Lyrics for Himitsu Kichi from Eureka 7 by Kozue Takada (Ending #1)

ano koro no chiisana boku ga miageru sora wa hontou ni hirokatta
suki na hito o kono te de mamoreru to omoutteita honki de

doushite seiga nobinai sore ga kuyashikatta

wagamama oomada kawaii to kanjiga ishite itanda zutto
akirameru koto nante omoi ukabanakatta tadamae o muiteta

dekinai koto bakari de hayaku jiyuu ni naritakute

ikura te o nobashitatte todoku hazu no nai ookina ookina sora
demo boku wa nannimo utagau koto mo naku kirei na mirai o shinjiteta
kuyashii koto ga aru to korae kirenakatta ookina ookina namida
demo ano toki no boku no me wa naniyori kagayaiteita to omou

are kara zuibun sei mo nobite yo no naka no koto sukoshi wakatte
issho genmei ga kakko warukute sanmeta furishite aruiteita yo

juuto hanban na boku ni wa nani hitotsu dekinakatta

itsukara ga boku wa kirameku ashita o shinjite de koto sae wasurete
jibun wa mamoru tameni takusan no taisetsuna mono kizutsuketeta
haru ga tooku maue no sora no mukou ni naniga aru ga shiritakute
otonani nattara kanarazu ikundayotte yakusoku shitanda

ikura te o nobashitatte todoku hazu no nai ookina ookina sora
demo boku wa nannimo utagau koto mo naku kirei na mirai o shinjiteta
kuyashii koto ga aru to korae kirenakatta ookina ookina namida
demo ano toki no boku no me wa naniyori kagayaiteita to omou

ano koro no chiisana boku ga miageru sora wa hontou ni hirokatta
suki na hito o kono te de mamoreru to omoutteita honki de
あの頃の小さな僕が見上げる 空はほんとうに広かった
好きな人をこの手で 守れると思っていた 本気で

どうして背が伸びない それが悔しかった

わがままをまだかわいいと勘違いしていたんだ ずっと
あきらめることなんて思い浮かばなかった ただ前を向いてた

できないことばかりで 早く自由になりたくて

いくら手を伸ばしたって 届くはずのない 大きな大きな空
でも僕は何も疑うこともなく キレイな未来を信じてた
悔しいことがあると こらえ切れなかった 大きな大きな涙

あれから随分背も伸びて 世の中のこと少しわかって
一生懸命がカッコ悪くて 冷めたフリして歩いていたよ

中途半端な僕には 何ひとつできなかった

遥か遠く真上の空の向こうに 何があるか知りたくて
「大人になったら必ず行くんだよ。」って 約束したんだ

いくら手を伸ばしたって 届くはずのない 大きな大きな空
でも僕は何も疑うこともなく キレイな未来を信じてた
悔しいことがあると こらえ切れなかった 大きな大きな涙

あの頃の小さな僕が見上げる 空はほんとうに広かった
好きな人をこの手で 守れると思っていた 本気で

Back when I was small, as I looked up at the sky, I realized the sky was really wide.
The person I like, I honestly thought I could protect her with these hands.

“Why won’t I grow taller?” that is was what vexed me…

I mistakenly always thought your cute selfish self was cute…
I never thought of giving up, I just faced forward.

There are so many things I can’t do so I want to become free quickly.

No matter how many times I stretch my hands, I cannot reach the big huge sky.
But I don’t have anything to doubt. I believed in the beautiful future.
There were many frustrating things, I couldn’t bear them, so I shed big huge tears…
But at that time, my eyes shined brighter than anything, I thought.

I have considerably grown since then, I came to understand how to world works…just a bit.
I pretended that doing your best was uncool and just walked away…

But the me that gave up halfway couldn’t do anything at all.

Since when did I forget about believing in a bright tomorrow.
To protect myself, I hurt many important things.
Spring is far, beyond the sky overhead, I want to know what’s there.
"When I become an adult, I’ll definitely go and find out.", I promised

No matter how many times I stretch my hands, I cannot reach the big huge sky.
But I don’t have anything to doubt. I believed in the beautiful future.
There were many frustrating things, I couldn’t bear them, so I shed big huge tears…
But at that time, my eyes shined brighter than anything, I thought.

Back when I was small, as I looked up at the sky, I realized the sky was really wide.
The person I like, with this hands, I honestly thought I could protect her.

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