Lyrics for Iki mo Dekinai from Cooking Master Boy by Zard (Opening #2)

Iki mo dekinai kurai
Nee kimi ni muchuu da yo
Ude no naka ni iru ki ga suru nowa naze

Mimi wo sumaseba
Kikoeru kimi no kodou
Sekai juu de watashi dake ga
Kiite iru oto
Hitori de iru toki mo
Tomodachi ya kazoku to tawainaku
Hanasu wadai mo
Taisetsu na jikan dakedo

Iki mo dekinai kurai
Nee kimi ga suki da yo
Tokidoki kako no kioku ni
Okubyou ni naru kedo
Yuuhi ni yokogao no SHIRUETTO
Zutto soba ni itai
Genkai nante mada tooi
Kono koi wo kanaete kudasai

Koi no soudan wo
Shite iru uchi ni
Ano toki egao ga subete wo
Uke irete kureta
Utagau kokoro mayou kimochi
Kuchi ni dasenai
Kimi kara mita watashi wa
Donna fuu ni mieru no

Dou demo ii koto ki ni suru tokoro
Futari yoku niteru ne
Rikai sarenakutemo
Zettai dakyou shinaide ne
Souzouryoku no naka de sekai wa
Gungun fukurande iku
Dare yori mo ima chikaku ni
Kimi wo kanjiteiru kara

Iki mo dekinai kurai
Nee kimi ni muchuu da yo
Tsuki no terasu JETTO KOOSUTAA ga
Yami wo tsukinukete iku
Ashita no yotei nante
Zembu KYANSERU shite mo ii
Kondo koso wa honmono datte
Kamisama shinjite ii desu ka

KOOTO wo nugu to
Atarashii kisetsu ga ugokidasu

息もできないくらい ねえ 君に夢中だよ
離れてても 腕の中にいる気がするのは何故

耳をすませば 聞こえる君の鼓動

息もできないくらい ねえ 君が好きだよ
夕陽に横顔のシルエット ずっとそばにいたい
限界なんてまだ遠い この恋を叶えてください

あの時 笑顔がすべてを 受け入れてくれた
疑う心 迷う気持ち 口に出せない
君から見た私は どんな風にみえるの

どうでもいいこと気にするところ 二人よく似てるね
理解されなくても 絶対 妥協しないでね
想像力の中で世界は ぐんぐん ふくらんで行く
誰よりも 今近くに 君を感じているから

息もできないくらい ねえ 君に夢中だよ
月の照らす ジェットコースターが 闇をつき抜けていく
明日の予定なんて 全部キャンセルしてもいい
今度こそは本物だって 神様 信じていいですか


I'm so in raptures over you
That I can't even breathe
Even when we're apart
I feel like I'm in your arms

When I listen carefully
I can hear your heart beat
It's a sound that in the whole world
Only I'm hearing
Even though those times when I'm alone
Or those things that I'll talk frankly about
To my friends or family
Are such important times

I'm so in love with you
I can't even breathe
Though I sometimes become timid
When I remember past failures in love
I see the silhouette of your face in the evening sun
And I want to be forever by your side
The limits are still so far
So please fulfill this love

When we were talking
About love
In that moment, your smiling face
Gave me everything
A doubting heart
Can't put confused feelings to words
What do I look like
From where you are?

When we're concerned about anything at all
We match each other so well
Even though you're not understood
Please don't ever compromise
In my mind, the world
Is gradually getting larger
Because I'm with the one
Who I want to be closer to than anyone else

I'm so in raptures over you
That I can't even breathe
The moon shining on the jet-coaster
Pierces through the darkness
It's okay if you cancel
All your plans for tomorrow
This time, it's the real thing
Is it alright if we trust in God?

When you take off your coat
That's when a new season will be set into motion

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