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Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-17 13:10:14
naru its not about who you like, its "who would win". and really if they dued it out probly car ranger (US's Turbo rangers). just becuase thay could attack boukenger with 3 megazords. and with boukenger (Operation Overdrive) they need @ least 1 person tin each megazord so they would have to form 2 first then the other 1. as for car ranger they have the sentinal and car ranger's megazords, and the kitty megazord, which they can all form @ the same time. thus more hits get in on boukenger's megazord.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-17 22:33:24
I would most likely stick with Turbo

Tales of FC

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by ssjteenkai on 2009-08-18 00:25:09
The Operation OverDrive Rangers have 4 megazords, the drivemax and dueldrive which can combine to form the drivemax ultrazord and also battlefleet megazord and flashpoint megazord, turbo rangers have only 3 turbo megazord, robo racer who is half the size of a megazord and the rescue zord, Artillatron is only ever used to house the rescue zords.

but I'd say a fight against one another, it would be the Operation overdrive red, blue, black, yellow, pink, mercury and Sentinel Knight vs red, blue, green, yellow, pink, phantom and senturion so the Turbo Rangers have 1+ guy.and the Turbo rangers are generally very fast in combat, while the Operation overdrive rangers have only the yellow ranger who is fast :U oh and red ranger when he does his finisher.

i love both these series, Turbo and the sentai version Gou Gou Sentai Boukenger i cant watch disney it will destroy my memories of Boukenger :U

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-18 03:33:55
@Ballz: i here that i watched the disney version and i WANT htose memories destroyed. lol. some spoiler for ya, reds a robot i the disney version. thats why his action SUCKS. lol

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-18 06:57:34
Oh... i just leave this thread a few days then the topic now is Overdrive vs. Turbo...
I definately like turbo better... but... it's maybe because I haven't watch Overdrive till the end...
mercury seems better than the Turbo's-police-robot (I was watching dubbed one, so several names, I think, changed to make better pronounce) ... I don't know the sentinel knight, but I like the-black-robot-with-red-stone-in-his-chest very much

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-18 12:50:44
I would say Turbo, only because the rangers have more experience and the whole spinny sword thing is cooool!

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by red_13 on 2009-08-18 13:16:45
Turbo, 'cause OO is basically a rip-off of that.

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-18 13:20:06
I prefer Turbo over OO. Turbo is the season I remember the most next to Mighty Morphin. I always liked the idea, of having the morfer like a car ignition. You put the key in the morpher, turn it, morph. I also liked how the megazord formed in Turbo. When I was younger I would always watch the Turbo movie since we have it on VHS. Turbo beats OO hands down. The original is always the better.

Tales of FC

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-18 16:03:00
@Naru: if you say that then you gotta say the car ragnger(US's turbo ranger) was a rip off of turbo ranger (japan turbo.)

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by vedalken on 2009-08-18 16:14:21
Originals are certainly more nostalgic, but I can't agree that they are "always" better.

I'll use Pokemon for example. Red, Blue, and Yellow are/were great games. Gold, Silver, and Crystal were also good and added more features to the original RBY games. RBY isn't necessarily "better" than GSC because GSC offers more features and allows for more thought/strategy with the introduction of items and two new Pokemon types (among other things that I do not remember at the moment).

Now to connect this to Power Rangers before I get bashed because Pokemon seems unrelated. I love Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It started the whole genre and is/was a great series. (MMPR = Original)

However, now that it's been going on for a while, which of Saban-PR series would I rather watch (because I haven't seen much of Disney's for a solid judgement)?
I'd probably go for In Space or Time Force because of what I remember of the characters and because of the plot of the series. (As much as I love MMPR, it's plot-line throughout its three seasons were shallow compared to In Space or Time Force).
Thus, original =/= better.

-Draiken Talkos

PS: If anyone still wants to flame/rant/bash at me regarding my views, please do so by messaging me your thoughts and/or views instead of posting in the thread. If you choose to message me, all I ask is that the message should be clear enough that I understand your viewpoint and that it is not excessively disrespectful. (Not that I expect any of the latter, but on a forum this large, I'd like to be somewhat cautious. I disagreed and gave my reasons why without being rude, so I hope it is fair that I expect similar in return.)

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-18 20:55:44
I hate OO so its default that i go with turbo. Why? because the story was simply amazing and the three part season premeire was so fuxing awesome!! OMG!!! And the season finalle was just explosive! OO is fail...and damn i love how intense this thread is getting!!

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by ssjteenkai on 2009-08-19 02:33:44 (edited 2009-08-19 02:34:45)
so after counting up the votes

Turbo - 7 votes to win

OO - 0 votes

maybe i should make 7 Avvies turbo red, blue, green, yellow, pink, senturion and phantom :P

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by red_13 on 2009-08-19 03:04:06
I call blue.

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-19 03:28:48 (edited 2009-08-19 03:29:24)
I call Phantom. and i'd like that goldar sig. if no one took it yet.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2009-08-19 13:35:35

But anyway, to touch on that element concept I saw a couple
pages back, You could do colors/elements like this;

RED - Fire
GREEN - Wind
YELLOW - Earth
BLACK - Darkness ( Manipulating Shadows and such )
WHITE - Light ( The holy light easily wipes out those with evil )
LIGHT BLUE - Ice ( Or just put Ice with Water )
SILVER - Non Elemental ( OR ) Metal ( Which works more like Alchemy )
PURPLE - Status ( Poison, Sleeping, etc )
PINK - Love? ( No Actual Element works well with Pink itself. )

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by vedalken on 2009-08-19 17:08:03
Cool ideas, but I'm against "status" and "love" as actual elements. Besides, minus pink and purple, there are eight different rangers instead of ten. Eight I think is plenty.

Dibs on the Blue Senturion!

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-19 17:49:28
@ballz, Turbo green was cool >3

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by on 2009-08-20 00:43:04 (edited 2009-08-20 00:45:40)
I call Pink =D
Question: Hottest female PR character?!!

Mine: Tori from Ninja Storm
Kat: Zeo
Ashely: Space
Cassie: Space
Karone: Space
Jen: Time force

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by chaosvegeta666 on 2009-08-20 04:21:17 (edited 2009-08-20 04:38:33)
@Shuy: great idea's. though i gotta go with Draiken again. love and status arent really elements. but also ice is more a sub-element. like Ballz's rock and stone rangers. other than that its retty good. i just have a weird feeling with some of the colors. people i konw usually think white with wind and almost a golden-yellow for light. as for earth, im good with the yellow color, i usually think brown or green with that. but all-in-all good choices. love what you did with darkness btw.

@Kira: Damn you Kira! lol you had to makeit a hard one, didnt you. hmmm... probably jen or tori, but my first ranger crush was zyuu-pink Amy Jo Johnson her self, Kimberly Hart.

darkness is the vail that holds the truth. open your eyes and let the true world be seen, if you dare think you can handle it. i am the darkness within your heart. i know what you fear, and what you really are. --Myself-- -->

Re: Power Rangers Fan Club!! REVIVED COME JOIN!!
Link | by vedalken on 2009-08-20 06:33:14
I have a soft spot for MMPR's Trini. :P (May she rest in peace.)
Besides, I think the franchise has been going on long enough that it's hard to choose a single "hottest female ranger", but I don't want to delve into a list.

On a related note, might I direct everyone to this topic on TV-Nihon's forums? In this case, it's more of a contest than a person-by-person opinion, but I still find it pretty interesting. :)

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