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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-19 09:00:24 (edited 2006-06-19 09:22:12)
well..I had that patch...may be I could upload it some where..or, maybe u could wait, I try to find resource.. try this don't know which try to figure it out..I spend time uploadin here..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 09:28:44 (edited 2006-06-19 09:29:28)
2.501b is the final patch? if it's so then i already got it^^ included in the rar file that i dload. thx^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-19 09:41:37
LOLX...okay..after you install it, practice and if you dare you could fight with me using tool net(kena download gak)..but, later la..pakai IP address..oh..really I love that game so much...its really anime-look-alike graphic..about this fate game...hmmphh..where is the ero scene..too much text I cant' handle it..!!!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 09:51:32
not available in the trial version. lolz
go dload the full version.

do you remember in fate/stay anime. where shirou, rin, and saber run from berserker. the day that archer died. they stay in a hut to charge saber mana. that is 1 of the ero scence in the game^^ of course they dun show it in the anime ^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-19 10:05:18 (edited 2006-06-19 10:06:49)
uughh..I know, I know..but..this trial version is about tohsaka story (weird I though shirou and saber)..and the scene is a little different situation with anime like how tohsaka summon archer..and archer I identity, tohsaka friends and lot more..(maybe there isn't ero scene, or maybe it just a picture..)if i playing japan version, really i dont understand anything..bcoz i never play novel game b4...yes~ the answer is Wa-ka-ra-nai..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 10:15:16 (edited 2006-06-19 10:23:19)

ho ho, that the 2nd ending, where they reveal archer real identity^^
saber is king arthur while berserker is hercules, then who is archer^^
bcos rin uncomplete summoning archer lost his memory^^ later in the story you will be surprise to know whos archer was^^
archer real identity is .... rahsia^^ play its game to know

this ending is much better than the anime ending^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by b|ul'l'y on 2006-06-19 10:20:57
uh-oh ...all you guys ranting got me really confused ere;
and... my question is~ how many games were mentioned?
i mean there's i think fate/stay(first),tsukihime(later),and melty blood...then?
which one has already been converted to english 100%?
fate/stay got how many games/version?
(personally i think u guys can start a new thread called hgames for h lovers) <--naaah.

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 10:29:11 (edited 2006-06-19 10:33:14)

hmmm, the game that arcshiki playing now is fate/stay night demo.

tsukihime got 2 version. the h-game ver. and the fighting ver (melty blood and react)
tsukihime h-game english patch will come out in July.
other are plain japanese games^^

fate/stay night only got 2 version. fate/stay night and fate/hollow ataraxia. both are h-games.

is this clear enuf?

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-19 10:45:29 (edited 2006-06-19 10:51:41)
I stop play that game right now..but what i wanna said the translation of insani toward fate/stay is really good..even the trial have make this long.. I wonder how full version could take...

*SPOILER* i know who archer is...He is LEGOLAS!!..(>_<)

about tsukihime.. i had read the translation (little) even i don't play H game...honestly i said even it translated in english my mind are focused to **woot** thing and my finger clicking super faster..if you know what I mean..

about melty blood game...there no need translation to play..its 2d fighting game..even you don't understand the story it still entertain..


try using wallachia/warakia tatari..I love hear when he laugh..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 10:54:37
haha, i just dload the game but dun install it yet^^
remember that my h.disk is full^^

about your challenge^^ sure. after i practice it a bit. maybe around july^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by b|ul'l'y on 2006-06-19 10:58:24 (edited 2006-06-19 10:59:06)
uh-huh uh-huh,so melty blood is another version of tsukihime in other words right?
yeah i know wut u mean,reminds back of my *woot* hgame "legacy"huhuh.but u know still pics only can do so much,:P if u know wut i mean,duh wut am i saying.

when u say fate demo, u mean the game in english version huh?.hmm since the anime is such a hit, wouldn't type moon is going to sell it in eng? if not such a shame on them(i mean a waste of making money opportunity)

hey arcs,don't break a finger ok... then you cannot makaaannnnn anymore.heh hee

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-19 11:04:49 (edited 2006-06-19 11:22:30)

may be you want to play during class time? u have internet connection in your hostel?..I have, but have to subscribe and pay the fee..even, the signal is sucks..(some place not all)....

oh well..practice hard will ya..hahaha..

