Lyrics for Back On My Feet from Xam'd: Lost Memories by Boom Boom Satellites (Opening #2)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Blinking tears
It's burning me down
i guess you could if you wanted
I know you know more
And you don't even need to know who I am
How to keep it alive to make it
It's on your back

You have a gift to the world
Do something I never would
cos your girl
gonna give you the guns in my head

You want me to be like you
I got my face in my hands
cos you're girl
gonna give you the guns in my head
give you the guns in my head

Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again

Going nowhere
I don't know how to tune my brain
I give
I give you all that you want

Ready to blast
All over the world
I guess it all depends on what you wanna do
It was everything you wanted right
Everything you ever wanted in this perfect world

We're just another figure
Forever what does it mean
Cos you're girl
You're bringing me down on my knees
You bite the hand that feeds you
So let it go let it be
Cos you're girl
You're bringing me down on my knees
Bringing me down on my knees

Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
Blow me away
Cause I can't seem to hear myself
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
I'm back
I'm back on my feet again
I give
I give you all that you want
I give
I give you all that you want
Does anyone have the jacket scan for this song? We need that to make sure our lyrics here is correct.

-- by shin at 2009-07-08 16:56:35

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