Lyrics for Hanabi (TV Size) from Bleach by Ikimonogakari (Ending #7)

kirameite yurameite aokiyume maihanatsu
hana moe yuku

seijaku ni ochiru sora futahira no yume hanabi
munesaku omoi wo anata ni utauwa koe ga kikoeru

setsuna ni hiraku sore wa HANABI

kirameite yurameite aokiyume maihanatsu
saki hokore haruka takaku
mamoriyuku sono omoi hitasura narihibike
hateru made semete tsuyoku
kono hana moe yuku
煌いて 揺らめいて 蒼き夢 舞い放つ
花 燃えゆく

静寂に 落ちる空 ふたひらの 夢花火
胸策 想いを あなたに 歌うわ 声が 聴こえる?

せつなに ひらく それは HANABI

煌いて 揺らめいて 蒼き夢 舞い放つ
咲き誇れ 遥か 高く
守りゆく その想い ひたすら 鳴り響け
果てるまで せめて 強く
此の花 燃えゆく
Dancing flowers flitter down over a blue sea, sparkling, flaring, burning.....

Heedfully, into the sky,
Petals pour down like fireworks,
The song of love in our hearts echoes in the air.

Fireworks explode, sadness takes over.

Spring, a dazzling display of fluttering flowers over a blue sea beats down,
Let your feelings of love resound! Protect your beloved!
Fight with all you've got until the bitter end.
This flower will keep burning.

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