Lyrics for Kutsuzure from Black Cat by Mazda Ryozy (Ending #2)

samui ne to kimi ga chiisana te wo boku no POKETTO ni suberi komase
kogoeta yubi wo sotto atatameteru
tsuyogari na kimi no yokogao ni sukoshi demo kumori ga aru toki ni
egao de kimi no suki na uta utaeru ka na

shiroi iki wa ima hitotsu ni natte yozora ni tokete yuku

nani mo iwanai de ima kono toki ga tsuzuku to ii ne
boku wa tada mitsumeteru negatteru
shizuka ni tsumoru yo konayuki

oroshitate no kuroi BUUTSU no sei de kutsuzure shita migiashi yasumete
yukkuri na kimi no hohaba ni awaseteru

isoganai de futari no RIZUMU de kono mama aruiteku

nani mo iwanai de yagate bokura wa wakariau kara
ima wa tada dakishimete atatamete
subete wo tsutsunde iru kara

shizuka ni tsumoru yo konayuki
寒いねと君が小さな手を 僕のポケットに滑りこませ
強がりな君の横顔に 少しでも曇りがある時に
笑顔で君の好きな歌 歌えるかな

白い息は今ひとつになって 夜空に溶けていく

何も言わないで 今この瞬間(とき)が続くといいね
僕はただ 見つめてる 願ってる
静かに積るよ 粉雪

おろしたての黒いブーツのせいで 靴ずれした右足休めて

急がないで二人のリズムで このまま歩いてく

何も言わないで やがて僕らは分かり合うから
今はただ 抱きしめて 暖めて

静かに積るよ 粉雪
When its' cold and I slip your small hand into my pocket at the last minute.
I warmed the finger that was frozen quietly.
Your face is tough a little, even when there's cloudiness.
The song which you like with a smile, Can you sing?

White breath becomes one, melting into the night sky

Without saying anything, at this moment (time) should continue now
I am merely gazing and hoping
Let the powdered snow fall silently...

Because of your brand new boots, You're resting your blistered right foot, match to a slowly pace,
Don't rush, the two of us will

walk in rhythm. You don't have to say anything cause' eventually

we'll understand each other. As for now,
we're just warming each other up
and embracing everything we have.

Let the powdered snow fall silently...
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