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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Dudeman on 2006-02-27 23:09:05
Awww, I wanna be visited, lol. Oh wait we should do a road trip! That would be fun. There are quite a few people I always wanted to meet on this board. We can all go find gendou and give him a group hug, lol. I've always wanted to do a road trip, but most of my friends are poor.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2006-02-27 23:40:35 (edited 2006-02-27 23:40:48)
Hey hey Sero.....Whats all that talk about dieing?
Only i`m allowed to say things like that....
You are supposed to be cheerfull and all and cheer up others aswell. talk like that will ya?

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2006-02-28 04:56:28
i had a shitty day, i had to sdtay at school for 14 hours...

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-02-28 05:22:03
nightmare, wow..i've never spent more than 9-10 hours at school..
what happened, then?

*just realized im being busybody*-_-;

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-28 05:31:51
@nightmare,i've been spending about 13hrs in school(8am to 9pm) for the past 2 months.and yea,that sucked,ALOT.i missed alot of tv shows T.T
anyways,why do you need to stay in school for that long?

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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-02-28 06:47:54
Mom doesn't like anime at all, she says all anime is nothing but hyperness,
senseless killing, and rediculous spiked hair..... duh....

Sadly, I'm lucky to to get gundam in the house, she doesn't know about
Naruto cus I have direct tv in my room now. I'll be rakin in dough soon
enough, I'll just go to Best Buy and by all the anime stuff I want :P

The Paper

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-28 11:46:00

I am not gana die that easy now.


I plan to visit about everyone here.


And everyone,

Be happy with what you have.

for some that would be heaven.

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-28 18:00:44
Sero, you knoked off 20 minutes, that'll be made up when you in PA though, I swear PennDOT has serious logistics problems. They fix one road and three weeks later they close it on a section they just repaired because of a pavment defect. Don't get me started on I-99, google it and you'll understand.

Jomunga, Read or Die starring Yomiko Reaman as: "The Paper," that one. Possibly the best anime I've seen in a while, I need to get the TV version though. I have two of the soundtracs, which reminds me I need to put those on my computer soon.

Nighmare, juging by the breifness of your post, I'm going to guess your day hasn't gotten better since you got home. Also seeing as how you posted in the morning I'm guessing a rough night.

Critic, if you want to convince your mother otherwise have her sit down and watch something like Azumanga Daioh, or something of that nature. Of course then she might think all anime is about little girls with hyperness, but it's funny that way. If that doesn't work talk about the shows she watches, especially if she watches something like Lost or Desperate Housewives. You can draw similarities between all of them, and if that fails then you have a set-minded mother(the worst kind).

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-28 18:12:56 (edited 2006-02-28 18:13:38)
ugh....self-set mothers.....never changing thier MINDS!

I can't pay M-rated games,and I go to my friend's house and play them anyway. Worst part is,she KNOWS about it,and still won't let me play.

But I suppose it could be worse,she could just restrict me from going to his house.

I can't watch R-rated movies either,although I hear the F word a thuosands times a day,and in movies in class....

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2006-02-28 18:21:10
no, my day sucked...its 9 and i still have alot of homework....
an old friend started taling to me on AIM again, but she just wants to be friends...i guess i should get used to that line. its not really her fault and with my parents it wouldnt have worked anyway...

i had to stay a long time because of norman school +ACT class + collage night for parents (which my dad wanted me to go to)

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-28 18:36:52

its not the end of the world when they say that.

I would rather be friends than never see them again.

That is what I think anyway.

Well guess what....I too have a *bleep* load of homework especially ina couple classes.

missed school bit too much....^_^;

I hope to have it all done next week....too much stuff to do...

And my mom is a set-minded mom I woild say....

that is why I need to leave. I have to get is time.

Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-02-28 18:52:35
Kotuso, I'm glad your parents are responsible enough to know what thier kid is doing. Don't knock the not being able to play or watch mature content, it's because of kids that do play those games that give the indistry all the complaints. Those games are NOT intended for people under the reccomended age to play or view. I don't want to pull out my 8th grade report on it, mainly because I don't have it... but anyway you really shouldn't play those game until you are a responsible adult, I know that you're going to say how mature you are, but really do you think you represent the majority of the US's population much less the world. It's good that your parents follow the guidelines set by the ESRB and MPAA, they didn't form those groups so that kids could walk in and buy/watch a movie/game intended for an adult audience, just so that kid can blame the game/movie for his bad behavior and thusly have the companies sued for what they made. It's like sueing the copany that made a parachute because you forgot to put it on when you jumped out of a plane. Iy makes no sense to jump out of a plane without a parchute much less to sue the parachute company, the same is true of video games and movies. If you're not responsible enough to take in consideration of following instruction(getting your parachute) before playing(jumping) then you have no business even playing the game(sky diving).

