Il giudizio finale sta per essere emesso
(The final judgment is about to be given)
Nessuno può emendarsi dal peccato che scorre nelle vene
(No one can escape from the sin flowing in their veins)
To the tune of the sea’s roars, the dark clouds gather in the sky
The wind that summons storms is up high
In riddle-like words, the witches chuckle
The twisted night’s banquet repeats itself
Sperare è peccato?
(Is hope a sin?)
The golden butterflies fell into Hell
How many sins will they wet their wings in?
Please don’t cry
Destroying the imprisoned illusion
I’ll give you an one-time only finale
The promise that could not be kept is burnt deep into my chest
And explodes in red, in red, hey
Tu sei senza peccato?
(Are you without sins?)
Quanto sarà pesante il mio castigo?
(How heavy will my punishment be?)