Lyrics for Remedy from Kurogane no Linebarrels by Maaya Sakamoto (Ending #2)

oka no ue kara mi watashi tara  natsukashikute nakisou ni natta
wasuretakatta omoide ga kirameite

kawari hajimete iru
mada kowai kedo  mi ma motte ite

kono saki zutto zutto kakaeteku kienai kizu ga kokoro ni aru
chanto sawatte  waratte mukiaeru toki ga  itsuka kimasu you ni

ookina koe de sakendemitara kata ga sukoshi karukunatta
kirei na mizu ga shimikondekuru mitai

yarinaosenai koto kuyanderu no wa mou yameyou kana

jikan wa zutto zutto tsuzuiteku subete tsutsunde nagareteiku
shizuka ni sotto sotto toozakaru kako ni koko de te o furu no

daisuki na hito ya kokochi ii basho ga itsushika konna ni fuete
futsuu no mainichi mamotteku koto
sore ga ima no yume

watashi o motto motto shinjitai dekiru koto wa takusan aru
hadashi de tatte utatte taiyou no shita de yureru hana no you ni
hadashi ni natte

watashi o motto motto shinjite agetai
itsuka hana no you ni

mirai no watashi ni inotte agetai kitto shiawase ni nareru you ni
丘の上から見渡してたら 懐かしくて泣きそうになった

まだ怖いけど 見守っていて

この先ずっと、ずっと抱えてく 消えない傷が心にある
ちゃんと触って 笑って向き合えるときが いつか来ますように

大きな声で叫んでみたら 肩が少し軽くなった
きれいな水が 染み込んでくるみたい

やりなおせないこと悔やんでるのは もうやめようかな

時間はずっと、ずっと続いてく すべて包んで流れていく
静かにそっと、そっと遠ざかる過去に ここで手を振るの

だいすきな人や 心地いい場所が いつしかこんなに増えて
ふつうの毎日 守ってくこと

私をもっと、もっと信じたい できることはたくさんある
裸足で立って 歌って 太陽の下で揺れる花のように

いつか 花のように

未来の私に祈ってあげたい きっとしあわせになれるように

When I looked out from atop a hill, I felt a pang of longing like I was about to cry.
Forgotten memories were glittering.

It’s starting to change.
It’s still scary, but I’m being watched over.

I’ll carry forever and ever in my heart the non-fading wounds from before
So that the time when we face each other, touching and smiling properly, will someday come.

When I tried shouting loudly, it kind of took a weight off my shoulders
Like clear water was soaking into me.

Maybe I should stop feeling bad about what I can’t do over, already.

Time will go on forever and ever, engulfing and flowing over everything.
I’ll wave from here at the past that’s softly, softly going quietly far off.

People I love, and favorite places – before I knew it, they’d increased this much.
Continuing to protect every normal day.
That is my dream now.

I want to believe in myself more and more – there are lots of things I can do.
Standing up and singing barefoot, like a flower swaying under the sun.
Going barefoot.

I’ll believe in myself more and more, for you.
Someday, like a flower

I want to pray to my future self – may I be unquestionably happy.

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