Nightmare, well the best part of life is no matter how bad things get they could alwas get worse. Your AIM friend could've just blown you off or worse, but she didn't. In this case you may want to put all the bad eggs in one basket, there's no use in crying over spilled milk, so just throw it over your right sholder, and take it in stride.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kotuso on 2006-02-28 19:21:13 (edited 2006-02-28 19:32:39)
I'm more talking about the M-rated games with b lood and gore. I wouldn't play M-rated games with cexual content.(caus the're embarrasing)

My question is,lets say I get cut,I guess I can't take care of my wound because it is M-rated for b lood.(lol)
I know that sounds stupid,but in games its animated gore,if someone seriously thinks that they can kill someone because they got Sk1llz in a game,they don't mean it. They would probably faint at the sight of exposed organs.

Honestly though,i'm not gonna go around killin folks because I saw it in a game. Plus I don't believe in Justification,if you kill someone,YOU did it,not becuase something or someone made you do it.

Enough ranting for today...

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2006-02-28 19:58:24
yea., i guess...i think its just that every time that happenes...which isnt that often that a girl talks to me, even if it is over the internt, i keep loosing hope...

and about the games...its like blaming columbine on Doom 2...(i would oogle at exposed organs...but then again, goths are a bit different than norman people...heh

HAVE YOU SEEN BLACK!?!?!? that game si going to be so sweet...and gor psp owners, Bounty Houds is going to ROCK!!!

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-02-28 20:05:17 (edited 2006-02-28 20:19:52)

Never lose hope! There is someone for you....just gata keep looking ^_~

And if girls dont talk to you...then talk to them??

I probably shouldnt say dont usually just go up and talk to people....ESPECIALLY

However it is a bit weird though....I have alot of friends that are girls...O_o

like on gendou here....all my MSN people I have....more than half are girls....O_o

However only one girl is closest to my heart....

I hate this whole cooling off thing >_<

Built up love is worse than built up hate.....TRUST ME.

oh and I have a little pick about this whole video game violence funny...

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Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-28 21:24:41
video game violence?what about it?if kids can see shows about bugs bunny blowing daffy duck up to pieces,what's so bad about those kinds of games?

@sero,$10 to make his game?that sounded cheap...

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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-01 00:28:20
To much school is bad for your health, Dr. Jomunga perscribes more ditching and homework-notdoing.

I shut my parents up with a Miyazaki movie.

I would say depends on the video game, I think stuff like doom is fine but not grand theft auto. Slaying demons is fine, but not innocent bystanders. It's not a matter of gore too me. I wouldn't let my kids play gta.

Nightmare, go take a vacation near Dninja. I remember him saying that half his school was goth. Visit him and get a girlfriend while your at it. That is once you can get out of the house.

Dninja, make some Goth friends so you can introduce them to Nightmare when he comes.

I found my usp adapter for my digital camera, I can post pics I took now. Here are two of my cats.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-03-01 00:33:17
@jomunga,neko-chu!!O.o i want that black cat^^ i've always liked black and white cats
i just ditched school today btw^^

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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Kuro~Tenshi on 2006-03-01 04:33:58
my first post here i think......anyways im suppose to be the next craziest guy right before sero lolx anyways i dunnoe im just saying up stuff in my just so damn random and always so depressi can be crazy when i want to or real depress when i want to...lolx and now i'm depress all thnx to sch im gonna skipp it one day one of these days they shal be burnt down by me

Every put thier hands up in the air and says "School sux!"now do it over and over again....lolx *sings*red liquid(blood) is flowing is flowing is flowings red liquid is flowing is flowings nowwwwwwwwww*sings*...

Sharpen blade in my arms.

Blood flowing like air

Tears stinging my eyes.

Blood flowing infinitely.

Living is all i fear...

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-03-01 06:23:38
Do you really want to know what she watches...

Lifetime movies, and watching them gets her really po'd cus she's a
flaming feminist, and when I mean flaming, I mean dancing flames of
hell FLAMING. She watches movies like Hildalgo, Seabiscuit, Zorro.
Other than that, she watches Fox News.

I tried to show her gundam, she let me have it cus she realized how much
I like anime. She's seen comercials for the Myazaki show, and I've never
heard of that other series. The only thing she didn't say a negative
thing about was that IGPX, but she didn't say anything positive either.
Yeah, I got it bad... as far as anime goes...

The Paper

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