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Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 21:21:33
hit alastor with a sack full of crap. =D


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 21:27:05
Hit eufonius with a bass

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-08 01:11:36
hit zero with dvd

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-08 03:00:54
Hit Azwan with poker

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-08 03:02:58
hit srs with a trident (bbq) hahaha

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-08 21:25:49
hit shae with a Mighty Mouse


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by Sakumist on 2010-01-08 21:33:54
Hit Eufonius with a Rock Band CD. o.o

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-01-08 22:45:47
hit sakumist with Higurashi poster!

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-08 23:32:36
hits Chie with a typewriter :D

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-08 23:40:25
hits vie with a feather :3

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by hello on 2010-01-09 20:26:03
hit jo with chicken


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-09 23:43:03
Hit hello with a frying pan

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-10 01:20:04
Hits Zero with a canon ball :D

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-10 03:12:06
Hit Vie-San With Cd Case

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-10 05:51:37
hit lacus-chi with headphones.


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-10 11:02:55
hit err..(sorry can't see your name) with a Nametag

Tales of FC

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-10 15:43:27
Hit Jc with a 100 kilogram weight.


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-10 15:54:56
Hit Alastor with a napkin: Feel the pain :O

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-11 03:03:11
Hits Kobera with a Cobra energy drink :D

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-11 05:19:13
Hit vie with pillow!!
Pillowfight!!! yay~~~

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