Lyrics for Kirameku Namida wa Hoshi ni (TV Size) from Fate/Stay Night by Sachi Tainaka (Opening #2)

Kirameku namida wa hoshi ni
Kaze ni nori sora wo kazaru
Tsukiakari kumo ni togiretemo
Boku wo terasu

Massugu na reeru ga iyade
Yamikumo ni kakedashita
Akirame wo ketsui ni kaete
Surihetta kakato hokoru
Michi wa tsuzuku nishi e higashi e
Hi wa shizundemo

Kirameku namida wa hoshi ni
Kaze ni nori sora wo kazaru
Tsukiakari kumo ni togiretemo
Boku wo terasu

風に乗り 空を飾る
月明かり 雲に途切れても

真っ直ぐな レールが嫌で
闇雲に 駆け出した
諦めを 決意に変えて
磨り減った 踵誇る
道は続く 西へ東へ

風に乗り 空を飾る
月明かり 雲に途切れても
to the stars my glistening tears went
they ride the winds and adorn the skies
and even if the moonlight is blocked out by clouds
they still shine on me

i detest straight rails
so i recklessly ran out
i changed quitting into resolution
and i pride myself on my worn out heel
the road continues to the east and to the west
even if the sun sets

to the stars my glistening tears went
they ride the winds and adorn the skies
and even if the moonlight is blocked out by clouds
they still shine on me

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