Greetings water-sucking bipedal life-form! I am Khazirth, 2nd grade school teacher from the planet Zarbogth. My favorite subject to teach is mathematics. Gendou has taught me about your Earth arithmetic. It makes my Yazelbons happy! You see, on Zarbogth, we count not with our toes and fingers, like you humans. We count with our teeth, which we call Yazelbons. Healthy non-inbred Zarbogth babies are born with 7 Yazelbons for devouring their playmates. This is why our number system is in base 7, which will probably make you regret those useless pinky and ring fingers you have (assuming you aren't in-bread). In order to interface with your primitive computer system, I have come up with a set of symbols to denote numbers and operations.

I = 0 because it is a flat gum-line of an old fogie.
P = 1 because it looks like a cute little baby Yazelbons.
B = 2 cute little Yazelbons.
E = 3 Yazelbons in a row.
X = 4 Yazelbons gnashing together.
H = 5 Yazelbons.
* = 6 Yazelbons.
Equality is represented by a diamond shape
P ♦ P

Addition is represented by the up arrow symbol
P ↑ P ♦ B

Subtraction is represented by the down arrow symbol
P ↓ P ♦ I

Multiplication is represented by an L, 2 lines forming a plane.
I L * ♦ I

Division is represented by a V symbol, the point of a knife.
* V B ♦ E
B ↑ B ♦

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