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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-15 06:13:58 (edited 2006-06-15 06:16:30)
hmmm, about soul link. i think the story is quite good^^
i've already watched untill eps 10. well its only got 12 eps^^ not that much to widen the plot.

good theme songs and many cute characters^^
also got some romantic scence << my fav^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-15 07:16:57 (edited 2006-06-15 09:42:09)
Huh? 12 episode? still 2 more to go...I though there r more..How they gonna ending the story..I hope this don't screwed up the story just to finish the series..(which you prefer? yesy or your mom subs..if me , I choose yesy because the graphic is better..mostly on first and second episode..)

at last, school rumble 4 evaaa!!! damn it I waited for so looong...not to mention your mother subs(joke sub)..and almost 2 week...really i'm getting addict to this anime...

again i'm gonna list this new anime.. If you guys had more interesting anime than this list(i mean new release) please let me know:-

Kiba(1-11...)=getting better
The third aoi no shoujo(1-4..[ayu])= damn it, very long to wait
ouran host club(1-10...)=funny hahaha
higurashi no naku koro ni(1-9..)= freakin chill
melancholy of haruhi suzumya(1-11...)=funny hahaha
soul link(1-10...)=miscellaneous

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-15 09:22:56 (edited 2006-06-15 10:02:30)
errr. hmmm, did i wrote soul link only got 12 eps?
eto... i forgot where did i get that information >< maybe in my dreams. haha
after i surf the net, they dun mention anything about soul link only got 12 eps.
that made me a bit confuse, where did i get that information b4 ><
i choose yesy. it got better pic quality than your-mom but they release an eps very late ><

yep^^ new school rumble after 2 weeks waiting^^ eri i miss you. haha

anyone know this anime "Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures" or "Dual"
it seems that i know this anime b4 but i forgot. i feel like i already watch it on TV >< forgot what channel

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-15 22:29:46
is school rumble really good??
i havent watch it yet
i got lots of anime in my list...
but tergendala coz gankutsuou
b4 diz download from anime-kraze tp ad prob ngan torrent ep 9-16
download 2 times and i still cant watch it
now i download from kickassanime and it's too slow +-30hours already past and yet only 75.2% completed
terasa cm dah fedup nak tunngu
but still want to know the ending

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-15 23:41:09 (edited 2006-06-16 00:10:34)
"Tak tau la nak cakap camner..anime yang paling kelakar setakat ini..dulu aku ingat anime fighting, sebab title School Rumble"-Arcshiki�

what is good about school rumble:-
1)Harima kenji, a deliquent,idiot, strong, stupid, honest and baka...The main character that fall in love with Tsukomoto Tenma who also stupid who love karasuma who love curry(yeah.. I mean Lauk kari)..
2)Its all about misunderstanding, love and the ultimate stupidity ever..
3)Their seiyuu is absolute superb with character personality terutamanya harima..
4)sape -sape suka tengok slamdunk,G.T.O, Azumanga Daioh mesti suka gile tengok anime nih..
5) Some time touching and feeling and jiwang...

antara scene -scene yg pecah perut:-
1)harima vs karasuma ala ala dragonball..
3)sport festival day..
4)lumba-lumba basikal(x pasal pasal ade Initial D)

tapi skang ni dah masuk seasond rumble ni gakki(semester/term 2)..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-06-16 01:42:23
YES!!!!i agree,this is what i think about school rumble as well,lolz~

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-16 05:58:23
i think i'll put it in my list
hope to get really good laugh

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-16 07:09:56
school rumble is in my third venture wth romantic comedy anime ^_^ if only all d anime are available wth jz a blink of an eye...

question: does anyone here watch blood+??have anyone watched ep 33-35 already??bcoz all that i got is up to's been like 3 weeks wthout any subbed!!

