Lyrics for Crazy for Your Love from Initial D Battle Stage by Morris (Background Music)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Love is feeling love is wanting love.
Is a destiny.
Love is living love is needing.
Love real for you and me babe.

Take away your bad feelings.
And don't even think i'll let you free.
Close your eyes and trust me darling.
Love is just the answer for me.

Crazy for your love crazy yeah oh baby.
Crazy for your love every little kiss you give me.
Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

Crazy for your love crazy yeah oh baby.
Crazy for your love every little kiss you give me.
Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

Love is reaching love is asking love.
Is a way to be.
Love is touch and love is only.
Love that we can make together.

Take away your bad feelings.
And don't even think i'll let you free.
Close your eyes and trust me darling.
Love is just the answer for me.

Crazy for your love crazy yeah oh baby.
Crazy for your love every little kiss you give me.
Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

Crazy for your love crazy yeah oh baby.
Crazy for your love every little kiss you give me.
Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

Love is touch and love is only.

Crazy for your love.

Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

Crazy for your love crazy yeah oh baby.
Crazy for your love every little kiss you give me.
Crazy crazy for what you mean.
Don't give up never stop.
Giving your love to me.

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