Lyrics for Koigokoro from Tantei Gakuen Q by Akane Sugazaki (Ending #1)

Tooku made tsuzuiteru
Kumo no nagare o nagamete wa
Kimi no mae de nakenakute
Kuchibue o fuiteru

Itsu made mo soba ni ite to
Hitokoto ga ienakute

Afureteku koigokoro yo
Setsunai omoi wa
Kizukarenu you ni
Chuu ni kieyou to shite
Soshite mata
Hotto suru you na
Seiippai no egao de
Kimi o miokuru yo

Sorezore no kore kara wa
Donna fuu ni natte yuku no kana
Sonna koto o kangaete
Yuugure o matteru

Itsuka mata kitto aeru to
Shinjite mitai keredo

Furueteru koigokoro yo
Kanashiki wakare wa
Hajimari no hi kara
Touni chikazuite ita
Kimi to koko ni ireru koto ga
Wakariau koto ga
Kowakatta yo

Dare ni mo hanasenai
Konna himitsu o
Kokoro no oku ni kakushita mama
Sodatete ikitakute

Koigokoro yo kanawanu omoi yo
Umarete hajimete
Kou mo hito o suki ni nari
Kimi ga mada zutto iru you na
Maboroshi o ima mo
Mune ni kanjite iru yo

Koigokoro yo
Akaku naru sora yo
Yagate kumo wa kire
Yuuyami ni tsutsumare
Asu wa mata
Yatte kuru kedo
Kimi ga inai machi wa
Sukoshi hirosugiru yo
Mou ichido AITAI
遠くまで続いてる 雲の流れをながめては
君の前で泣けなくて 口笛を吹いてる

「いつまでもそばにいて」と ひとことが言えなくて

あふれてく恋ごころよ せつない想いは
気づかれぬように 宙に消えようとして
そしてまた ホッとするような せいいっぱいの笑顔で
さよなら アリガトウ

それぞれのこれからは どんなふうになっていくのかな?
そんなことを考えて 夕暮れを待ってる

いつかまたきっと会えると 信じてみたいけれど

ふるえてる恋ごころよ 悲しき別れは
始まりの日から とうに近づいていた
君とここにいれることが わかりあうことが
うれしくて こわかったよ

誰にも話せない こんな秘密を
心の奥に隠したまま 育てていきたくて

恋ごころよ かなわぬ想いよ
生まれて初めて こうもひとを好きになり
君がまだずっといるような まぼろしを今も

恋ごころよ 朱(あか)くなる空よ
やがて雲は切れ 夕闇につつまれ
君がいない町は 少し広すぎるよ

Gazing at the passing of the clouds
That continues on far into the distance
I whistle
Not able to cry in front of you

I can't say the words
"Stay with me forever"

Oh, my overflowing love
I try to make my sad feelings
Disappear into the sky
So that they'll go unnoticed
And I
See you off
With my best smile
That seems to make you feel relieved
Goodbye, and thank you

I wonder
What our respective futures will be like?
I think about those sorts of things
As I'm waiting for the twilight

I want to believe
That we'll meet again one day, but ...

Oh, my trembling love
A sad goodbye was
Already close at hand
From the day that we met
Me being able to be here with you
And us understanding each other
Has made me happy
And scared me

I can't tell
This kind of a secret to anyone
It's shut away in my heart
I want to foster it

Oh, my love, oh, unbearable feelings
This is my first time
Loving a person this much, since I was born
Even now
I feel the illusion in my heart
That you will always be here

Oh, my love
Oh, red sky
At last the clouds part
And are enveloped by the twilight
Will come again, but
A city without you
Is one that's a little vast for me
"I want to see you again"

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