Lyrics for My Destiny from Angel Heart by Kanon (Ending #3)

Say goodbye
hitorikiri nakitsukareta yorutachi ni
Say Hello
atatakana hizashi ni tokete iku My Heart

anata no koto o tsuyoku omou kimochi ga
ashita e to tsuzuku chikara e to kawatte iku

You’re My Destiny
anata e no omoi ga hoho o tsutau namida to natte
afurete iku kotoba ni narazu ni

Say my name
aki no sora ni nagareru hoshi ni negai o komete
Say your name
sono namae ga omoide ni kawaranu you ni

donna ni chikaku ni anata o kanjite te mo
naze ni konna ni mo setsunasa tsunotteku no deshou

You’re My Destiny
umarekawaru toki mo anata no koto mitsukedasu kara
wasurenaide aishiatta koto o

aa ima ijou kore ijou
anata o aishitara
kono kokoro wa kowarete shimau
Is this Destiny

You’re My Destiny
anata e no omoi ga hoho o tsutau namida to natte
afurete iku kotoba ni narazu ni
Cause I believe I’ve found my Destiny

Say goodbye
一人きり 泣き疲れた夜たちに
Say Hello
暖かな日差しに溶けてく My Heart

あなたのことを 強く想う気持ちが

You’re My Destiny
あなたへの想いが 頬をつたう涙となって
溢れていく 言葉にならずに

Say my name
Say your name

どんなに近くに あなたを感じてても
何故にこんなにも 切なさ募ってくのでしょう?

You’re My Destiny
生まれ変わる時も あなたの事 見つけ出すから
忘れないで 愛し合ったことを

ああ 今以上 これ以上
Is this Destiny...?

You’re My Destiny
あなたへの想いが 頬をつたう涙となって
溢れていく 言葉にならずに
Cause I believe I’ve found my Destiny

Say goodbye
to those nights where I got tired from crying alone
Say Hello
My Heart begins to melt in the warm sunlight

this feeling that thinks of you strongly
changes into the strength leading to tomorrow

You’re My Destiny
the feeling for you trace down my cheeks as tears
and it overflows, unable to convey it into words

Say my name
putting my wish on the star shooting across the autumn sky
Say your name
so that that name doesn’t turn into a mere memory

no matter how close I feel you are
why does this loneliness just increase?

You’re My Destiny
I’ll find you even when I’m reborn so
please don’t forget that we loved each other

ah if I loved you
more than now, more than this
this heart of mine will break...
Is this Destiny...?

You’re My Destiny
the feeling for you trace down my cheeks as tears
and it overflows, unable to convey it into words
Cause I believe I’ve found my Destiny

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