Lyrics for Hohoemi wo Agetai (TV Size) from Princess Princess by Team-F (Ending #1)

Moshimo sabishiku hekonderu nara koe kakete
chikaku ni iku kara nayami hanashite mina yo

hitori de itara warai kata mo wasureru sa
hohoemi wa dare ka to kawasu mono dakara

nee kyoushitsu no mado mieru mirai wa
hizashi abite hirogatte iru yo

Smile at me
egao wa kitto genki ni naru kikkake da yo
sukoshi demo hohoemi wo agetai kimi ga sugu ni
kao wo agete aruki dashiteku sono tame ni
もしも寂しく 凹んでるなら
声かけて 近くに行くから

一人で居たら 笑い方も忘れるさ
微笑は誰かと 交わすものだから
ねぇ教室の窓 見える未来を
陽射し浴びて 広がっているよ

Smile at me笑顔をきっと元気になる
微笑をあげたい 君がすぐに
顔を上げて 歩き出していく
If you're ever lonely,
If you're ever feeling down, just call me
I'll go to your side
Tell me all your worries!

If you're alone
You'll forget how to laugh,
Because a smile is something that
You should exchange with someone

Look, from the classroom windows
The future that you can see
Is spreading out before you
Beneath the rays of the sun

Smile at me
Being happy
Surely starts
With a smile
If only a little
I wish to give you a smile
So that you can
Raise your head high and start walking
For that reason
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