Lyrics for Magnolia from Hellsing Ultimate by Suilen (Ending #6)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Come to me... "miss sleepless",
In the swampland... I seek you
And on the sea, I steer you...
Plenty of avoidance.

She is my lucky girl from outta my dream
And always smartest don't you realize
Lightly... you tread the way with whipped cream
It's always hardest before I tantalize.

Come to me "miss sleeveless",
In the morass... I squeeze you
And on the street, I smell you...
There is no place to hide.

Sorry, cony... I locked my door
I gave you words, so drink it some more

Sorry, cony... I locked my door
I gave you words, so drink it some more

Now I'm everywhere
Now I am nowhere
And no more disorderly (so please...)

I don't need your blood
Of magnolia
All I want to be in your love

Now I'm everywhere
Now I am nowhere
And all is in this symphony

I don't need your blood
My dearly beloved
All I want to be in your arms... (love)

She is my lucky girl out of my dream
Sorry, cony... I locked my door
I gave your words, so drink it some more
It's always darkest before the dawn

She is my lucky girl out of my dream
Sorry, cony... I locked my door...

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