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Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-19 06:41:04
Ok... on a closer read... it is "Suzumiya Haruhi Chan no Yuutsu"..... <-- Note: Chinese subs and horrible horrible graphics...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-19 09:08:20

that link o_o;; . . .
hmm.. ^^;;


OMG.. then most of the CDs are not usable anymore? DD:


OMG.. Hirano Aya had depression o_o;;?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-19 13:20:10
[@Kira] Lucky? Nobody in your family ever did that? :P

[@GM] Yeah if you're not looking for a mate, look for a career~ish job. XD

[@Engel] It's a parody from the series, if you've ever seen pictures of it before.

[@Adel] lol, then I'm not sure what you're really looking for. :P


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-19 22:56:01
nope XDD
wish there is though LOL

maybe...or try copying the CD that you can't play and test play?

yep like DA said XD

services always like that -_-
everytime we call it must be...BUSY! DX
or maybe like...please wait a while while we connect you to the person in charge yaddayadda >_>

hardcore! XD
so after that what do you wanna play? XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-02-19 23:31:59
Chinese subs..
Makes me wish I am able to read it. T-T

I think... definitely gonna have to be career first.
I think anytime I looked for a mate or whatever, is a fail.
Then after that, I just feel bad. :c

Service always sucks.
The last time I called some insurance company to close insurance.
I had to wait like 30 min. Then after talking to them I want to stop insurance with them.
They tell me that I need to send them a letter, with my signature, and reason for stopping. =,=

lol You say hardcore, but I was called a NEET! .-'
So its NEET power. It seems the game is hard to generate money.
I am only at half way for the best item for me.
lol After this game, I go back to just PSP or my DS.
I read some where the new pokemon game is out in March or something. xD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2009-02-19 23:48:20
=______________= I'm bored.
Does anyone want to have a discussion avec moi (=D) or rather just chit chat?

=.= Just askin' before posting cause I don't wanna spoil the mood or something for anyone in case you'd rather chit chat.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-20 00:38:45
i'd hail Gmeis for some reasons..
i am just not an addicted gamer afterall ..


Glad to have you back,Jowqi =^.^=o~
what's Avec Moi ?

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2009-02-20 00:40:48
@Adel: ^^;; Avec moi is French for "with me."
XD Just trying to practice my French skills as much as possible.

-__- Still trying to think of a discussion topic...

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-20 15:23:04
that's more work -_-

lololol NEET

another pokemon game? man i haven't play so many pokemon titles already lol

well err i'm not good at discussion >_> <_< >_<
but well i don't mind either way as long as i can actually answer XDD

i sometimes wanted to be like you...not addicted to games /aww

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-20 16:04:11
(There we go, for some reason my siggy image didn't appear.)

[@GM] lol, then get a super big career to make up for those failures. XD

[@Jow] *glomps Jow all over* For some reason, I feel like it's been a while.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-20 20:47:35
@Gmeis: Im loving ur new avy and sig bro xD

@twinneh: Pokemon...i havent beat a single pokemon game like ever DX

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-02-20 22:20:01
Jow wants to discuss something?

I don't like getting addicted to games though.
Sometimes it just happens. ;__;

Apparently that what happens when you decide stop the insurance when you call via 1-800.
My current insurance I had to the same thing though, but it came faster.
I called the insurance company in the area.

In a week or so, hopefully, I will not be so NEET-ish. xD

Yeah, every Pokemon file game has 2 versions and a special third version.
For the Diamond/Pearl the Platinum version will be coming out soon.

Yeaah!! Hopefully it works out.
If I find job I like, I think I will stick with it for a few years.
Make up for the almost full year of no work and lost time. >,<

lol Thanks!!
I got tired of waiting for Air Gear to come out in volumes here.
So I decided to go read it online, and Sumeragi Kururu just caught my eye.
lol An easy way to beat Pokemon is to just beef up your starter and have the others at an OK decent level.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-21 14:34:40
[@GM] Well as you get older you're always gonna explore around with jobs or so.
You're lucky to find the perfect job: good environment, good salary, good people working there, etc.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-21 15:58:20
lol i do beat the elite four in the games i play...but i only use pokemon that i like rather than collecting all XDDDD (starter is a MUST +_+)
then after that iunno what to do and just leave them..and after a while my bro will delete the saves >_>

faster? tha's a good thing at least XDD

not so NEET? aww XDD

special must be something like limited edition? O.O

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2009-02-21 17:23:42 (edited 2009-02-21 17:25:11)
XDD Ooh! Ok, I finally got it.

