Lyrics for Shut Up And Explode from Xam'd: Lost Memories by Boom Boom Satellites (Opening #1)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Downfall and it all falls down
I fall from grace I got your taste
Turn off your mind, unwind
and see how high the cloudy sky

Run away
Run away
Leave your lemon drop
Soak it up
Soak it up
Won't you crush on me
Run away
Run away
Leave your lemon drop
Soak it up
Soak it up
Won't you crush on me

Running free
Running free
Driving me insane
Shut it down
Shut it down
It's about to explode

Run away
Run away
Run away
Run away
Run away
Run away
Run away
Run away

I think I'm raw so I draw
Just press that button It's all so good
Now my heart bursts like a bottle of wine
You lose, you bite your lip

Let it down
Let it down
Keep it in your heart
Bring it up
Bring it up
Savor my world
Let it down Let it down
Keep it in your heart
Bring it up
Bring it up
Savor my world
Let it out
Let it out
I make it burn
Bottle up
Bottle up
Count it all joy

Let it down
Let it down
Let it down
Let it down
Let it down
Let it down
Let it down
Let it down

i think it may indeed be 'Leave you in the dust', but it's kinda hard to tell for sure.

-- by beitrix at 2010-09-27 18:58:14

Isn't it 'Leave you in the dust' Not 'Leave your lemon drop'?

-- by soundhyp at 2009-07-12 13:48:36

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