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Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-06 01:59:38
hit Eufonius with tissue paper box

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by MATRYOSHKA 8D on 2010-01-06 03:16:24
hit SRS with a sketch book!

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by shinigami_55 on 2010-01-06 04:00:11
hit chie whit sturdy pencils

Born to exterminate evrything else

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-06 05:00:18
Hit shinigami_55 with photoshop XD

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by hitsukai || gion on 2010-01-06 05:15:36
hit zero with bread

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-06 13:32:24
hit Gion with a tombstone

Tales of FC

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-06 16:35:38
Hit JC with a red kampfer bracelet

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-06 17:20:24
Hit Eufonius with Yui's Guitar from K-ON :D


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-06 20:20:28
hit alastor with a warped disc.


Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by jejechi on 2010-01-06 23:18:00
hit zero with a shoe. >:DDDD

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 02:45:50
hit jejechi with a violin..

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-07 03:44:27
Hit shae with bleach manga just obtained from a previous thread

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by supernood on 2010-01-07 03:52:43
Hit Kobera with Iced lemon tea

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 04:32:16
Hit SRS with lemon tea

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 04:42:25
Hit kotaro with a palm tree

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-07 12:12:38
Hit Zero with air guitar

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by xxpinksakuraxx on 2010-01-07 14:31:09
Hit Kobera with a potato

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Two things i'd go insane without: God and music (and possibly Anime and Manga 2 XD)

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 15:47:42
Hits Jaydee with a lamp :D

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-01-07 19:06:26
Hits nie-san with red hair dye. >_>

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-01-07 19:42:13 (edited 2010-01-07 19:55:24)
Hit Kobera with a cabbage.<_<


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