Melty Blood is 2d fighting game with fully animated graphic..
you can download too and challenge me if you in forum and type melty can find link there..(^_^)

o.k thats it..offline..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 11:25:34 (edited 2006-06-19 11:44:03)

new sem = i stay outside from the hostel, gonna subscribe streamyx later^^
haha, later if you went home or got internet connection in your place, just pm me here. lets melty blood ^^


lol, no way type-moon gonna release official english fate/stay night or tsukihime^^
originally this game is only for japan distribution. only fans create its translation^^

edited: this game is small bcos there are no sound, 230mb only (tsukihime), i found another tracker with many seed^^
k guys, wanna sleep. c ya later

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-19 22:59:27
uhh u guys disscussing game again @_@
dont understand coz i dont play any game
neway this july im entering new stage of my life
University life in USM uhhhh
mom can i get my own laptop???
still wanna watch anime....

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-19 23:23:57 (edited 2006-06-19 23:30:34)

better buy a pc^^
it's a lot cheaper and can easily upgrade^^
if you buy a laptop, you will regret it later when ur install heavy applications like antivirus. ur laptop will run like a turtle^^
right now lcd monitor is cheap^^

which USM did you enter? i mean where?

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-20 00:18:22

well, I'm already finish the trial version...(really, just a demo)..right now download the full series...What?..JAPAN?...never mind that I got the complete save file with me..(hey thats cheatin)* its not like i understand japan after all*


depend, for what u gonna do with don't play game do you..and you don't need antivirus if you not connect with internet..that suits well but uh beware, the thieves are every where.well congratulation for ur USM. Isn't it at penang, bayan lepas?

Okay back to anime topic..right now wathcin gankutsuo..yeah nice plot and storyline..I like that Monte Cristo guy..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-20 01:02:51 (edited 2006-06-20 01:04:09)
yep, thieves are main prob in the hostel. you must be ex careful with ur laptop or else... u know what i mean^^
nobody are dumb enuf to steal a pc^^ unless they steal ur graphic card or ram >< this is suck when its happen. dont open ur side panel^^

just dload the jap ver^^ after the editor finished with tsukihime english translation. he gonna release fate/stay night after that^^ just wait..

about gankutsuo, that anime got bloody scene?

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-20 01:56:57

no..not at all..but its kind a I said, the anime look like 'batu marmar'...but good storyline...really, a mystery..about monte cristo guy..he look like vampire..(i think he is undead)..not much to say just watch 5 episode..

oh about fate game..goshh..its 1.75 gb..camni besok baru abis...(including extra stuff like manga,pic and artbook)..huh..well what ever..for the sake of saber, tohsaka and sakura I will sacrifice anything..(thee,hee,heee)..>_<

oh.. have you heard about full metal combat(Hgame)..I think you should know since you're 'atelier'...hehe..master of H game -atelier sama...

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-20 03:14:19 (edited 2006-06-20 04:40:34)

haha rofl. nope. that the first time i heard about that game ^^
got anything related to full metal panic?
i only hav played shuffle! though.

already finished dloding shingetsutan tsukihime game^^
well this game dun hav sound ><

1.75G is normal though cos it has 3 cd and ur need daemon tool to run .iso files^^

just dload soul link - 11 from your mom subber. well basically your mom pic quality a bit better than yesy. but your mom sub a bit wierd though when they translate scientific term ><
personally i like yesy sub better^^

hmmm, i thought count monte cristo kill the person whos caged him long2 time ago>< i think this is the original story about count monte cristo

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Elysiah on 2006-06-20 18:42:31
One of my friends is Malaysian and he loves Naruto. I don't know if that counts for loving all anime but he's showing a large interest in it.

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