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-16 07:24:26 (edited 2006-06-17 08:23:09)
hav you read star vol 47?
one of the article talked about blood+.
anyway let me type it for ya^^

Perang Anime
"Stesen Shizouka Brodcasting System (SBS) telah menghentikan penyiaran siri anime "Blood+" terbitan Production I.G pada 27 Mei lalu. Punca sebenar masalah tidak diketahui tetapi para pemerhati menyebut tentang pergeseran antara pemegang hak penyiaran anime tersebut, Minaichi Brodcasting & pemegang saham terbesar SBS, akhbar Shizouka Shimbun. Pergeseran dikatakan bermula setelah akhbar tersebut mengritik program "Tsushi 6 Anime", sebuah blok program yang memaparkan beberapa siri anime Januari lalu. Masih tiada komen rasmi daripada kedua-dua belah pihak hingga kini tetapi apa yang jelas ialah SBS akan kehilangan sejumlah besar audiens animenya." - From Star vol 47

dunno if this true or not, cos i can find blood+ untill eps 35 but its raw

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Lulu on 2006-06-17 05:26:26
yea lor,the anime dat dub into BM r vry "sux" coz the sound n the way to talk of character is so ~~boring~~...even a good anime after dub into bm will bcome a boring anime T.T

so i oni watch the anime with original language---->japanese~~

man,they sound so so so n vry vry vry good!!! XD

Where will the wind bring me on my next stop...?

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-17 05:33:34
blood ? still not watch yet..*put on the list* huh?..hentikan penyiaran?*delete* well, i had watch Blood-movies..Is about girl name saya is'nt it?.. maybe I download it later...right now still layan Fate/stay lagi..mmg best giler..anime from type moon really something else..even emiya shirou look like shiki tohno from tsukihime..(^_^)...

and a little commend about gankutsuou...the anime look like 'batu marmar'..thats all...

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-17 06:55:22 (edited 2006-06-17 09:04:19)
yup ur rite arcshiki^^ i support ya 100%

i just dload shingetsutan tsukihime and after watched a few eps of it. wow this anime rox ^^ i love it
haha i just wandering why arcueid cut her hair shot^^ but that makes her so beautifully wicked sick^^

waiting to dload the last eps of fate/stay night. ^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by on 2006-06-17 09:02:31
anyone here downloading from kickassanime??
after more than 30 hours waiting for only 4 episode of gankutsuou 2 complete
and then NO SUBTITLE!!!!
aku bknnyer reti sgt bhs jepun sket2 leh ler
kene main teke2 le ni.....
buang mase je...
3o jam leh dpt complete satu anime lain

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-06-17 09:47:04
really?? why do they have to fight when blood+ is jz entering new arc??!! sadddd...-_-

thanks everyone, though.for the story..

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by Atelier on 2006-06-17 10:30:05 (edited 2006-06-17 10:31:58)
that wierd, kickassanime with no sub?
well maybe that ur bad luck^^
why so long to dload? ... 30 hours ><

i never got raw anime from kickassanime fansub^^

by set-chan

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by b|ul'l'y on 2006-06-17 15:08:39
akuro wrote:
anyone here downloading from kickassanime??
after more than 30 hours waiting for only 4 episode of gankutsuou 2 complete
and then NO SUBTITLE!!!!
aku bknnyer reti sgt bhs jepun sket2 leh ler
kene main teke2 le ni.....
buang mase je...
3o jam leh dpt complete satu anime lain
hmmm,jgn del dulu.aku pun mcm penah kena.
maybe u don't have the appropriate codec for displaying subs,meaning that ur codec pack is not sufficient.try installing other codec packs. cuba pelbagaikan install codec bahagian subs.or try finding single codec subs .gud luck

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by b|ul'l'y on 2006-06-17 16:15:02 to talk about the topic back.xcuse me for intruding

IN MY OPINION,watching local tv animes that were being dubbed is not that bad.somehow i found some sort of enjoyment and satisfaction that not everyone shares.for me it felt natural and feels at ease when watching those animes (happens on animes that were dubbed nicely;fruits basket,naruto,u r under arrest,DBZ). Y? well for once i can focus more on looking at the characters' faces while they're talking rather than spend some time lowering my eyes to the bottom of the screen reading the text.

sure original dubs cannot be beaten easily by other dubs,but i found some rare cases where i think the voice matches the characters more than the original dubs matchings.(e.g fruits basket).

to improve the quality;
if i can say something to the local dubbing company; hire more ppl to voice acts so we can have VARIETY of voices,train them more in voice acting,dubs only the japanese version (initial D ; Bukit Chunming??? what ever happen to bukit AKINA?), and last but not least try spending more time working on an anime episode(don't rush too much,i can tell)


someone, anyone, "here" or anywhere,please build another company for some healthy competition(competition=improves quality)and when u do,contact me cos i would love to try voice acting;but only main roles please..(joking).

Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-18 00:44:56 (edited 2006-06-18 01:08:23)
@ akuro...

definitely about codec...try download the latest codec from k-lite,mastroka and xvid...aku pernah kena tapi lagi teruk..subtitle ade, suara ade gambar plak takde...tapi takde la tunggu download sampei 30 jam..sedih nya aku dengar....dan jangan ko delete plak....nak kena download lagi 30 jam...x sanggup..(>_<)


basicly for my theory, the first anime you watch will be the best because you get used to it..example like doraemon and shin chan..if you look back at original dubb(japan) you feel somethin different (tak sesuai) because you use to hear the dubbed version.. same goes if you watch japan naruto seiyuu first and than you watch naruto on BM.....(Bagi aku la mmg ntah hape hape). oh and about lowerin your eye reading subtitle..are you even taking time to read? I mean its only take about 0.002 for me to get one word...some of them i already know,dah banyak giler tengok anime...banyak perkataan yang sama macam daijobu-relax/jgn risau, hayaku- cepat, chotto-tunggu, baka-pandai sgt..and that make anime more phun.. don't you agree?

edit: ade lagi..kalu org jepun cakap ittadakimaaaasu takkan kita nak sebut Mari kita makaaaan? well ,the culture itself different..(about 80% anime series has this kind of word)

about the quality, like i said earlier our country still green and mada mada deshine(huh? amende tu..)..wait till 10 or 20 years when we getting old enough than I think there will be more seiyuu company..(because seiyuu from doraemon company pun dah tua tua)

ha.. anyone who are rich enough and want to build seiyuu company plz invite me too...hahaha...

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by AnimeFan on 2006-06-18 00:53:25
wait 40 years then there might be someone build seiyuu conpany ^^

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Re: hey! any Malaysian luv anime?
Link | by b|ul'l'y on 2006-06-18 04:16:45 (edited 2006-06-18 04:22:05)
not bad are your jap,try "naka-naka no otemaidesu!"hehe (no offense here). Hmm yeah u could be right(about 1st impression is the best),but i can also say that the same goes for the other way around (haha gotcha),u know wut i mean right? jap 1st, bm later,thinks bm sux... hmm btw have u tried watching both versions of fruits basket? i still think the bm version is better in which the voices used were more matching thus enjoyable (i think the bm voice of tohru honda made her more cute >_<. well i kinda watch a few bm episodes, then try the jap version.when watching the bm, i enjoyed it nonetheless,of course the translations was not very sufficient,i mean they don't do the written ones bleh~. bottomline is i'm trying to say that when i'm watching bm animes i found a different type of enjoyment that i think could not be found by watching ori dubs.(this may change once i mastered jap language 100% tho)and that would be like 100 years???haiii...ganbaremas~

about the eye thingy,yeah someone can pickup those frequently used;short words,but what about some long sentences that was said in a burst??? have u seen it? i know i have, sometimes missed it and have to rewind...duh~ it's disrupts the flow.and btw,i dunno about anyone else but i'm soo used to reading subs that i would read anything that appears automatically...heheh doesn't anyone also?.

hmm,our country is green...well i think there's a few things need to be said here why is it so.most ppl in our society think anime lightly (kiddies) and badly (bcos of fanservice and brutalities and also religious facts),so they imported only suitable animes for our culture to gaze upon,this hinders the development in acknowledging anime more.well it's fine with me on how things are right now,sometimes rushing things is not good,and it is for the better of our society, right?as long as they don't block me from acquiring fansubs :).

ittadakimasu = mari makannnn,ok apa...xpun baca bismil... mana lg ok?:) rasanya ni xla penting sgt pun,lagipun kalo kita nak makan depan org pun kdg2 kita ajak2 ayam gak kan?.hehe.

as i said earlier, wut our country need is alot more effort to put in dubbing an anime.also more time to spend dubbing,i mean only one company to dub a number of animes in one time?they'll just rushing things and the results will not be good enough.that's why i said we need more companies.btw,our seiyuus old?,xde mslh as seiyuus,as long they've got good and appropriate voices,talent and experiences that what's counts(a lot more jap seiyuus out there who i think can be called old enough also what)

wow i said too much i think,lastly anyone making dubbing studious contact me 1st b4 arcshiki..hehe(joking)

to crusader: hmm how can u tell,don't tell me you are the ONE?hehe.

p/s:"wait till 10 or 20 years when we getting old enough"by the way,how old are u?(no offense) pm/mail me if u want to tell.;P

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