! xD

If you find that pic of Tousen/Gin/Aizen together feel free to post it up here. Should be interesting. Ahh I wanna watch 210 now, but it's too late/early.

Rukia's drawings are indeed cute, a highlight of the work diary moments :D I've always love Matusumoto/Toshirou moments :)

So with that video of Aya then D-tencho, and the picture of her and the blonde haired villain, does that mean that she's voicing her? Aya's in lots at the moment, poor girl must be working up a storm!

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-03-11 21:15:32
Just saw 210, but replying to your post first:

I don't think this is the true Urahara yet, though his normal, air-headed behavior is definitely normal and hasn't changed for decades.
Before this arc, we've known Urahara has an ex-brutal Captain, even his profile of him being an ex-Captain was just barbaric.

About that Tousen/Gin/Aizen image, I tried to find it but haven't seen it yet.
I forget where I found it, I know through Google image but I forget what I searched for to find it.
I knew I should've saved it, cause it was a pretty cool pic, forrealllzzzz.

Hirano Aya definitely has a roll in the film, and from that character that showed up next to her image most likely.
I think that's one of the main villains (there's three, I think), so Hirano Aya definitely has one of the leading roles (as she's used to lead roles).
She is doing quite a bit, not surprised that she hasn't released any new music lately.

Now, time to talk about episode 210 (spoilers).

This episode, was truly amazing. The action was little, but the main point of this episode was meeting familiar faces again.
You meet Hacchi (future Vizard) who's head of the Kidou Corps, alongside future partner of Urahara in Karakura Town, Tessai.
Their images looked pretty cool, and this episode surely revealed a lot of detail.

Now we don't truly find out who killed Kensei's group, but we do find out Kensei becomes the first Shinigami to become a Hollow.
Though I'm not sure how, since this detail was not explained or revealed yet.
The preview has Gin and Aizen standing on the battle scene (which happens at the end of the episode) so they must be involved.
Could there already be Espada already? Though it seems too early for that sort of action.
Not only Kensei is now a Hollow/Vizard, there's also Mashiro, too!

The neat thing I found out is that before we never saw their released forms,
but you already see Kensei's and Mashiro's masks. I think they showed maybe two or three masks before, but I forget.
I know there was Hiyori and Shinji, since they helped out Ichigo before, but I forget who else.

A really funny moment was at the Captains emergency meeting. You'll truly find this hilarious.
Kyoraku is talking about sending his vice-captain out since Urahara sent his out earlier.
He gets questioned for this, and calls out Lisa, who instantly pops out from outside saying "nani ya?".
This line is growing on me, every time it's said by Hiyori and now Lisa, it's like, amazing. Tough cute, if you will.
A bit unrelated, but this pic is pretty freaking sweet.
A few doesn't change a lot, but it's cool. Reminds me of the Espada one, if you've ever seen that one before.

So the true villain is still unknown, and the Hollowfication can't be random. Next episode is going to be good.


Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-17 03:43:57
Ah man, I finally got round to seeing 210.

It was amazing. It was soo good seeing Love/Rose/Lisa in action. T'was definitely wicked seeing Mashiro and Kensei kitted out hollowification wise. It's really gearing up now. You're right, we only saw like Hiyori and Shinji's masks.

Ahh man, I cracked up when Kyoraku's like "Lisa-chan~~" and she says the nani~ya thing. That's a brilliant little phrase. ^_^.

I've seen the picture that you've posted about, it's a good one dude. Kensei's hair is damn cool in both. That guys definitely a beast.

Oh man, when Tessai and Hacchi showed up that was wicked. They both look like some kinda mage's from and RPG. Ready to lead the quest. Hehe.

I think that Lisa stole this episode for me. She was just awesome. Kyoraku was pretty damn cool aswell.

I'm glad I watched this episode 2dy, as I only have to wait 'til 2nite-ish to get the next episode.

@Shige, if it is a filler, which I don't really know I'm still loving it.

Oh and DA didn't you just wanna see Unohana Retsu on the battle field too ^^. I was watching it and thinking, wow, all these people going are gonna be future Vizards..The next episode should be wicked. Do you know when the Pendulum arc is due to finish?

Re: New Bleach thread (anime)
Link | by kirky-chan on 2009-03-17 06:01:10
Haha, "What the heck *slaps*" a~la Osaka in Azumanga :D. Think so, Kansai dialect isn't it? The "Nani ya" thing is well cool :D

Ah right Shige. I was about to say, this is pretty canon at the moment. God forbid they put in some more fillers with that blond Lurichiyo girl. *dies*

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