Lyrics for Underground from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann by High Voltage (Ending #1)

Hikari wo motome te kage wa Tawai nai jooku wo shaberu
Kiki tai no wa Sonna koto ja nai

Taiyou motome te kage wa Tamashii no nuke ta koe kara
Kyuu ni surudoi Kuchou ni kawaru
Sono oto ga machi no naka ni Kodama shi te hibiki nagara
Kemono no you na koe de Sakebi tsuzuke ta

Kidou wo kae ta tsumori wa nai
Zankyou wa gira tsuiteru ga
Kussetsu shi te hanare te iku
Koko no sekai wa itsumo kou da

Soto no sekai ni wa Hikari wa aru ru no ka

Shaberi tsukare ta gitaa wa Ore ni aiso wo tsukashi te
Damarikon de Kabe ni tokeru

Gira tsui ta zankyou dake ga Kagami no heya no naka ni
Nokotte iru Nokotte iru

Kidou wo kaeta tsumori ha nai
Gitaa no koe wa ore ni
Nando mo katarikakete ita
Soto no sekai wa itsumo kou da

Kidou wo kaete mitakute
Zankyou wo kabe ni nageru
Hanekaeri ore no moto he
Soto no sekai wa itsumo kou da

光を求めて影は 他愛ないジョークを 喋る
聴きたいのは そんな事じゃない

太陽求めて影は 魂の抜けた 声から
急に鋭い 口調に変わる
その音が街の中に こだまして 響きながら
獣のような声で 叫び続けた

残響は ギラついてるが
屈折して 離れていく
ここの世界は いつもこうだ

外の世界には 光は或るのか

喋り疲れたギターは 俺に愛想を 尽かして
黙り込んで 壁に溶ける

ギラついた残響だけが 鏡の部屋の中に
残っている 残っている

ギターの声は 俺に
何度も 語りかけていた
外の世界は いつもこうだ

残響を 壁に投げる
跳ね返り 俺の元へ
外の世界は いつもこうだ

'Cuz they seek light, the shadows chatter out grade-school jokes
I don't want to listen to that crap

'Cuz they seek the sun, the shadows suddenly change from
The soul's missing voice to a sharp tone of voice
While that sound echoed and bounced in the middle of town,
I kept on screaming in a beastly voice

No way I'm going to change my course
The reverb's dazzling, but
It refracts and comes apart
The world right here is always like this

Is there light in the world outside?

The guitar, tired of chattering, gives up on being civil with me
And sinks into silence and melts into the wall

A dazzling reverb inside a house of mirrors
Is the only thing left, the only thing left

No way I'm going to change my course
The voice of the guitar
Has often made speeches at me
The outside world is always like this

I wanna try changing my course
And throw the reverb into a wall
Rebound back to me
The outside world is always like this

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