So, like an hour ago, I was bored and randomly playing around with Google.
You know, cause it'll like, anticipate what you're going to search when you type something in.
So yeah, I'm searching around, and I type "Why do asian..." and one of the first things to come up is "Why do Asian girls like white guys?"
And I'm thinking, "Wow, that's actually really true because I'm Asian and I've only liked white guys in my life."

I guess it's because I've been raised kind of "white" cause I live in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood and my family has assimilated to American culture since the 1860s or something.
My family doesn't really do anything Asian like eating with chopsticks or even speak the native language so I sort of see myself as "white."
I don't know, it's kind of confusing to explain but it's kind of like I don't think I could see myself entering a relationship with someone Asian, particularly Chinese, because I'd be out of place. Cause genetically and racially I'd belong there, but internally that's not who I am because I am a Twinkie. -_-

Anyway, enough about me.
What I'm really trying to say is race a big factor to you in a relationship?
Because as racist as it sounds, I'm going to be honest and say in order for me to get in a relationship with an Asian guy, he either has to be really hot, really rich or really, really, really nice.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by devils-angel on 2009-02-21 18:23:42
[@Jow] I totally understand what you're saying 110%, and I'm asian but it's like you've taken thoughts right out of my head.

For your first topic, that IS true, along with asians of course.
I noticed that if asians don't particularly act asian, they act American.
Your parents give you their asian~ness, and you eventually either build on that yourself or turn white yourself.
The only thing I don't like is when asian people act like anything else but those two choices, especially when they try to act black, lol.
I think it's so funny, and it's not the baggy stuff like REAL G's do it, it's their attitude. XD

I remember everyone's at least gone into the G-Phase before, including myself.
But I dressed a lighter, more preppy tone of "G" (not the Gatorade :P).
Since entering high school, I think I've only grown more asian. ^_~`

We talked about race in a relationship before and it's okay to say what you really want.
For me, my future spouse will definitely be 100% asian, and if me and this girl C.C. don't get like, "together", she'll be my spouse and she's Italian (which is sexy as hell :P).

I think when we talk in-depth about what we want in a relationship, marriage, etc., it's more fun than just saying someone's who's "nice", who's "tallen than me", etc.
I love talking about this topic, in a more in-depth manner cause it's more fun and really gets a conversation going.

If I described my dream, perfect girl for me (I have many), you'd be scrolling for a little while. :D
Though it makes you sound conceited and a bit greedy, and usually you don't end up with half of what you really described, haha.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-21 18:49:37
hmm i'm asian, and i think i like asian girls more...XDD
it's not a big factor though...i rather think of personality or richness as the big factor XDD

ok i'm not good at long posts >_>

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by on 2009-02-21 19:36:36
Oh how long ive wanted to dicuss this...

For me race does play a factor for me in relationships. No offense to my black girls but ive had too many bad experiences with them. Ive always had a thing for caucasian and asian girls(i wanna date one so bad!). I know for a fact i will marry one out of the two and yes my surroundings dont have that much of them but i know i shall end a happy man with at least one of them as a wife.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by yamatasword05 on 2009-02-21 20:40:12
lol The job right now that I want.
Would be to work at a book store. With all the manga that I buy.
It would be great to have that discount that they get. xD
Though, I do want to find that perfect job for me. With the great working enviroment and all.

DA has a thing for Italians?

Yeah the direct call was much faster.
I was actually pleased with how fast that lady did the work. ^^

I rather not stay a NEET. .__.

Its not limited edition, though the figure that comes with reserving the game.
I do believe that is limited edition.

lol long posts are fun sometimes. xDD

Its understandable to be picky about your specific other.
I think a few people just recently found out I am Chinese.

I think I am usually attracted to whites and/or Asians. o_o

Re: The Single's Club~ ver III (Will we ever sing?)
Link | by fhfyeodb on 2009-02-21 23:53:51
@DA: =D Yay~ Good to know that others see the same stuff I see.
It's actually kind of weird, cause it gets even more sectional, at least here in the bay area.
Like, you have the large number of Chinese which make up the most of the Asians at my school and then they're either F.O.B.s or twinkies like me.
Then you have people from Cambodia and Laos who are usually Gansta.
The two groups don't usually don't mesh, but there is this one hella hot Cambodian guy. >3<
(XD The only time I'll admit to being attracted to an Asian guy.)

But yeah, anyway.
We've all got our lists even though everyone says they're bad, but it's natural.
=.= Though you've got to admit, it's hard to accept other people's faults that aren't on the list.

@Kira: Yes, money is nice. :3
XDDD Think I'll be a gold digger when I grow up.
*goes to scout out rich guys*

@Kiralight: O.o Care to elaborate on your experiences?
^^;; That is, if it's not too painful to recount...

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