Lyrics for Kimi to Nara from Onmyou Taisenki by Suther Rand (Opening #1)

omoidoori ni naranai koto ga ooi
zenbu nagedashite shimaita kunattemo

kimi no yasashisa ni fureta shunkan ni
donna kurushimi mo kawarai de ikun da

mihatenu yume wo oikakeku kimi to nara ba ikeru sa
ano niji no mukou ni
tokini wa kewashiku nagaku tsurai michi demo futari nara ikeru sa
omoi egaiteru mirai e
nanimo ka mo kagayaku sekai e

hachi wari kurai wa iya na koto bakkari
kyuu ni nakidashite shimaitaku natta no

kata wo otosu kimi muryoku na boku desu ga
toriaezu itsumo kimi no soba ni iru

yukute ni wa hora yokei na kurai ni kagayaku sekai ga
bokura wo machiwabiteru no sa
tokini wa setsunaku kodoku na yoru ga kita to shite mo
futari wa otagai wo omoi tsuzukeru
donna unmei ga bokura wo haban demo

kimi no yasashisa ni fureta shunkan ni donna kurushimi mo yawaraide
konna yorokobi ga bai ni natte

mihatenu yume wo oikakeru kimi to nara ba ikeru sa
ano niji no mukou ni
tokini wa kewashiku nagaku tsurai michi demo futari na ikeru sa
omoi egaiteru mirai e

yukute ni wa hora yokei na kurai ni kagayaku sekai ga
bokura wo machiwabiteru no sa
tokini wa setsunaku kodoku na yoru ga kita to shite mo
futari wa otagai wo omoi tsuzukeru
donna unmei ga bokura wo yukute wo haban demo
全部 投げ出してしまいたくなっても

どんな苦しみも 和らいでいくんだ

見果てぬ夢を追いかける 君とならば行けるさ
時には険しく長く辛い道でも 二人なら行けるさ


肩を落とす君 無力な僕ですが
とりあえずいつも 君の側にいる

行く手には ほら 余計なくらいに輝く世界が
時には切なく 孤独な夜がきたとしても

君の優しさに触れた瞬間に どんな苦しみも和らいで
こんな喜びが 倍になって

見果てぬ夢を追いかける 君とならば行けるさ
時には険しく長く辛い道でも 二人なら行けるさ

行く手には ほら 余計なくらいに輝く世界が
時には切なく 孤独な夜がきたとしても

There are lots of things I can't do at my own pace
Even if I come to want to throw everything away

The moment I was touched by your kindness
Any suffering began to soften

If I'm with you I can go on chasing my unfulfilled dreams
To the other side of that rainbow
At times the path can get steep, and long, and painful but if we're together, I can go on
To the future we imagine
To a world where anything and everything shines

Almost eighty percent of things are nothing but unpleasant
Didn't you suddenly feel like crying?

Even though I'm powerless, if it's for you, whose shoulders have slumped
I'll always be by your side at once

Look, the shining world is waiting impatiently for us
As much as there are things in our way
Even though a painful and lonely night will come occasionally
The two of us will continue thinking of each other
No matter what fate tries to stop us

The moment I was touched by your kindness, any suffering softened
And this joy grew twofold

If I'm with you I can go on chasing my unfulfilled dreams
To the other side of that rainbow
At times the path can get steep, and long, and painful but if we're together, I can go on
To the future we imagine

Look, the shining world is waiting impatiently for us
As much as there are things in our way
Even though a painful and lonely night will come occasionally
The two of us will continue thinking of each other
No matter what fate tries to block our way

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