Lyrics for Regret from King of Fighters Another Day by Dakota Star (Ending #1)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
It's not a "play another game"
cause we were born in ruthless world
who can explain a reason why?
you're thinking that is what deserves
this setting we can justify
who needs the mercy come and try
Don't care how you feel
just don't wanna let you down
I can feel my heart cry!

no way to escape it
no time for set-back
no tears to fall down
no fears can stop me from this fight
and heaven only knows
Am I a fool?
some battles fade and go
but the winner takes it all
'till all is said and done
nobody knows
the winner takes it all

could be...could be...
could be...could be...

No way of standing face to face
that's something we can only learn
another stable future waiting...

From this fight...

From this fight...

no way to escape it
no time for set-back
no tears to fall down
no fears can stop me from this fight
and heaven only knows
Am I a fool?
some battles fade and go
but the winner takes it all
'till all is said and done
nobody knows
the winner takes it all
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