Lyrics for Yoru wo Kakeru from Honey & Clover by Spitz (Episode 15 Insert)

Toganai tsuyogari uso de nuri katameta heya
Nukedashite miageta yozora
Yojireta kanaami o itsumono youni tobikoete
Katai hodou o kakete iku

Mitenai bokura wa hosoi ito de tsunagatte iru
Yoku aru akai yatsu janaku
Ochiatta basho wa ookina ki mo zawameki yande
Futari no kokyuu no oto dake ga shimite iku

Kimi to asobu daremo inai shigaichi
Me to me ga au tabi warau
Yoru o kakete iku ima wa utanai de
Tooku no akari no hou e kakete iku

Kabe no RAKUGAKI itsushika tomatta tokei ga
Eien no jiyuu o ataeru
Korogatta senaka tsumetai KONKURIITO no kanji
Amakute nigai BERO no saki mou ichido

Detarame ni egaita BARAiro no souzou zu
Nishi ni inazuma hikaru
Yoru o kakete iku ima wa utanai de
Horobi no sadame yabutte kakete iku

Kimi to asobu daremo inai shigaichi
Me to me ga au tabi warau
Yoru o kakete iku ima wa utanai de
Tooku no akari no hou e kakete iku
研がない強がり 嘘で塗りかためた部屋 抜け出して見上げた夜空
よじれた金網を いつものように飛び越えて 硬い舗道を駆けていく

似てない僕らは 細い糸でつながっている よくある赤いやつじゃなく
落ち合った場所は 大きな木もざわめき やんで 二人の呼吸の音だけが浸みていく

君と遊ぶ 誰もいない市街地 目と目が合うたび笑う
夜を駆けていく 今は撃たないで
遠くの灯りの方へ 駆けていく

壁のラクガキ いつしか止まった時計が 永遠の自由を与える
転がった背中 冷たいコンクリートの感じ 甘くて苦いベロの先 もう一度

でたらめに描いた バラ色の想像図 西に稲妻 光る
夜を駆けていく 今は撃たないで
滅びの定め破って 駆けていく

君と遊ぶ 誰もいない市街地 目と目が合うたび笑う
夜を駆けていく 今は撃たないで
遠くの灯りの方へ 駆けていく


by Milk Candy
With an unconcious bluff, from the room which is painted with a lie
I sneak away to gaze into the night sky
I jump over the twisted wire mesh as I always do
And hitting the hard pavement, I keep running.

We who are so different are connected by a thin thread
It's not like that strong red string
In the place where the huge trees meet, there's barely a noise
Just the sound of the both of us breathing

As we play together in this empty little town
Our eyes meet and we laugh
Keep running against the night, not fighting it now
Towards that distant light, keep running.

The graffitti on the wall, before anyone knows the clock has stopped
And we're given eternal freedom
Turning my back to the sensation of the cold concrete,
And tasting your sweet and bitter tongue, once again.

At random, you drew a rose-coloured portrait from your imagination
And the lightning in the west made it glow
Keep running against the night, not fighting it now
Tear away from ruinous decisions, and keep running.

As we play together in this empty little town
Our eyes meet and we laugh
Keep running against the night, not fighting it now
Towards that distant light, keep running.

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