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Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 08:38:47
" =O dun stuck things on ppl's head"

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Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-10 08:39:05
"but itachy is like invincible..."

"enix are u sure u can do it?*

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unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-05-10 08:39:07
haniko : itachi-kun helps me so much.. i cant let you fake poliSe to arrest him...

(haniko produce waterball, electricity iniside the ball, throw at enix, enix body was shock by electricity entirely...)

(and enix is now wet)

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-10 08:39:53

*itachi slashes enix in the back with the masamune...*

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 08:40:12 (edited 2006-05-10 08:40:52)
"u r right haniko..i can't let anyone hurt itachi-kun.."

*cast thunder on enix"

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-10 08:40:54
Ahh, there goes our free meal tickets.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 08:42:39

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-10 08:45:05
(itachi to enix ) you leave now before i kill you...

*itachis eyes go sharingan...

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 08:46:14
*look from itachi to enix repeatly*

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by hOnEy' kO on 2006-05-10 08:55:58
haniko to enix : enix , the that itachiX-kun has spare your life, you better not to risk it here...
sigh!!, poor you..

.....hA-n|-k0 ======== yOu'Ve bOuNd mY sOuL tO uRs bY aN UnBrEakAblE ChA|n.. <3 .. I lOvE U fOrEvEr ... MY HONEY ISH SOO CUTE

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 08:56:33
*nod nod*

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-10 08:57:14 (edited 2006-05-10 09:02:22)
"u guys missed me" *nihonto body on fire..throwing flame on enix face*

"better stay away u fake!"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-10 09:00:24
Oh no a showdown!

Quick Yunie! Do your super-cute-happy-no-more-violence dance!

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I am pretty sure Enix left a while ago anyways. But still, its a nice dance.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-10 09:01:06
*the fire hits but nothing happens to itachi...*

(itachi to nihonto)
....are you testing my patience!?!...

*itachis sharingan eyes start to spin....and the sky turns blood red....*

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 09:01:20 (edited 2006-05-10 09:02:31)
-___- jomunga u hav such nice imagination xD
thxs for ur compliment!

and we are fighting nihonto now?!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-10 09:03:12
That fireball was obviously aimed at the fireplace.

Since when did this bar have a fire place?

Not much of an imagination, I was just waiting for a chance to use that gif.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by samsone on 2006-05-10 09:03:14
itachy > (erm i modify ored... typing mistakes)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
unity with diversity rude>sweet>naive
R.i.P b.u.d

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 09:04:39
jomunga..why me? -.-"

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-05-10 09:05:21
Well, I have no pics of the others.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Critic's Bar
Link | by yunie on 2006-05-10 09:06:13
but is that yunie? o.o

Image and video hosting by TinyPic staying in your arms means more than anything <3

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