Lyrics for Sky from Casshern Sins by Nami Miyahara (Episode 8 Insert)

I wanna be a star!
I wanna be a star!
That never stop,
Oh shining down on you

I wanna be a moon!
I wanna be a moon!
Like a gentle wind,
Oh softly touch your face

(Feel my breath when you close your eyes at night
It's alright you were not the only one
I will be the waves carrying your board)
I'll find your day

What do you want to be,
if there is a choice?
Do you have a dream,
that make you feel alive?

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
I wanna be a star!
I wanna be a star!
That never stop,
Oh shining down on you

I wanna be a moon!
I wanna be a moon!
Like a gentle wind,
Oh softly touch your face

(Feel my breath when you close your eyes at night
It's alright you were not the only one
I will be the waves carrying your board)
I'll find your day

What do you want to be,
if there is a choice?
Do you have a dream,
that make you feel alive?

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